We have prepared a list of all html tags with description (Including Html 5 and below) Complete Html Tags list with examples Tag Short description THE ROOT 

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[PDF] HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF)

HTML HTML5 BASIC TAGS Standard Structure Use these to group information specific to the page All the information or links to external scripts Here's an Example: HTML HTML5 CREATING LISTS Numbered lists in sequential order Sign Up for Free

[PDF] HTML5 Tutorial PDF - Tutorialspoint

This tutorial has been designed for beginners in HTML5 to make them understand the basic Before starting this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of HTML and its tags The element in HTML5 End of ebook preview


We have prepared a list of all html tags with description (Including Html 5 and below) Complete Html Tags list with examples Tag Short description THE ROOT 

[PDF] HTML Tags Chart - FING

To use any of the following HTML tags, simply select the HTML code you'd like and copy and paste it into your web page Tag Name Code Example Browser 

[PDF] HTML5 Cheat Sheet - How to Create a Website

Defines details of an element open Defines a dialog (conversation) Defines a definition term Used to define a directory list Defines a section in a document

[PDF] Step by Step HTML5pdf - Michael Puff

Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail Adding the Data File Location to the Favorites List browser gets to that tag, it requests that the image file be downloaded from the server book, but feel free to skip around if you just need to fill in some holes in your HTML

[PDF] HTML5 Pocket Reference - doc-developpement-durableorg

yet thorough listing of the elements and attributes specified in the HTML5 Candi- Safari 4+ and Mobile Safari 3+: MP3, MP4, and WAV Android (2 0+): MP3, 

[PDF] HTML5 Cheat Sheet (PDF)

FREE Quick Reference Guide http://www veign com Part Number: QRG0009 HTML 5 V = Which version of HTML is this tag valid for Tag Info V Attributes* < -- --> dropdown list 5 global attributes** definition description

[PDF] HTML5 Tutorialpdf

This tutorial has been designed for beginners in HTML5 to make them Before starting this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of HTML and its tags A free-form text field for sensitive information, nominally free of line Download mod_pywebsocket-x x x tar gz from pywebsocket which aims to provide a Web

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By Codesparta.com

In the last article we discussed some HTML tags like H1 & P , so here is a list of HTML tags list , that will help you understand Html tags easily . The latest version of Html is Html 5 , and many new elements were added to it and . Every browser is now adapting to Html 5 , but still no browser totally supports it . We have prepared a list of all html tags with description (Including Html 5 and below).

Complete Html Tags list with examples

Tag Short description


Main container


<base> Base URI to solve relative URIs <link> Relational information for documents <meta> Variable for the document <style> Presentational attributes <h3>SECTIONS</h3> <body> <article> Distributable content <section> Defines a section <nav> Navigational section <aside> Content only slightly related <h1> A level 1 heading <h2> A level 2 heading <h3> A level 3 heading <h4> A level 4 heading <h5> A level 5 heading <h6> A level 6 heading <hgroup> Groups consecutive headings <header> The header of a section <footer> The footer of a section <address> <h3>GROUPING CONTENT</h3> <p> Paragraph <hr> Content separator <pre> Preformatted text block <blockquote> Block level quotation <ol> Ordered list <ul> Unordered list <li> List item <dl> Description list <dt> Term in a description list <dd> Description in a description list <figure> Self-contained information <figcaption> Caption for a figure <main> Main content of a section <div> Generic container for blocks of text <h3>TEXT-LEVEL SEMANTICS</h3> <a> Hyperlink <em> Text with emphasis <strong> Text with strong emphasis <small> Side commment <s> Content no longer accurate or relevant <cite> Citation or reference <q> Inline quotation <dfn> Term defined in the surrounding text <abbr> Abbreviated term <ruby> Ruby annotated text <rt> Ruby annotation <rp> Text to be ignored in ruby <data> Machine-readable information <time> Date and/or time <code> Computer code <var> Instance of a variable <samp> <kbd> Text entered by users <sub> Texto en subíndice <sup> Texto en superíndice <i> Text offset from the normal prose <b> Text offset from its surrounding content <u> Non-textual annotations <mark> Marks text in another document <bdi> Isolates text for bidirectional formatting <bdo> Overrides the bidirectional algorithm <span> Generic container for runs of text <br> Line break <wbr> Line break opportunity EDITS <ins> Added text <del> Deleted text <h3>EMBEDDED CONTENT</h3> <picture> Multi-source image <img> Image <iframe> Nested browsing context <embed> Inserts external applications <object> Inserts external applications <param> Parameter for an external application <video> Video <audio> Audio <source> Alternative media resource <track> Text tracks for videos <map> Client-side image map <area> Sector in an image map <h3>TABULAR DATA</h3> <table> Table <caption> The caption of a table <colgroup> Group of columns <col> Sets attributes for columns <tbody> The body of the table <thead> The header of the table <tfoot> The footer of the table <tr> Row <td> Regular cell <th> Header cell FORMS <form> Form <label> Label for a control <input> Input control <button> Button <select> List of options <datalist> Suggestions for controls <optgroup> Group of options in a list <option> An option in list <textarea> Multi-line text input <keygen> Key pair generation control <output> The output of a process <progress> <meter> A measurement <fieldset> Group of controls <legend> The caption of a group of controls <h3>INTERACTIVE ELEMENTS</h3> <details> Collapsable content <summary> A summary for collapsable content <menu> Menu <menuitem> An item in a menu <dialog> Dialog box <h3>SCRIPTING</h3> <script> Embeds scripts <noscript> Alternative content for scripts <template> Plantilla para información a agregar <canvas> Container for dynamic bitmap graphicsquotesdbs_dbs5.pdfusesText_10 </div> </div> <div class="left"> <br/> <div style="width:100%;min-height:300px !important;padding:2px;"> <script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-1570187411384203" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- Responsive1 --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1570187411384203" data-ad-slot="2836242943" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 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