[PDF] [PDF] Law of the Sea - American Society of International Law

The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) creates a comprehensive regime governing the rights of nations with respect to the world's oceans The convention is comprised of 320 articles and nine annexes

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[PDF] United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

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The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) creates a comprehensive regime governing the rights of nations with respect to the world's oceans The convention is comprised of 320 articles and nine annexes

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ElectronicResourceGuidee7RF -aw of the Sea varbara veani Updated spril 3(2 3158

UpdatedApril27,20152his electronic resource guide2 often called the RRF2 has been published online by the smerican Society of nnternational -aw AsSn-r since 5::(, Since then it has been system atically updated and continuousl y expanded, The chapter format of the RR F is designed to be used by students2 teachers2 practitioners and researchers as a self7guided tour of relevant2 quality2 up7to7date online resources covering im portant areas of international law, The RR F also serves as a ready7made teaching tool at graduate and undergraduate levels, The narrat ive format of the RRF is complem ented and augmented b y RnSn- ARlectronic nnformation System for nnternational -awr2 a free online database that organizes and provides links to2 and useful information on2 web resources from the full spectrum of international law, RnSn-es subject7organized format and expert7provided content also enhances its potential as a teaching tool, n, nntroduction T

UpdatedApril27,20153nn, vrief uistory nnn, Flobal Treaties s, United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea AUNb-OSr v, 5::6 nmplementation sgreement b, 5::8 Eish Stocks sgreement nV, Preparatory Work s, nnternational -aw bommission v, -aw of the Sea bonferences V, Sources of Treaties and nnternational sgreements Vn, nnternational Organizations Vnn, base -aw0Settlement of Tisputes Vnnn, bonservation and *anagement of the -iving Resources of the uigh Seas s, nnternational -aw bommission nnternational sgreements v, Preparatory Work b, nnternational Organizations T, Regional Eishery *anagement Organizations nX, Regional Seas X, Zones of the Sea s, Specialized vodies breated by UNb-OS v, National -aws Xn, Secondary Sources s, Online catalogs v, Treatises and yearbooks b, -egal periodicals T, -egal periodical indexes R, Eree sources of scholarly articles E, Research guides F, burrent swareness n, nNTROTUbTnON

UpdatedApril27,20154This chapter of the sSn- Fuide to Rlectronic Resources for nnternational -aw provides a guide to the electronic resources available to research the law of the sea, The types of resources covered emphasize internet sites2 but also include library catalogs and on7line subscription and commercial services, The emphasis here is on Rnglish7language sources, Feneral search strategies for conducting research in this area are included in Section Xn, nn, vRnRE unSTORY Eor centuries2 the law of sea was based on the concept of freedom of the seas2 with nationse control of the oceans limited to narrow bands adjacent to their coasts, nt was primarily based on customary laww international agreements were likely to involve a small number of states or cover a particular region, vy the middle of the twentieth century2 as the nations increased their capability to engage in long range fishing and commercial extraction2 concerns arose about pollution and the exhaustibility of ocean resources, nn addition2 the concept of freedom of the seas was eroding2 as many nations had asserted sovereignty over wider areas2 claiming rights to the resources of the continental shelf and the water above, nt became necessary to develop a treaty7based regime for ocean governance, s series of United Nations conferences on the law of the sea2 convened in 5:8h2 5:91 and 5:(475:h32 produced a number of treaty agreements and the Third bonference culminated in the adoption in 5:h3 of a comprehensive treaty instrument2 the United Nations bonvention on the -aw of Sea, The 5:h3 United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea AUNb-OSr creates a comprehensive regime governing the rights of nations with respect to the worldes oceans, The convention addresses a number of topics2 including economic zones of the sea2 the continental shelf2 rights to the deep seabed2 navigational rights in territorial and high seas2 conservation and management of the living resources of the sea2 protection and preservation of the marine environment2 and others, Procedures for the resolution of disputes are included, The convention is comprised of 431 articles and nine annexes, nn addition2 two other agreements that supplement UNb-OS have been adopted/ The sgreement Relating to the nmplementation of Part Xn of the United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea of 51 Tecember 5:h3 and The United Nations sgreement for the nmplementation of the Provisions of the United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea of 51 Tecember 5:h3 Relating to the bonservation and *anagement of Straddling Eish Stocks and uighly *igratory Eish Stocks, nn addition to the global agreements2 ocean law is controlled by a number of regional and specialized treaty instruments2 covering topics such as the peaceful use of the sea2 maritime space2 conservation and management of living resources2 protection of the marine environment2 communications2 illegal activities and the governance of regional seas, nnn, F-Ovs- TRRsTnRS s, United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea AUNb-OSr

