[PDF] [PDF] Communication Skills - STTS Training Pte Ltd

Here are four simple steps to help you increase your vocal clarity: Slow down So many people speak too quickly and almost in a monotone Keep your language simple Don't use big words, thinking you'll impress people Check for understanding Take time to e-nun-ci-ate Listen Repeat Reflect Play to your strengths

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[PDF] Communication Skills - STTS Training Pte Ltd

Here are four simple steps to help you increase your vocal clarity: Slow down So many people speak too quickly and almost in a monotone Keep your language simple Don't use big words, thinking you'll impress people Check for understanding Take time to e-nun-ci-ate Listen Repeat Reflect Play to your strengths

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Success Strategies

to Supercharge Your



IN T RODUC TI ON If you want to improve your communication skills, you're in the right place. In this ebook, I've put together 25 super successful strategies that will help you to become a better communicator. Many people today actually start their working lives not knowing how to communicate effectively face-to-face with colleagues, let alone with clients and employers. They seem more comfortable looking at their smartphones rather than at other human beings. They often have no idea how to master small talk when meeting new people. Luckily, successful communication skills can be learned, and help is right here in your hands. You'll find every strategy in this book very useful and practical - from improving your confidence to enhancing teamwork, from activating your listening skills to developing great relationships. excellent communication skills will help you build great relationships, and that, to me, is one of the most important building blocks of success today. I cannot overstress the power of great relationships and connections. I know you will find the strategies in this book useful. I'm convinced that when you start putting them into practice, they will launch you along the road to a more successful, more fulfilling future. enjoy!

Shirley Taylor

Visit my personal website:


Visit my corporate website:

www.sttstraining.com check out my interactive virtual training program ‘business Writing that Works': www.ShirleyTaylorVT.com ABOU


Shirley Taylor cSP (certified Speaking Professional)* has established herself as a leading authority in modern business writing and communication skills. She is the author of 12 successful books on communication skills, including the international bestseller, Model business Letters, emails and other business documents seventh edition, which has sold over half a million copies worldwide and has been translated into several languages. Widely-regarded as an expert in business writing and success skills, Shirley is a high-energy, high-content public speaker and trainer who educates, inspires, informs and motivates individuals to develop better relationships both orally and in writing. She puts a lot of passion and energy into her workshops and presentations to make sure they are entertaining, practical and informative, as well as a lot of fun. With her friendly, down-to-earth style, she has a unique way of engaging with the audience, and is passionate about helping people commit to change. Audience members quickly see and share her passion and enthusiasm, and are motivated to use her strategies back at the workplace. originally from the uK, Shirley has lived and worked in Singapore, bahrain and canada. based in Singapore now, Shirley is ceo of STTS Training Pte Ltd, a company highly-respected for its range of high-quality public and in-house communication training. Shirley is proud to have been 2011-12 President of Asia Professional Speakers Singapore, a member of the Global Speakers Federation, and was awarded their Spirit of Service Award three years in a row. She now serves on the executive committee of the Global Speakers


Shirley Taylor is one of fewer than 700 certified Speaking Professionals (cSP) in the world. cSP is the

speaking profession's international measure of professional platform skill. The designation is globally

recognised and awarded to speakers who have met strict criteria. This designation is achieved by fewer

than 11% of professional speakers worldwide. F


Some people wake up feeling tired

and they go through the motions at work with a frown on their faces, they just keep their head down, do the job and then go home. Is that a good way to exist? I remember when friends used to visit my mum in the hospital, they were always amazed at her cheerfulness and her smile, even though she was very ill. My mum told me, "People wouldn't come to see me if I was miserable!" What about you? We all wake up every day with a clean slate. You can make the day anything you want it to be. Anything you choose it to be. Before I became a speaker, trainer and author, I was a secretary for nine years. What a great learning period that was. What I look back, I can see that even then I somehow knew about the importance of building relationships. For example: When my boss wanted a cheque urgently, I just had to call up the lady in Accounts and

I got the cheque within minutes.

When my boss wanted a cup of tea for guests and I was really busy, I just had to ask the tea lady and the boss got his tea, and a friendly smile, within minutes.

When my boss wanted me to go out and buy him a birthday present to give to his wife. I was happy to do it - as long as he gave me the keys to his Mercedes! And he got his

present within... a couple of hours! In any job or business, relationship building has to be the most important objective. The quality of the relationship will determine the quality of the service. For so many people today their interactions are purely transactional - they focus on the result, just getting the job done, often at the cost of relationships. More successful people choose relational interactions - they focus on how people are treated in the course of achieving results. Start focusing on RELATIONSHIPS, and you will really start making a positive difference. Start focusing on RELATIONSHIPS, and your job will become much more enjoyable. Start focusing on RELATIONSHIPS, and your colleagues and clients will become your friends. Start focusing on RELATIONSHIPS, and your work will become less of a toil and more of a pleasure.

Start focusing on RELATIONSHIPS, and you'll start making a positive difference in the lives of everyone around you, and in your own life!

R E M E M BER! It takes less than a second to raise your standards, to put some passion into your job and your life, and to commit to turning the ordinary into extraordinary. I NCRE AS


If you work in a multi-cultural environment

, you"ve probably had experiences where you"ve

wondered, “Did he say ‘thought" or ‘taught"? Was that word, ‘pirate" or ‘pilot"? Did she really

say ‘sheet" or was it something else?" The way you pronounce your words and the tone of voice you use will have an impact on the effectiveness of any message. Just as using the right words is essential, it's also important to consider your voice and your tone if you are to be understood and get your message across effectively. Here are four simple steps to help you increase your vocal clarity: 1.

