[PDF] [PDF] Digital Media Best Practices

on device usage • Consistently monitor Google Analytics Banner advertising , video and native ads are awareness Best Practices – Building your Brand

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EXPECT TO WIN© Copyright 2016 Orange142. Information cannot be copied or distributed without written permission.Choosing the Best Digital Advertising Solutions to Reach Your Marketing Objectives

EXPECT TO WINCommon Marketing Objectives



EXPECT TO WINCommon Marketing Objectives for DMOs"Heads in Beds" The #1 marketing objective of most Destination Marketers is to encourage the booking of hotel room nights within the destination. Online advertising is often used to help with goal but the success of a digital campaign is typically measured by the following: • Tr affic driven to the DMO website • Vi sitor Guide Requests • Ne wsletter Signups • Cl ick-outs from DMO website to lodging pages and partner websites

EXPECT TO WINEasy and Cost Effective Paid Media Tips •Always use conversion pixels for any digital campaign •Ask your vendors for both examples of sites they run on AND what sites were targeted post campaign •Share your overall strategy, not just your digital strategy •Get frequent updates on device usage •Consistently monitor Google Analytics

EXPECT TO WINUses for the Popular Digital Media SolutionsDepending on where a consumer is in the marketing funnel, different digital media tactics will be best to reach that consumer. 1.Banner advertising, video and native ads are awareness building solutions. 2.Custom content starts to communicate a story to consumers. 3.Retargeting keeps your brand and message top of mind 4.Paid Search reach consumers that are ready to book a trip and place to stay.

EXPECT TO WINUses for the Popular Digital Media SolutionsPaid SearchBanner AdvertisingWebsite RetargetingSocial Media AdvertisingVideo AdvertisingNative & Content AdvertisingEmail AdvertisingNewsletter SignupsTraffic to WebsiteVisitor Guide RequestsClick-outsBranding

EXPECT TO WINMisuse of Digital SolutionsMany digital media solutions are often misused by advertisers with a desired effect that is contradictory to their mediums intended use.

EXPECT TO WINTop OffendersBanner Advertising Wanted for driving traffic to a website Better used as an affordable branding tool to keep a destination top of mind and reaching consumers in the awareness building stage.

EXPECT TO WINTop OffendersVideo Advertising Wanted for driving traffic to a website Better used as a branding tool and alternative or compliment to TV advertising. Encourages sight, sound, motion and emotion from consumers to truly promote a destination.

EXPECT TO WINTop OffendersRich Media Banner Advertising Wanted for driving traffic to a website Better used as a branding tool and often does not perform any better than static banner ads to encourage website traffic.

EXPECT TO WINNative Advertising vs. Banner Advertising"NativeAdsVs.DisplayAds."NativeAdsVs.DisplayAds.Sharethrough,n.d.Web.20June2016.•25% more consumers were measured to look at in-feed native ad placements rather than standard banners. •Consumers looked at native ads 52% more frequently than banner ads. •32% of consumers would share a native ad with their friends and family. •Many Native ad placements are sold on a "cost per click" where you only pay when a user engages with the ad. Users have a different mindset when they click on content focused native ads. They are engaging with the ad in order to read or experience content and will ultimately engage with the advertising brand. Banners are now more of an digital, online, billboard.

EXPECT TO WINDigital Advertising Best Practices

EXPECT TO WINWho Determines Online Advertising Best Practices?The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) serves as digital media's biggest watchdog, comprised of the leading media and technology companies that are responsible for selling, delivering, and optimizing digital advertising or marketing campaigns. Five Key Priorities 1.Provide a transparent, liquid, and safe marketplace for digital advertising and marketing transactions. 2.Create a consistent approach to measuring and assessing digital media 3.Ensure the value of publishers' audiences are realized 4.Make mobile easier to buy, sell, and measure 5.Make it easier to buy, sell, create, deploy, and measure engaging digital advertising.