UpdatedApril27,20155Ahttp/00www,un,org0Tepts0los0convention_agreements0texts0unclos0unclos_e,pdfr The bonvention is comprised of the following eighteen Parts Acontaining 431 articlesr and nine snnexes Acontaining 538 articlesr, Part n, 7 nntroduction/ Use of Terms and Scope Part nn, 7 Territorial Sea and bontiguous Zone Part nnn, 7 Straits Used for nnternational Navigation Part nV, 7 srchipelagic States Part V, 7 Rxclusive Rconomic Zone Part Vn, 7 bontinental Shelf Part Vnn, 7 uigh Seas Aincluding bonservation and *anagement of the -iving Resources of the uigh Seasr Part Vnnn, 7 Regime of nslands Part nX, 7 Rnclosed or Semi7enclosed Seas Part X, 7 Right of sccess of -and7locked States to and from the Sea and Ereedom of Transit Part Xn, 7 The srea Part Xnn, 7 Protection and Preservation of the *arine Rnvironment Part Xnnn, 7 *arine Scientific Research Part XnV, 7 Tevelopment and transfer of *arine Technology Part XV, 7 Settlement of Tisputes Part XVn, 7 Feneral Provisions Part XVnn, 7 Einal Provisions snnex n, 7 uighly *igratory Species snnex nn, 7 bommission on the -imits of the bontinental Shelf snnex nnn, 7 vasic bonditions of Prospecting2 Rxploration and Rxploitation snnex nV, 7 Statute of the Rnterprise snnex V, 7 bonciliation snnex Vn, 7 Statute of the nnternational Tribunal for the -aw of the Sea snnex Vnn, 7 srbitration snnex Vnnn, 7 Special srbitration snnex nX, 7 Participation by nnternational Organizations Two additional sgreements2 concluded in 5::6 and 5::82 have as their aim the implementation of certain provisions of UNb-OS and are subject to the dispute settlement provisions of UNb-OS, v, sgreement Relating to the nmplementation of Part Xn of the United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea of 51 Tecember 5:h3 Ahttp/00treaties,un,org0doc0Publication0UNTS0Volumea315h490volume75h497n7454967

UpdatedApril27,20156Rnglish,pdfr b, sgreement for the nmplementation of the Provisions of the United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea of 51 Tecember 5:h3 Relating to the bonservation and *anagement of Straddling Eish Stocks and uighly *igratory Eish Stocks Athe Ò5::8 Eish Stocks sgreementÓr Ahttp/00www,un,org0Tepts0los0convention_agreements0convention_overview_fish_stocks,htmr, sdditional information about the procedural history of the bonvention and additional agreements may be found in the uistoric srchives section of the United Nations sudiovisual -ibrary of nnternational -aw, *aterials about legal instruments covered in the uistoric srchives section include an introduction to the instrument by an international law scholar or practitioner with special expertise on the subject2 information on its procedural history and related documents2 as well as the text and status of the instrument, nt is accompanied by audiovisual materials2 as available2 relating to the negotiation and adoption of the instrument at meetings or diplomatic conferences, http/00www,un,org0law0avl0 nV, PRRPsRsTORY WORf s, nnternational -aw bommission Ahttp/00www,un,org0law0ilc0index,htmr, The nnternational -aw bommission An-br2 created in 5:6h2 was charged with advancing the codification of international law, The bommission selected the regimes of the high seas and the territorial sea as topics for high priority, The n-b website2 under the Topic Ò-aw of nnternational SpacesÓ2 provides access to the full text of final drafts2 reports2 and conventions on topics selected for codification2 including the regime of the high seas and the regime of the territorial seas, *aterials available on the n-b website include analytical guides and summaries of the bommissionÕs work2 reports adopted by the bommission2 the 5:8h treaty instruments concluded under the auspices of the United Nations on the basis of prior drafts prepared by the bommission and the Official Records of the 5:8h United Nations bonference on the -aw of the Sea, *aterials related to the topic of uistoric Waters and the related topic of Transboundary squifers Aconsidered by the bommission but discontinuedr may also be found on the website, v, -aw of the Sea bonferences United Nations Tiplomatic bonferences Ahttp/00www,un,org0law0diplomaticconferences0 r, This website provides access to the official records of The United Nations diplomatic conferences convoked by United Nations Feneral sssembly resolution for the negotiation of treaties, sccess to records of the -aw of the Sea bonferences is included, The collection of proceedings is searchable,

UpdatedApril27,201575:8h United Nations bonference on the -aw of the Sea AEirst bonferencer Ahttp/00www,un,org0law0diplomaticconferences0r, The Eirst United Nations bonference on the -aw of the Sea2 convened in Feneva in 5:8h2 focused on developing rules that addressed statesÕ rights and duties with respect to zones of the seas Ð territorial seas2 continental shelf and high seas, sdditional information about the 5:8h Feneva bonventions on the -aw of the Sea2 including procedural history and selected preparatory documents2 may be found in the uistoric srchives section of the United Nations sudiovisual -ibrary of nnternational -aw, http/00www,un,org0law0avl0 The bonference produced four treaty agreements2 with continuing relevance today/ • The bonvention on the Territorial Sea and the bontiguous Zone Aentered into force on 51 September 5:96r http/00www,ecolex,org0ecolex0ledge0view0RecordTetailswTnTPETSnjsessionidchb:5T:48:4v364svEsv931vEs1Tbh:T5xidcTRR7111564tindexctreaties Aavailable in Rnglish2 Spanish and Erenchr • The bonvention on the uigh Seas Aentered into force on 41 September 5:93r http/00www,ecolex,org0ecolex0ledge0view0RecordTetailswTnTPETSnjsessionidcs4s6E4s3145:6h6E94Rh6:1hE((hT6:6xidcTRR7111566tindexctreaties Aavailable in Rnglish2 Spanish and Erenchr • The bonvention on Eishing and bonservation of the -iving Resources of the uigh Seas Aentered into force on 31 *arch 5:99r http/00www,ecolex,org0ecolex0ledge0view0RecordTetailswTnTPETSnjsessionidcs4s6E4s3145:6h6E94Rh6:1hE((hT6:6xidcTRR7111565tindexctreaties Aavailable in Rnglish2 Spanish and Erenchr • The bonvention on the bontinental Shelf Aentered into force on 51 -une 5:96r http/00www,ecolex,org0ecolex0ledge0view0RecordTetailswTnTPETSnjsessionidcs4s6E4s3145:6h6E94Rh6:1hE((hT6:6xidcTRR7111583tindexctreaties • nn addition2 an Optional Protocol of Signature boncerning the bompulsory Settlement of Tisputes was adopted2 which entered into force on 41 September 5:93, http/00legal,un,org0ilc0texts0instruments0english0conventions0h_5_5:8h_optional_protocol,pdf

