[PDF] [PDF] Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary - The United Knowledge

31 mai 2012 · Use the Oxford Text Checker to assess the vocabulary content of a text before using it in class Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary CD-ROM with Download the software to install the complete OALD CD-ROM content, including Oxford contrast, the entire unmanned Voyager mission from 1972

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[PDF] Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary - The United Knowledge

31 mai 2012 · Use the Oxford Text Checker to assess the vocabulary content of a text before using it in class Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary CD-ROM with Download the software to install the complete OALD CD-ROM content, including Oxford contrast, the entire unmanned Voyager mission from 1972

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1pt keyline round box,

dimensions: 26x40mm align with bar code at the foot of the cover if possible typeface: opentype cachet, converted to outline here colours should be chosen to match the design of thse cover ensure that oxfordenglishtesting.com is highly legible PUB2 > ADULT DES WIP > oxfordenglishtesting > oxfordenglishtesting logo for back covers.ai guidelines for use on back covers: the edge of the cliffs.2[I] to decrease suddenly and quickly:Share prices plunged overnight. plunge into sth/in1to jump into sth, especially with force:He ran to the river and plunged in.2to start doing sth with energy and enthusiasm: Think carefully before you plunge into buying a house. plunge sth into sth/into push sth suddenly and with force into sth:She plunged the knife deep into his chest. plunge sb/sth into sthto cause sb/sth to suddenly be in the state mentioned:The country has been plunged into chaos by the floods. plunge2/plnd/noun[C] a sudden jump, drop or fall:the plunge in house prices take the plunge(informal) to decide to do sth difficult after thinking about it for quite a long time: After going out together for five years, they took the plunge and got married. pluperfect/plupfkt/ =past perfect plural/plrl/noun[C] (abbrpl.) the form of a noun, verb, etc. which refers to more than one per- son or thing:The plural ofboatisboats.

The verb

should be in the plural.pluraladjlook atsin- gular plus1/pls/prep1and; added to:Two plus two is four (2 + 2 = 4). minus2in addition to; and also:You have to work five days a week plus every other weekend. plus2/pls/noun[C]1an advantage of a situation:

My work is five minutes from my house, which is a

definite plus.2the symbol (+) used in mathematics:

He put a plus instead of a minus.

minus plus3/pls/adj[onlyaftera noun]1or more:Id say there were 30000 plus at the match.2[not before a noun] (used for marking work done by stu- dents) slightly above:I got a B plus(= B+)for my homework. minus plush/pl/adj(informal) comfortable and expen- sive:a plush hotel

Pluto/plut/noun[sing] the name of a large

round object in space which orbits(= goes around) the sun


Plutowas known as the ninth planet in thesolar

system until 2006. plutonium/plutnim/noun[U] (symbolPu) a chemical element that is used in nuclear weapons and in producing nuclear energy ply/pla/verb[I,T] (plying;plies;pt,ppplied) to try to sell services or goods to people, especially on the street:Boat owners were plyingtheirtradeto passing tourists.to ply for business ply sb with sthto keep giving sb food and drink, or asking sb questions:They plied us with food from the moment we arrived. plywood/plawd/noun[U] board made by sticking several thin layers of wood together

PMabbr=prime minister

p.m.(AmEalsoP.M.) /pi em/abbr(from Latin) post meridiem; after midday:The appointment is at

3 p.m.

look ata.m. pneumatic/njumaetk/adj1filled with air:a pneumatic tyre2worked by air under pressure:a pneumatic drill pneumonia/njumni/noun[U] a serious ill- ness of the lungs which makes breathing difficult

PO/pi /abbr[in compounds] =post office:a PO

box poach/pt/verb[T]1to cook food gently in liquid:poached eggs/fish2to hunt animals illegally on sb elses land:The men were caught poaching elephants.3to take an idea from sb else and use it as though it is your own4to take workers from another company in an unfair way poacher/pt(r)/noun[C] a person who hunts animals illegally on sb elses land

PO box/pi bks/noun[C] a place in a post

office where letters, packages, etc. are kept until they are collected by the person they were sent to:

The address is PO Box 4287, Nairobi, Kenya.

pocket1/pkt/noun[C]1a piece of cloth like a small bag that is sewn inside or on a piece of cloth- ing and is used for carrying things in:He always walks with his hands in his trouser pockets. a pocket dictionary/calculator(= one small enough to fit in your pocket) picture onpage P162a small bag or container that is fixed to the inside of a car door, suitcase, etc. and used for putting things in:There are safety instructions in the pocket of the seat in front of you.3used to talk about the amount of money that you have to spend:They sell cars to suit every pocket.

He had no intention of paying for the meal

out ofhisown pocket.4a small area or group that is different from its surroundings:a pocket of warm air pick sb"s pocketpick1 pocket2/pkt/verb[T]1to put sth in your pocket:He took the letter and pocketed it quickly.

