[PDF] [PDF] Working out Fourier Transforms Pairs

Fourier Transform of Gaussian Let f(t) be a Gaussian: f(t) = e −π t 2 By the definition of Fourier transform we see that: F(s) = / ∞ −∞ e −πt 2 e −j2πst dt

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[PDF] Working out Fourier Transforms Pairs

Fourier Transform of Gaussian Let f(t) be a Gaussian: f(t) = e −π t 2 By the definition of Fourier transform we see that: F(s) = / ∞ −∞ e −πt 2 e −j2πst dt

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Fourier Transform Pairs

The Fourier transform transforms a function of

time,f(t), into a function of frequency,F(s):

F{f(t)}(s) =F(s) =Z

-¥f(t)e-j2pstdt. tion of frequency,F(s), into a function of time, f(t): F -1{F(s)}(t) =f(t) =Z -¥F(s)ej2pstds. form is the identity transform: f(t) =Z Z¥ -¥f(t)e-j2pstdt? e j2pstds.

Fourier Transform Pairs (contd).

Because the Fourier transform and the inverse

Fourier transform differ only in the sign of the

exponential's argument, the following recipro- cal relation holds betweenf(t)andF(s): f(t)F-→F(s) is equivalent to


This relationship is often written more econom-

ically as follows: f(t)F←→F(s) wheref(t)andF(s)are said to be aFourier transform pair.

Fourier Transform of Gaussian

Letf(t)be a Gaussian:

f(t) =e-pt2.

By the definition of Fourier transform we see


F(s) =Z

-¥e-pt2e-j2pstdt Z -¥e-p(t2+j2st)dt.

Now we can multiply the right hand side by

e -ps2eps2=1:

F(s) =e-ps2Z¥

-¥e-p(t2+j2st)+ps2dt =e-ps2Z¥ -¥e-p(t2+j2st-s2)dt =e-ps2Z¥ -¥e-p(t+js)(t+js)dt =e-ps2Z¥ -¥e-p(t+js)2dt

Fourier Transform of Gaussian (contd.)

F(s) =e-ps2Z¥


After substitutingufort+jsanddufordtwe

see that:

F(s) =e-ps2Z¥

-¥e-pu2du 1.

It follows that the Gaussian is its own Fourier

transform: e -pt2F←→e-ps2.

Fourier Transform of Dirac Delta Function

To compute the Fourier transform of an impulse

we apply the definition of Fourier transform:

F{d(t-t0)}(s) =F(s) =Z

-¥d(t-t0)e-j2pstdt which, by the sifting property of the impulse, is just: e -j2pst0.

It follows that:


Fourier Transform of Harmonic Signal

What is the inverse Fourier transform of an im-

pulse located ats0? Applying the definition of inverse Fourier transform yields: F -1{d(s-s0)}(t)=f(t)=Z -¥d(s-s0)ej2pstds which, by the sifting property of the impulse, is just: e j2ps0t.

It follows that:

e j2ps0tF-→d(s-s0).

Fourier Transform of Sine and Cosine

We can compute the Fourier transforms of the

sine and cosine by exploiting the sifting prop- erty of the impulse:Z¥ -¥f(x)d(x-x0)dx=f(x0). •QuestionWhat is the inverse Fourier trans- form of a pair of impulses spaced symmetri- cally about the origin? F -1{d(s+s0)+d(s-s0)} form: f(t) =Z -¥[d(s+s0)+d(s-s0)]ej2pstds.

Fourier Transform of Sine and Cosine (contd.)

Expanding the above yields the following ex-

pression forf(t):Z¥ -¥d(s+s0)ej2pstds+Z -¥d(s-s0)ej2pstds

Which by the sifting property is just:

f(t) =ej2ps0t+e-j2ps0t =2cos(2ps0t).

Fourier Transform of Sine and Cosine (contd.)

It follows that



A similar argument can be used to show:



Fourier Transform of the Pulse

To compute the Fourier transform of a pulse we

apply the definition of Fourier transform:

F(s) =Z

-¥P(t)e-j2pstdt Z 1 2 1


1 -j2pse-j2pst????1 2 1 2 =1 -j2ps?e-jps-ejps? 1 ps? ejps-e-jps?2j

Using the fact that sin(x) =(ejx-e-jx)

2jwe see


F(s) =sin(ps)


Fourier Transform of the Shah Function

Recall the Fourier series for the Shah function:



=12p¥å w=-¥ejwt.

By the sifting property,

III?t 2p? w=-¥Z -¥d(s-w)ejstds.

Changing the order of the summation and the

integral yields III?t 2p? =Z w=-¥d(s-w)ejstds.

Factoring outejstfrom the summation

III?t 2p? =Z -¥ejst¥å w=-¥d(s-w)ds Z -¥ejstIII(s)ds.

Fourier Transform of the Shah Function

Substituting 2ptfortyields

III(t) =Z

-¥III(s)ej2pstds =F-1{III(s)}(t).

Consequently we see that