UpdatedApril27,20159benter for nnternational Rarth Science nnformation Network AbnRSnNr Ahttp/00www,ciesin,orgr, bnRSnN is part of bolumbia Universityes Rarth nnstitute, This center focuses on applying information technology to interdisciplinary data2 information2 and research problems related to human interactions in the environment, bnRSnNes website contains the text of more than 561 international environmental agreements2 including agreements relating to the use of the sea2 searchable through the Rnvironmental Treaties and Resource nndicators ARNTRnr System, Ahttp/00sedac,ciesin,columbia,edu0entri0index,jspr, The Rlectronic nnformation System for nnternational -aw ARnSn-r Awww,eisil,orgr, RnSn- is a searchable database of links to international law information available on the Web2 including treaties, RnSn- is developed and maintained by sSn-2 and covers the entire field of international law, RnSn-es materials are arranged according to subjectw treaties relating to the law of the sea may be found in the nnternational Rnvironmental -aw and nnternational sir2 Space and Water categories, RnSn- provides additional information about the treaties/ such as legal citation2 date of entry into force2 and a brief description of the scope and significance of each instrument, ueinOnline Ahttp/00www,heinonline,org0r, ueinOnline is a subscription database providing access to PTE versions of treaties, The United Nations Treaty Series and -eague of Nations Treaty Series are contained in the United Nations -aw bollection, Treaties to which the United States is a party may be found in the U,S, Treaties and sgreements library, Vn, nNTRRNsTnONs- ORFsNnZsTnONS United Nations Tivision for Ocean sffairs and the -aw of the Sea AUNb-OSr Ahttp/00www,un,org0Tepts0los0index,htmr, The Tivision serves as the secretariat of the United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea, The site provides access to the bonvention and related agreements2 Feneral sssembly reports and other documents2 bodies established by the bonvention2 dispute settlement materials2 and links to ocean related materials, UN Oceans Ahttp/00www,unoceans,org0r, The Oceans and boastal sreas Network Asubsequently named UUN7OceansUr was created to enhance cooperation and coordination among secretariats of the international organizations concerned with ocean related activities, nt is composed of the relevant programs2 entities and specialized agencies of the UN system and the secretariats of the relevant international conventions2 including the nnternational Seabed suthority and the bonvention on viological Tiversity, The nnter7agency sctivities page on the UN7Oceans website includes links to the stlas of the Oceans Ahttp/00www,oceansatlas,org0r2 the Flobal Programme of sction for the Protection of the *arine Rnvironment Ahttp/00www,gpa,unep,org0r and the nnternational boral Reef nnitiative Ahttp/00www,icriforum,org0r, nnternational *aritime Organization An*Or Ahttp/00www,imo,orgr, n*O is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for improving maritime safety and preventing pollution from ships,

UpdatedApril27,201510nt serves as the repository for treaties related to maritime safety2 marine pollution2 liability and compensation and other conventions dealing with shipping Summaries of and ratification information about n*O conventions can be found at the n*O websitew full texts are seldom available and may often be located by using the UN treaty database or by navigating to the *aritime *atters section of RnSn- Ahttp/00www,eisil,org0index,phpxsidc981(h8:94tcatc85ttcsub_pagesr, World *eteorological Organization AW*Or Ahttp/00www,wmo,chr W*O is the specialized agency of the United Nations for meteorology Aweather2 climate and waterr2 operational hydrology and related geophysical sciences, The W*O is charged with providing leadership in international cooperation in weather2 climate2 hydrology2 water resources and related environmental issues, nts policy7making body2 the World *eteorological bongress2 meets every four years, The W*Oes Secretariat includes publication and distribution of W*O publications among its duties, The W*O website includes W*O statements2 long7term plans2 and announcements, nntergovernmental Oceanographic bommission of UNRSbO Ahttp/00ioc7unesco,org0r The nntergovernmental Oceanographic bommission AnObr of UNRSbO focuses on marine science and provides member states of the United Nations with a mechanism for global cooperation in the study of the ocean2 through the sharing of knowledge2 information and technology and through the coordination of national programs, The site contains links to nOb activities in the areas of marine environmental protectionw fisheries and ecosystemsw climate changew ocean observing and monitoringw coastal area managementw data and information management and disaster mitigation, United Nations Rnvironment Programme AUNRPr Ahttp/00www,unep,org0r UNRP is the designated authority of the United Nations system in environmental issues at the global and regional level, nts mandate is to act as a catalyst2 advocate2 educator and facilitator to promote the wise use and sustainable development of the global environment, To accomplish this2 UNRP works with a wide range of partners2 including United Nations entities2 international organizations2 national governments2 non7governmental organizations2 the private sector and civil society, UNRP activities in marine and coastal areas include the Flobal Programme of sction for the Protection of the *arine Rnvironment from -and vased sctivities Ahttp/00www,gpa,unep,org0 r2 the Flobal nnternational Waters sssessment Ahttp/00www,unep,org0dewa0giwa0r2 the Small nsland Teveloping States Network Ahttp/00www,sidsnet,org0r2 the nnternational boral Reef sction Network Ahttp/00www,icran,org0r2 the World bonservation *onitoring benter Ahttp/00www,unep7wcmc,org0r2 Rarthwatch Ahttp/00www,earthwatch,org0r2 and the Regional Seas Programme Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0r, Vnn, bsSR -sW0SRTT-R*RNT OE TnSPUTRS The mechanism established by UNb-OS provides for four alternative means for the settlement of disputes/ the nnternational Tribunal for the -aw of the Sea2 the nnternational bourt of -ustice2 an