Slow down

So many people speak too quickly and almost in a monotone. Please slow down. It will give you more confidence, not less. 2.

Keep your language simple

Don't use big words, thinking you'll impress people. You won't. Simple is better. 3. check for understanding Ask your listeners if they have understood your pronunciation, since they may hesitate to tell you. 4.

Take time to e-nun-ci-ate

Really articulate every word. It may feel rather unnatural to you at first, but stick with it. Your comfort level will rise, and your clarity will improve. This also means your listener's

comfort level will increase. R E M E M BER! If you follow these great steps, you will not only make your conversations more productive.

You'll enhance your reputation too.



Thanks to email

, instant messages, chat rooms, social media and other tools brought to life courtesy of technology, we all have a whole lot more to learn these days if we are to communicate effectively with others. It used to be that people only needed to sharpen their communication skills for phone conversations and face-to-face appearances. For many, these scenarios were bad enough. Nowadays, even in small groups and one-to-one settings, effective communication is getting tougher. Fortunately, there are some very simple tips that anyone can use to help them on the road to clear, effective communication. Whether addressing a large crowd, talking on the phone, or working one-on-one, mastering these three essential skills will put you well on your way to becoming a much better communicator: 1.


Communication is a two-way street. Half the battle is learning how to really hear, process and respond to what others are saying. A good listener takes a keen interest in his audience, uses appropriate verbal and non-verbal door-openers, and asks questions to encourage conversation. 2. repeat When you paraphrase something in a different way to how it was delivered to you, you're clarifying your understanding and stimulating further discussion. 3. refiect

Too many people open their mouths and speak without thinking. Before you let the words escape, think carefully. Slow down to make sure you have given appropriate consideration to what you are about to say.

R E M E M BER! "I remind myself every morning: Nothing I saw this day will teach me anything. If I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening."

Larry King


As the saying goes

. “There is no ‘I" in team." There are, however, a number of people who must come together to create a cohesive unit working towards a common goal. If this isn"t the case, a team will likely nd itself facing failure. When you are in a team situation, your contributions, actions and reactions will matter. The better you handle yourself, the stronger your team will become. Whether you're a manager leading a team or one of its members, creating a successful team is as much your responsibility as it is everyone else's. Here are some tips that can help you become a productive, vital part of a team: 1.

Play to your strengths

Your strengths, skills and abilities are the commodities you bring to your team. Identify them and share what you do best. Ideally, your team will include a number of people with different strengths. It will then become much easier to compensate for any weaknesses. 2. be honest about your weaknesses Identifying and understanding your weaknesses will help you become a stronger, more valuable team member. Other team members will ideally be poised to help on issues that are not best suited to your abilities. By understanding your weaknesses, you can learn to accept this help without feeling threatened. Essentially, it can make you a better team player. 3. communicate clearly

Communication is critical for any successful team. If a team is going to work well together, it's essential to have clear, concise lines of communication. To do your part, take steps

to master some of the keys to successful communication. 4. don't be afraid to delegate or share work

It's often the case in teams that one or two key members carry the load. But in highly functional teams, every member effectively shares work and contributes to overall

success. Tasks must be delegated appropriately based on strengths and weaknesses. 5. do not try to grab the limelight Just like in sports, it takes every member performing well to bring home a win. Keep this in mind and try to focus on the task at hand and the role you play in making it happen. The limelight will shine on the entire team - you included - if you handle your tasks efficiently. While the saying goes, there is no 'I' in team, this is not entirely true. When every individual learns how to work for the good of the team, everyone wins. The process starts with you.


Always and never

are two words that you should always try never to use! Hmm! It"s true, though. Imagine you say to a colleague, “You never get to work on time." She might reply with,

“Two Wednesdays ago, I was 5 minutes early!"

You could really undermine your relationships and generate negative reaction. It's really important to be sensitive to how different words will be received by our listeners.


A word like 'always' can easily be perceived as an attack on the listener. When you are trying to improve a situation, it's much better to choose a softer approach, looking for a win-win solution. never Saying to someone, "You are always late for work!" will not be as effective as telling your employee, "I've noticed you've not been getting to work on time a lot lately. Are you having any difficulties we can discuss?" They won't feel attacked, and you can take the conversation from there.


This is another dangerous word. For example, "You should have brought an umbrella!" That's a bit ridiculous when you're soaking wet already. Even when people ask for advice on what they should do, it's more motivating to use empowering language like, "You might want to try..." or, "Perhaps you can..." rather than "you should." but The word but can be seen as a negative. It can erase everything positive that came before it, and the listener will focus on the negative. compare This model is very popular, but it is only does 35 miles per gallon. This model is very popular, and it does 35 miles per gallon. You can immediately see how positive the second sentence sounds, and how there is no change in the information, only in the attitude. Sometimes it will be essential to use 'but'; just be aware of its negative implications and consider if an alternative would be more appropriate. Maybe

Always think carefully before using weak words like ‘try', ‘maybe', ‘perhaps'. They don't give

any sense of commitment, only uncertainty. “I'll try to get this finished today," gives you anquotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1