EXPECT TO WINBest Practices - Building your Brand•Advertising campaigns should be launched in advance of a desired event, promotion or season. Consumers can take 60-90 days to plan a trip or getaway. •Ads should be targeted to the most relevant audience for your destination. If you want to encourage dining and shopping, utilize those targets in your campaigns •The ad creative should speak to the target audience. If reaching fishermen, include imagery of the "big catch", boating, and other relevant examples. •Ad creative should have a clear "call to action" to encourage engagement by consumers. •The landing page that the ad directs to should be relevant to the target audience and to the ad itself. If the ad creative showcases great shopping, don't direct to a lodging page. RelevanceSimplicityTimingTargeting

EXPECT TO WINPlanning a Digital Strategy

EXPECT TO WINPlanning a Digital Strategy Creating a Comprehensive Digital PlanEXPECT TO WINThere are so many advertisers now across digital, TV, radio and print that it is hard to capture the attention span of a consumer using just one digital tactic. When creating a digital strategy try to utilize multiple solutions to reach your target audience. Between 12-20 ad impressions are needed before the average consumer makes a purchase decision. If someone is being served video, social, banner and audio advertisements for your brand they are more likely to take action and convert.

EXPECT TO WINPlanning a Digital StrategyEXPECT TO WINThere are several key points to consider when planning a digital media strategy 1.What are the goals of a potential advertising campaign? •If the goal of the marketing plan is to drive more people to the website, stick to solutions that are designed to do that. 2.How will I measure the success of the campaign? 1.If CTR is a measurement of success, stick to solutions that provide that the best. 3.What has worked in the past that we should continue? •With so many digital tactics popping up it is difficult to find what will work best. You do not need to re-invent the wheel when planning a campaign if you had run programs that were found to be successful in the past, stick to that approach and simply test alternate tactics in future campaigns. 4.How much budget is available for advertising? •The budget available will help to determine how comprehensive of a campaign can be run. If budgets are limited do not try to run too may tactics at once as this will have a negative impact on campaign performance.

EXPECT TO WINPlanning a Digital Strategy Creating a Comprehensive Digital PlanEXPECT TO WINTargetAudience•Programmatic•Display&•Retargeting•In-FeedWhen looking at marketing goals, try to think beyond clicks and impressions. How are consumers being reached by you and your competitors? Is your messaging being heard over the multitude of digital advertisements consumers are exposed to? Utilizing multiple tactics can help to keep your destination top of mind and in the consideration for travelers

EXPECT TO WINMeasuring the Success of a Digital Campaign

EXPECT TO WINMeasuring the Success of a Digital CampaignEXPECT TO WINFordestinationmarketersitcanbedifficulttomeasurethesuccessofanyadvertisingcampaignbecausethereisnohardconversionmetric.Hotelchainsarereluctanttosharebookingdataandtrackingtechnologycanstillbeunreliable.ThebestwaytomeasuretheeffectivenessofadigitalcampaignistogobeyondtheclickandlookintoGoogleAnalyticsdata.

EXPECT TO WINMeasuring the Success of a Digital CampaignEXPECT TO WINBounce Rate - the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site without interacting with the page).This can be affected by numerous variables including ad creative, landing page usability, media campaign targeting and more.If the bounce rate for a digital campaign is significantly higher than all other traffic sources to that same web page, there may be a targeting issue with that campaign.

EXPECT TO WINMeasuring the Success of a Digital CampaignEXPECT TO WINAvg. Time on Page - The average of the amount of time all visitors to a page spend on that particular page. For instance, if the average time on page for a lengthy blog post is only 10 seconds, it's safe to assume that most visitors aren't actually reading the post...unless you have the speediest readers on the web. When utilizing content articles for the landing page of an advertising campaign the average time on page should be at least equal to the organic traffic to that same page.

EXPECT TO WINMeasuring the Success of a Digital CampaignEXPECT TO WINManage ExpectationsBounce rate and Time on Page can only account for visitors that make it to your website. With CTR of banners at 0.08% on average, that is less than a fraction of the total people exposed to an ad. Many consumers will consider a destination after seeing an ad but never had visited the brand website.

EXPECT TO WINFuture of Digital Advertising?•Spend on digital is growing year over year and projected to continue for the foreseeable future •The digital landscape is continually evolving with new ad units and ad serving technology Bottom Line: Digital advertising continues to grow year over year while traditional advertising is slowly shrinking. If digital was not effective, it would not see this type of growth across not only tourism but most other industries as well.