UpdatedApril27,201511arbitral tribunal constituted in accordance with snnex Vnn to the bonvention2 and a special arbitral tribunal constituted in accordance with snnex Vnnn to the bonvention, s State Party is free to choose one or more of these means by a written declaration to be made under article 3h( of the bonvention and deposited with the Secretary7Feneral of the United Nations Ahttp/00www,itlos,org0fileadmin0itlos0documents0basic_texts03:h_declarations_-une_3155_english,pdfr, nf the parties to a dispute have not accepted the same settlement procedure2 the dispute may be submitted only to arbitration in accordance with snnex Vnn2 unless the parties otherwise agree, nnternational bourt of -ustice Anb-r Ahttp/00www,icj7cij,org0r The nb-2 also known as the World bourt2 is located in The uague2 Netherlands, Rstablished in 5:68 to replace the Permanent bourt of nnternational -ustice2 it is the principal judicial body of the United Nations, The bourt is composed of 58 judges and its role is to settle contentious cases Adisputes between statesr and give advisory opinions Aat the request of selected UN bodiesr, sll nb- judgments delivered since the bourtÕs inception are listed2 along with information on the background of the bourt2 its current docket2 procedures2 jurisdiction2 and rules, nnternational Tribunal for the -aw of the Sea AnT-OSr Ahttp/00www,itlos,org0r -ocated in uamburg2 Fermany2 the Tribunal is an independent judicial body established in 5::6 by UNb-OS to adjudicate disputes arising out of the interpretation and application of the bonvention, The Tribunal is composed of 35 independent members and is open to States Parties to the bonvention and2 in certain cases2 to entities other than States Parties Asuch as international organizations and natural or legal personsr, sll nT-OS judgments are listed2 along with information on the background of the Tribunal2 its current docket2 procedures2 jurisdiction2 and rules, Special chambers of the Tribunal are the Seabed Tisputes bhamber Ahaving jurisdiction in disputes with respect to activities in the nnternational Seabed srear2 the bhamber for Eisheries Tisputes Aavailable to deal with disputes concerning the conservation and management of marine living resourcesr2 and the bhamber for *arine Rnvironment Tisputes Aavailable to deal with disputes relating to the protection and preservation of the marine environment which parties may agree to submit to itr, The Statute of the nnternational Tribunal for the -aw of the Sea Ahttp/00www,un,org0depts0los0convention_agreements0texts0unclos0annex9,htmr is contained in snnex Vn of UNb-OS, Vnnn, bONSRRVsTnON sNT *sNsFR*RNT OE TuR -nVnNF RRSOURbRS OE TuR unFu SRsS s, nnternational sgreements The conservation and management of the living resources of the high seas are addressed in Section 3 of Part Vnn of UNb-OS, srticle 559 confirms the right to fish on the high seasw srticles 55(

UpdatedApril27,201512through 55: address the duties of states to adopt conservation measures and cooperate in the conservation and management of the living resources of the high seas2 and srticle 531 addresses marine mammals, nn addition to UNb-OS2 the 5:8h bonvention on Eishing and bonservation of the -iving Resources of the uigh Seas(http://www.ecolex.org/server2.php/libcat/docs/TRE/Full/En/TRE-000141.pdf-, and the 5::8 Eish Stocks sgreement http/00www,un,org0Tepts0los0convention_agreements0convention_overview_fish_stocks,htmr2 important global multilateral agreements governing the management of living marine resources include/ nnternational bonvention for the Regulation of Whaling Ahttp/00iwc,int0conventionr sgreement to Promote bompliance with nnternational bonservation and *anagement *easures by Eishing Vessels on the uigh Seas Ahttp/00www,fao,org0docrep0meeting01140x4541m0X4541R11,htmr v, Preparatory Work Tocuments prepared at the 5::8 United Nations bonference on Straddling Eish Stocks and uighly *igratory Eish Stocks2 which resulted in the implementation of the 5::8 Eish Stocks sgreement2 may be found at http/00www,un,org0Tepts0los0fish_stocks_conference0fish_stocks_conference,htm, sdditional information about this conference may be found in Structure and Process of the 5::475::8 United Nations bonference on Straddling Eish Stocks and uighly *igratory Eish Stocks at http/00www,fao,org0docrep0V::3:R0V::3:R11,htm, b, nnternational Organizations Eood and sgriculture Organization Ð Eisheries and squaculture Tepartment Ahttp/00www,fao,org0fishery0enr The Tepartment promotes policies and strategies aimed at sustainable and responsible development of fisheries and aquaculture in inland and marine waters, Eor this purpose2 the Tepartment provides discussion fora2 information2 legal and policy frameworks2 codes and guidelines2 options for strategies2 scientific advice and training materials, The website includes the bode of bonduct for Responsible Eisheries Ahttp/00www,fao,org0TObRRP01180v:h(he0v:h(he11,htmr2 adopted by the EsO bonference in 5::8 and the nnternational Plan of sction to Prevent2 Teter and Rliminate nllegal2 Unreported and Unregulated Eishing AnPOs7nUUr Ahttp/00www,fao,org0docrep01140y5336e0y5336e11,uT*r2 adopted in 3115, EnSu-RX Ahttp/00faolex,fao,org0fishery0index,htmr The website provides access to a series of tables that summarize the provisions of national legislation and of bilateral and multilateral agreements