2to steal or win money

pocket moneynoun[U] (especially AmEallow- ance ) an amount of money that parents give a child to spend, usually every week pod/pd/noun[C] the long, green part of some plants, such as peasandbeans, that contains the seeds picture onpage P12 podcast/pdkst/noun[C] a recording of a radio broadcast or a video that can be taken from the Internet:I download podcasts of radio shows and listen to them in the car. TOPIC


You candownload a podcastto your computer

or portable MP3 playerand watch or listen to it whenever you want to. If you subscribe to a pod- cast (= say that you want to receive regular broadcasts), your computer will downloadeach new episode(= part) in a series.

[C] countable, a noun with a pl:ural form: one book, two books [U] uncountable, a noun with no p:lural form: some sugar

P plungepodcast532 swollen1past participleofswell1 swollen2/swln/adjthicker or wider than usual:Her ankle was badly swollen after she twisted it. swoop/swup/verb[I]1to fly or move down sud- denly:The bird swooped down on its prey.2(used especially about the police or the army) to visit or capture sb/sth without warning:Police swooped at dawn and arrested the man at his home. swoop noun[C]a swoop (on sb/sth) swop=swap sword/sd/noun[C] a long, very sharp metal weapon, like a large knife sworepast tenseofswear swornpast participleofswear swot1/swt/noun[C] (informal) a person who studies too hard swot2/swt/verb[I,T] (informal) (swotting;swot- ted )swot (up) (for/on sth);swot sth upto study sth very hard, especially to prepare for an exam:Shes swotting for her final exams. swumpast participleofswim swungpast tense,past participleofswing1 syllable/slbl/noun[C] a word or part of a word which contains one vowel sound:Mathas one syl- lable andmattresshas two syllables.

The stress in

internationalis on the third syllable. syllabus/slbs/noun[C] a list of subjects, etc. that are included in a course of study look atcur- riculum symbol/smbl/noun[C]1a symbol (of sth)a person, sign, object, etc. which represents sth:The cross is the symbol of Christianity.2 a symbol (for sth) a letter, number or sign that has a particular meaning:O is the symbol for oxygen. symbolic/smblk/ (alsosymbolical/kl/)adj used or seen to represent sth:The white dove is sym- bolic of peace. symbolically/kli/adv symbolism/smblzm/noun[U] the use of symbols to represent things, especially in art and literature symbolize(also-ise) /smblaz/verb[T] to rep- resent sth:The deepest notes in music are often used to symbolize danger or despair. symmetric/smetrk/ (alsosymmetrical/rkl/) adjhaving two halves that match each other exactly in size, shape, etc. symmetrically/kli/adv symmetry/smtri/noun[U] the state of having two halves that match each other exactly in size, shape, etc. sympathetic/smpetk/adj1sympathetic (to/towards sb) showing that you understand other peoples feelings, especially their problems:When

Suki was ill, everyone was very sympathetic.

I felt

very sympathetic towards him.

Be careful.Sympatheticdoes not mean

friendly and pleasant. If you want to express this meaning, you say a person is niceorpleasant:I met Alexs sister yesterday. Shes very nice. 2 sympathetic (to sb/sth)being in agreement with or supporting sb/sth:I explained our ideas but she wasnt sympathetic to them. sympathetically/ kli/adv sympathize(also-ise) /smpaz/verb[I]sym- pathize (with sb/sth)

1to feel sorry for sb; to show

that you understand sbs problems:I sympathize with her, but I dont know what I can do to help.

2to support sb/sth:I find it difficult to sympathize

with his opinions. sympathizer(also-iser) /smpaz(r)/noun

C] a person who agrees with and supports an idea

or aim sympathy/smpi/noun(plsympathies)1[U] sympathy (for/towards sb)an understanding of other peoples feelings, especially their problems:


feelsgreatsympathyfor the victims of the attack.I dont expect any sympathy from you.I havenosympathyfor Markits his own fault.

2sympathies[pl]feelings of support or agreement:

Some members of the party have nationalist sympa-

thies. in sympathy (with sb/sth)in agreement, showing that you support or approve of sb/sth: Train drivers stopped work in sympathy with the strik- ing bus drivers. symphony/smfni/noun[C] (plsymphonies) a long piece of music written for a large orchestra(= a group of musicians who play together) symptom/smptm/noun[C]1a change in your body that is a sign of illness:The symptoms of flu include a headache, a high temperature and aches in the body. note atill2a sign (that sth bad is happening or exists) symptomatic/smpt maetk /adj synagogue/sn/noun[C] a building where Jewish people go to worship or to study their reli- gion synchronize(also-ise) /skrnaz/verb[T] to make sth happen or work at the same time or speed: We synchronized our watches to make sure we agreed what the time was. syndicate/sndkt/noun[C] a group of people or companies that work together in order to achieve a particular aimquotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23