UpdatedApril27,201513governing foreign fishing in waters under national jurisdiction, boastal State Requirements for Eoreign Eishing2 previously available in print2 are now available electronically, The database can be searched by maritime delimitations Aterritorial sea2 fishing zone2 exclusive economic zoner or by country Afor maritime delimitations2 international agreements2 conditions of access2 framework of fishing activities and penalties2 as well as national legislation governing fishing activitiesr, EsO-RX Ahttp/00faolex,fao,org0faolex0index,htmr EsO-RX is a database containing a collection of national laws and regulations on food2 agriculture2 fisheries and renewable natural resources, The database provides abstracts and indexing information about each text2 as well as the full text of most legislation contained in the database, The collection is searchable by subject2 country2 keywords2 type of text2 and other fields, T, Regional Eishery *anagement Organizations The 5::8 Eish Stocks sgreement requires that regional cooperation efforts be undertaken by the States Parties to the sgreement, s number of regional fishery organizations have been established by treaty2 with the goal of regulating the amount of fish to be harvested on the high seas in the region and allocating the catch among the nations in the region, The Eisheries and squaculture Tepartment of the EsO promotes the work of the Regional Eishery vodies Ahttp/00www,fao,org0fishery0rfb0enr, Some of the organizations have management powersw others serve in an advisory capacity, Organizations with management powers are/ bommission for the bonservation of sntarctic -iving *arine Resources Ahttp/00www,ccamlr,org0r The bonvention on the bonservation of sntarctic *arine -iving Resources Ahttp/00www,ccamlr,org0en0document0publications0convention7conservation7antarctic7marine7living7resourcesr came into force in 5:h32 as part of the sntarctic Treaty System2 in pursuance of the provisions of srticle nX of that Treaty, bommission for the bonservation of Southern vluefin Tuna Ahttp/00www,ccsbt,org0r On 31 *ay 5::62 a voluntary management arrangement among sustralia2 -apan and New Zealand was formalized when the bonvention for the bonservation of Southern vluefin Tuna Ahttp/00sedac,ciesin,org0entri0texts0acrc0vluefin,txt,htmlr2 which had been signed by the three countries in *ay 5::42 came into force, Western and bentral Pacific Eisheries bommission Ahttp/00www,wcpfc,int0r bonvention on the bonservation and *anagement of uigh *igratory Eish Stocks in the Western and Pacific Ocean Ahttp/00www,wcpfc,int0key7documents0convention7textr2 entered into force in 3116,

UpdatedApril27,201514Feneral Eisheries bommission for the *editerranean Ahttp/00www,gfcm,org0gfcm0enr sgreement for the Rstablishment of the Feneral Eisheries bommission for the *editerranean Ahttp/00sedac,ciesin,org0entri0texts0fisheries,council,mediterranean,5:6:,htmlr2 entered into force September 5:6:, nnter7smerican Tropical Tuna bommission Ahttp/00www,iattc,org0uomeRNF,htmr bonvention for the Strengthening of the nnter7smerican Tropical Tuna bommission Rstablished by the 5:6: bonvention between the United States of smerica and the Republic of bosta Rica Ahttp/00www,iattc,org0PTEEiles30sntigua_bonvention_-un_3114,pdfr Athe sntigua bonventionr entered into force sugust 3151, nnternational valtic Sea Eishery bommission Aceased to function on -anuary 52 3119r, bonvention on Eishing and bonservation of the -iving Resources in the valtic Sea and the velts Ahttp/00www,jus,uio,no0english0services0library0treaties019097130fishing7baltic7belts,xml rAthe Fdansk bonventionr2 signed on 54 September 5:(4, nnternational bommission for the bonservation of stlantic Tunas Ahttp/00www,iccat,es0en0r nnternational bonvention for the bonservation of stlantic Tunas Ahttp/00www,iccat,int0Tocuments0bommission0vasicTexts,pdfr2 entered into force on 35 *arch 5:9:, nndian Ocean Tuna bommission Ahttp/00www,iotc,org0Rnglish0index,phpr sgreement for the Rstablishment of the nndian Ocean Tuna bommission Ahttp/00www,iotc,org0about7iotc0basic7textsr nnternational Pacific ualibut bommission Ahttp/00www,iphc,washington,edu0r The nnternational Pacific ualibut bommission AnPubr2 originally called the nnternational Eisheries bommission2 was established in 5:34 by the bonvention for the Preservation of the ualibut Eishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean between the governments of banada and the United States A64 Stat, 5h652 TS (15r, The bonvention was amended in 5:41 ATS h4(r and 5:4( A81 Stat, 5485r, s new bonvention entered into force in 5:84 A333 UNTS (hr, When the two countries extended their fishery jurisdictions2 a Protocol smending the bonvention entered into force in 5:h1 A53(4 UNTS 3(1r, The conventions may be located in commercial databases, nnternational Whaling bommission Ahttp/00iwcoffice,org0r

UpdatedApril27,201515 nnternational bonvention for the Regulation of Whaling Ahttps/00iwc,int0conventionr2 entered into force on 51 November 5:6h, North stlantic Salmon bonservation Organization Ahttp/00www,nasco,int0index,htmlr The bonvention for the bonservation of Salmon in the North stlantic Ocean Ahttp/00www,nasco,int0convention,htmlr2 entered into force on 5 October 5:h4, Northwest stlantic Eisheries Organization Ahttp/00www,nafo,int0r bonvention on Euture *ultilateral booperation in the Northwest stlantic Eisheries Ahttp/00www,nafo,int0about0frames0about,htmlr2 entered into force on 5 -anuary 5:(:, North Rast stlantic Eisheries bommission Ahttp/00www,neafc,org0r ÒNewÓ bonvention on Euture *ultilateral bo7operation in the North Rast stlantic Eisheries Ahttp/00www,neafc,org0basictextsr North Pacific snadromous Eish bommission Ahttp/00www,npafc,org0new0index,htmlr bonvention for the bonservation of snadromous Stock in the North Pacific Ocean Ahttp/00www,npafc,org0new0publications0uandvook0Rnglisha31Apage5766r,pdfr2 entered into force on 59 Eebruary 5::4, Pacific Salmon bommission Ahttp/00www,psc,org0r Pacific Salmon Treaty Ahttp/00www,psc,org0pubs0treaty0treaty,pdfr2 entered into force in 5:h8, Southeast stlantic Eisheries Organization Ahttp/00www,seafo,org0r bonvention on the bonservation and management of Eishery Resources in the South Rast stlantic Ocean Ahttp/00www,seafo,org0sbout0bonvention7Textr2 entered into force in spril 5::4, Southwest nndian Ocean Eisheries bommission Ahttp/00www,fao,org0fishery0rfb0swiofc0enr Resolution and Statute of the Southwest nndian Ocean Eisheries bommission Aftp/00ftp,fao,org0fi0TObU*RNT0safr0swiofc_5_31180inf6e,pdfr South Pacific Regional Eisheries *anagement Organization Ahttp/00www,southpacificrfmo,org0r bonvention on the bonservation and *anagement of uigh Seas Eishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean Ahttp/00www,sprfmo,int0basic7documents0r2 entered into force on 36 sugust 3153

UpdatedApril27,201516Western and bentral Pacific Eisheries bommission Ahttp/00www,wcpfc,int0r bonvention on the bonservation and *anagement of uigh *igratory Eish Stocks in the Western and bentral Pacific Ocean Ahttp/00www,wcpfc,int0key7documents0convention7textr2 entered into force on 5: -une 3116, nX, RRFnONs- SRsS Regional Seas Programme Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0r, Under the auspices of the United Nations Rnvironment Programme2 the Regional Seas Programme covers 5h regions of the world with the goal of protecting marine and coastal environments, *any of the programs function through action plans adopted by the member governments to establish frameworks for protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development, Eourteen of the Regional Seas Programmes have adopted legally binding conventions, Today2 more than 561 countries participate in 54 Regional Seas Programmes established under the auspices of UNRP/ vlack Sea2 Wider baribbean2 Rast ssian Seas2 Rastern sfrica2 South ssian Seas2 ROP*R Sea srea2 *editerranean2 North7Rast Pacific2 North7West Pacific2 Red Sea and Fulf of sden2 South7Rast Pacific2 Pacific2 and Western sfrica, Six of these programs are directly administered by UNRP, The Regional Seas Programmes function through an sction Plan, nn most cases the sction Plan is supported with a legal framework in the form of a regional bonvention and associated Protocols on specific problems, Eurthermore2 five partner programs for the sntarctic2 srctic2 valtic Sea2 baspian Sea and North7Rast stlantic Regions are members of the Regional Seas family, sntarctic Region Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0independent0antarctic0default,aspr The sntarctic Treaty Ahttp/00www,ats,aq0documents0ats0treaty_original,pdfr bonvention on the bonservation of sntarctic *arine -iving Resources Ahttp/00www,ccamlr,org0en0document0publications0convention7conservation7antarctic7marine7living7resourcesr srctic Region Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0independent0arctic0default,aspr No convention valtic Sea Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0independent0baltic0default,aspr bonvention on the Protection of the *arine Rnvironment of the valtic Sea srea Auelsinki bonventionr Ahttp/00ec,europa,eu0world0agreements0preparebreateTreatiesWorkspace0treatiesFeneralTata,doxstepc1tredirectctruettreatyndc864r

UpdatedApril27,201517vlack Sea Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0nonunep0blacksea0default,aspr bonvention on the Protection of the vlack Sea sgainst Pollution Ahttp/00www,blacksea7commission,org0_convention,aspr baspian Sea Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0independent0caspian0default,aspr Eramework bonvention for the Protection of the *arine Rnvironment of the baspian Sea Ahttp/00www,tehranconvention,org0spip,phpxarticle6r Rast ssian Seas Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0unpro0eastasian0default,aspr sction Plan for the Protection and Tevelopment of the *arine and boastal sreas of the Rast ssian Region Ahttp/00www,cobsea,org0documents0action_plan0sctionPlan5:h4,pdfr Rastern sfrica Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0unpro0easternafrica0default,aspr bonvention for the Protection2 *anagement and Tevelopment of the *arine and boastal Rnvironment of the Rastern sfrican Region Ahttp/00www,unep,ch0regionalseas0main0eaf0eafconv,htmlr *editerranean Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0unpro0mediterranean0default,aspr bonvention for the Protection of the *arine Rnvironment and the boastal Region of the *editerranean Avarcelona bonventionr Ahttp/00www,unepmap,org0r North7Rast stlantic Region Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0independent0neatlantic0default,aspr bonvention for the Protection of the *arine Rnvironment of the North7Rast stlantic AOSPsRr Ahttp/00www,ospar,org0html_documents0ospar0html0OSPsR_bonvention_e_updated_text_311(,pdfr North7Rast Pacific Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0nonunep0nepacific0default,aspr bonvention for booperation in the Protection and Sustainable Tevelopment of the *arine and boastal Rnvironment of the Northeast Pacific Asntigua bonventionr Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0nonunep0nepacific0instruments0nep_convention,pdfr North7West Pacific Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0unpro0nwpacific0default,aspr sction Plan for the Protection2 *anagement and Tevelopment of the *arine and boastal Rnvironment of the Northwest Pacific Region Ahttp/00www,nowpap,org0r

UpdatedApril27,201518 Pacific Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0nonunep0pacific0default,aspr bonvention for the Protection of Natural Resources and Rnvironment of the South Pacific Region ANoumea bonventionr Ahttp/00sedac,ciesin,org0entri0texts0natural,resources,south,pacific,5:h9,htmlr Red Sea and Fulf of sden Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0nonunep0redsea0default,aspr Regional bonvention for the bonservation of the Red Sea and Fulf of sden Rnvironment A-eddah bonventionr Ahttp/00www,persga,org0Tocuments0Toc_93_311:1355553h38,pdfr ROP*R Sea srea Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0nonunep0ropme0default,aspr fuwait Regional bonvention for booperation on the Protection of the *arine Rnvironment from Pollution Ahttp/00ropme,org0uploads0protocols0kuwait_convention,pdfr South ssian Seas Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0nonunep0southasian0default,aspr No convention, -aw of the Sea bonvention is regarded as the umbrella convention, South7Rast Pacific Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0nonunep0sepacific0default,aspr bonvention for the Protection of the *arine Rnvironment and boastal sreas of the South7Rast Pacific A-ima bonventionr Ahttp/00sedac,ciesin,org0entri0texts0marine,environment,coastal,south,east,pacific,5:h5,htmlr West and bentral sfrica Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0unpro0westernafrica0default,aspr sbidjan bonvention for bo7operation in the protection and Tevelopment of the *arine and boastal Rnvironment of the West and bentral sfrican Region Ahttp/00sedac,ciesin,columbia,edu0entri0texts0marine,coastal,west,central,africa,5:h5,htmlr Wider baribbean Ahttp/00www,unep,org0regionalseas0programmes0unpro0caribbean0default,aspr bonvention for the Protection and Tevelopment of the *arine Rnvironment of the Wider baribbean Region Abartagena bonventionr http/00www,cep,unep,org0cartagena7convention X, ZONRS OE TuR SRs

UpdatedApril27,201519Several sections of UNb-OS are concerned with delineating the regions of the oceans over which states may exercise varying degrees of sovereignty, These sections provide a balance of national control with freedom of use by all nations, The 5::6 sgreement relating to the nmplementation of Part Xn of the United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea supplements UNb-OS Ahttp/00www,un,org0depts0los0convention_agreements0convention_overview_part_xi,htmr, s, Specialized vodies Rstablished by UNb-OS nnternational Seabed suthority Ahttps/00www,isa,org,jm0r The nnternational Seabed suthority is an autonomous international organization established under the 5:h3 United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea and the 5::6 sgreement relating to the nmplementation of Part Xn of the United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea, The website includes information about the organs of the suthority2 and lists of all documents issued by it2 with links to full text of selected documents, bommission on the -imits of the bontinental Shelf Ahttp/00www,un,org0depts0los0clcs_new0clcs_home,htmr The bommission on the -imits of the bontinental Shelf was established to facilitate the implementation of UNb-OS in respect of the establishment of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 311 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured, The responsibilities of the bommission are set forth in snnex nn of UNb-OS, The website includes information about the bommission and links to documents adopted by the bommission and information and assistance provided to member states, v, National -aws *aritime Zones and Telimitation Ahttp/00www,un,org0Tepts0los0-RFnS-sTnONsNTTRRsTnRS0index,htmr The website contains national legislation of coastal States2 as made available to the United Nations, sccordingly2 the website may not reflect developments that have not been brought to the attention of the United Nations, Whenever possible2 the texts are accompanied by illustrative maps, nn addition2 the website contains other reference material2 such as tables indicating the status of the United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea2 summary of national claims to maritime jurisdiction2 and other information, Xn, SRbONTsRY SOURbRS s, Online batalogs s good place to begin research is in an online catalog, *any law library online catalogs2 especially in the United States2 use the -ibrary of bongress classification system Aoutline at http/00www,loc,gov0catdir0cpso0lcco0r, Possible subject headings to use when searching for law of the sea materials include/ -aw of the Seaw *aritime -aww *arine Resourcesw bonservation and

UpdatedApril27,201520Tevelopmentw Eisheries Ð nnternational booperationw Rconomic Zones A-aw of the Sear, Titles of treaties and names of international organizations are also used as subject headings, Worldbat Ahttp/00www,worldcat,org0r is a global catalog that allows searching of more than 512111 library catalogs, v, Treatises and Yearbooks Nordquist2 United Nations bonvention on the -aw of the Sea 5:h3/ s bommentary Ahttp/00www,worldcat,org0title0united7nations7convention7on7the7law7of7the7sea75:h37a7commentary0oclc055:(54:3treferercbrief_resultsr foers t Oxman2 The 5:h3 bonvention on the -aw of the Sea/ Proceedings2 -aw of the Sea nnstitute Seventeenth snnual bonference Ahttp/00www,worldcat,org0title05:h37convention7on7the7law7of7the7sea7proceedings7law7of7the7sea7institute7seventeenth7annual7conference0oclc051((((h3treferercbrief_resultsr nnternational Ocean nnstitute2 Ocean Yearbook Ahttp/00www,worldcat,org0title0ocean7yearbook0oclc0698:651treferercbrief_resultsr bolson t Smith2 nnternational *aritime voundaries Ahttp/00www,worldcat,org0title0international7maritime7boundaries0oclc09(991(81htreferercbrief_resultsr Rothwell2 Rleferink2 Oude2 Scott t Stephens2 The Oxford uandbook of the -aw of the Sea Ahttps/00www,worldcat,org0title0oxford7handbook7of7the7law7of7the7sea0oclc0hh:5h4:8(treferercbrief_resultsr b, -egal Periodicals svailable in print and in subscription databases online2 journal articles can often be a rich source of information on law of the sea issues, Several journals are devoted exclusively to the topic2 for example/ -aw of the Sea vulletin2 published by the United Nations Tivision for Ocean sffairs and the -aw of the Sea, Ahttp/00www,un,org0depts0los0doalos_publications0los_bult,htmr Ocean Tevelopment and nnternational -aw covers aspects of international and comparative law and policy concerning the management of ocean use and activities, Ahttp/00www,tandf,co,uk0journals0titles011:1h431,aspr nnternational Tribunal for the -aw of the Sea Yearbook provides information about the jurisdiction2 procedure and organization of the Tribunal and also about its composition and activities during the year, Ahttp/00www,brill,nl0default,aspxxpartidc33(tpidc469:1r The nnternational -ournal of *arine and boastal -aw addresses all aspects of marine and coastal law,

UpdatedApril27,201521nncludes a burrent -egal Tevelopments section, Ahttp/00www,brill,nl0estur Ocean and boastal -aw Review covers issues of marine resource regulation2 coastal zone management2 marine environmental protection2 and other topics of importance in the field of ocean and coastal law, Ahttp/00mainelaw,maine,edu0academics0oclj0r T, -egal Periodical nndexes burrent nndex to -egal Periodicals Abn-Pr Ahttp/00lib,law,washington,edu0cilp0cilp,htmlr Weekly index to very recent periodical literature2 published by the *arion Fould Fallagher -aw -ibrary2 University of Washington, slso available on Westlaw, nndex to Eoreign -egal Periodicals AnE-Pr Ahttp/00www,law,berkeley,edu0library0iflp0r Averkeley2 bs/ University of balifornia Press for the smerican sssociation of -aw -ibrariesr, nE-P is a multilingual index to over 6(1 journals focusing on international law Apublic and privater2 comparative law2 and the municipal law of countries other than common law jurisdictions, The nndex to Eoreign -egal Periodicals is now published in both print and electronic formats by the William S, uein t bo, nndex to -egal Periodicals and vooks Eull Text Ahttp/00www,ebscohost,com0academic0index7to7legal7periodicals7and7books7full7textrANew York2 NY/ u,W, Wilson bo,rn-P indexes over 5111 legal journals from the United States and other common law jurisdictions2 with full text coverage of more than 611 periodicals, Rlectronic coverage began in 5:h5w print coverage dates back to 5:39, squatic Sciences and Eisheries sbstracts Ahttp/00www,fao,org0fishery0asfa0enr Produced through the cooperative efforts of the international network of sSEs Partners and ProQuest2 the database contains more than 5 million bibliographic references to the worldes aquatic science literature accessioned since 5:(5, R, Eree Sources of Scholarly srticles *any law reviews and other scholarly journals have made articles available on their websites, The Social Science Research Network ASSRNr Ahttp/00www,ssrn,comr This research network aims to disseminate social science research and has a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences, The database is searchable or browseable, The verkeley Rlectronic Press Abepressr Ahttp/00www,bepress,comr Publishes peer7reviewed journals2 working papers2 and other scholarly information in the fields of social sciences and the sciences, vepress is searchable and browseable, E, Research Fuides nnternational -aw of the Sea2 University of Washington Ahttp/00lib,law,washington,edu0ref0-OS5,htmlr

UpdatedApril27,201522-aw of the Sea2 University of Oregon Ahttp/00libweb,uoregon,edu0law0ocean0guides0los,htmlr -aw of the Sea2 University of nowa Ahttp/00libguides,law,uiowa,edu0lawofthesear F, burrent swareness sSn- nnsights2 the Uinternational law behind the headlines2U provide brief2 balanced accounts of the international law issues raised by newsworthy late7breaking events, nnsights2 which are written as international law events arise2 are distributed to subscribers and posted on the sSn- website approximately two times a month, Ahttp/00www,asil,org0insightsr To remain abreast of current developments2 the websites of the international organizations listed in this chapter are a source of newsletters2 current awareness bulletins and papers presented at meetings, nn addition2 other organizations track developments in the area, nnternational Union for the bonservation of Nature AnUbNr *arine and Polar Programme Ahttp/00www,iucn,org0about0work0programmes0marine0r benter for Oceans -aw and Policy Ahttp/00www,virginia,edu0colp0r World Wildlife Eund *arine Programme Ahttp/00wwf,panda,org0what_we_do0how_we_work0conservation0marine0r Freenpeace Oceans bampaign Ahttp/00www,greenpeace,org0international0campaigns0oceans0r Flobal Ocean bommission Ahttp/00www,globaloceancommission,org0r *varbara vean has been a reference librarian at the *ichigan State University bollege of -aw since 3116, nn addition to providing reference services and research support to students and faculty2 she teaches classroom and online courses in sdvanced -egal Research, Prior to becoming a librarian2 she was an attorney specializing in bank financing at *ilbank2 Tweed2 uadley t *cbloy and OÕ*elveny and *yers2 and served as smerican counsel to Tevrauw vlackstone Westbroek, She is a member of the New York and balifornia bars, varbara earned her s,v, from Vassar bollege and her -,T, from Feorgetown University -aw benter, She received her *,S,n,S, from the State University of New York at slbany, She is a member of the smerican sssociation of -aw -ibraries and has been active in the scademic -aw -ibraries and Eoreign bomparative and nnternational -aw special interest sections, She is the author of the nnternational Rnvironmental -aw and nnternational sir2 Space and Water categories of the Rlectronic nnformation System for nnternational -aw ARnSn-r, She has also contributed research

UpdatedApril27,201523guides on Transboundary Ereshwater Treaties and Other Resources and Researching the Vienna bonvention on bonsular Relations Notification Requirements to the Flobalex database at the uauser Flobal -aw Program at the New York University School of -aw,
