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[PDF] APA Style – 6 edition - Dublin City University

APA Style – 6 th edition Latest revision: September 2017 DCU Library APA Referencing Style Guide 13 Page eBook For an eBook available on database,  

[PDF] A guide to APA referencing – 6th edition - IIEAD

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[PDF] Beginners Guide to APA referencing - 6th edition - JKUAT

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Table of Contents




APA Title Page

Running head instructions:


Reference Guidelines

The eference pa ge, l ocat ed at the end o f the paper, i dentifies all publ ished sources used i n the paper Style:Begin eference list on a new page. Center the title References regular, size 12 font

Double space between ALL lines.

If r eference ent ry i s t w o or more l ines l ong, u se a han ging indent. I n Word go t o t he hom e tab and click on the bottom corner of the Paragraph section and open the Indentation section; go to Special and select


from t he dropdow n list. Authors:Alphabetize by last name and include the initial(s) of given name(s): Black, S. E.

If there is no author,

us e the editor's na me: J ones, L. C (Ed.). If neither author nor editor is available, use the source title. Separate names with commas, and use an ampersand (&) before the last author's name: Maree, J. M.,


D M M cKenzie, C .S. Dates:When no publication date is given, use (n.d.) to indicate no date.

For onl

ine resources, u se retrieval dat es onl y w hen the s ource material c hanges over time (e.g. wikis, and web pages t hat might be updat ed frequently). For monthly publications, include the month in full: (2016, March); for dail i ncl ude th e full date (2017, M ay 5) Titles:For all source, including books, chapters, and articles, use sentence caseonly the first word of t he t itle, t he first word after a col on, and pr oper nouns (names) are capitalized Any referenced item that part of a larger source (e.g. journal article, chapter frombook) appear non -italicized. work (e.g. book, PDF document, t he nam e ofjournal, the name of ne wspaper italicized

Note: The exception to the capitalization rule is

that the names o f periodical s (e.g. j ournals, magazines, newspapers) f ollow title case (each m ajor word is capitalized)

Journal of Advanced


Places of Publication:Include city and state/province abbreviation for publishers in Canada/USA: London, ON;

B oston, M A. Include city and country for publishers outside of Canada/USA: Sydney, Australia

DOIs:Digital Object Identifiers are a code of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies an object. If it is

available, i nclude it i n the reference

Examples: doi: and

ht tp://dx.doi.org/ P: If paragraph numbers are visible, use the abbreviation "para." and the number. If there are no visible paragraph numbers cite the heading and the : (, 201, par a. 2)

If the sectionheading is very long, you can shorten it to the first few words and put itin quotation marks. For

ex ample, t he title "Impact of Fluoride on S chool -Aged


en i n Rural N orthern

Ontario" can be shortened

in the c itation: (Smith, 2018, "Impact of Fluoride," para. 4). If there aren't any headings, just use (author, year, para. #) from the main title.Short q uotes:


quotes than 40 words are embedded in your text; use quotation marks.

Long quotes:

Direct quotes longer than 40 words do not use quotation marks. They are placed in an indented, double -spaced, bl ock o f t ext see page 12). Authors:o authorse an abbreviated version of work's title in quotations: ("Ipperwash," 2015). -5 a uthors nclude all authors in first in-text citation, then use the first author et al. forsubsequent c itations:

Jones et al., 2014).

6 or m ore a uthors se the first author et al. (Kim et al., 2018) Dates: If no date is present, use n.d.: (Black, n.d.).


C ommunication

Interviews/Emails/Letters etc.)


c ommunications, su ch as e mails, memos and interviews ar e not n the pa ge . However, clearly identify t hese sources i n the body of t he paper (see p age 12)


a nd Headings i n a P aper



in a


All st andard sections o f a paper i ncluding the abstract, aut hor 's note, title of your paper r eferences, an d appendices ar e centered and written in regular, title case font s example on page 1)

Headings in

a Paper:


ar e used to organize a paper. Each heading has a different st yle to show t he paper 's structure. There are 5 levels of heading styles in APABegin with the first anduseother i f n e $3$5()(5(1&(6&,7$7,216 In -Text Citation Guidelines

Each use of

s ource information within a paper r equires an in -text c itation All di rect quot es (word for w ord) and paraphrases (ideas put into your own words) must be cited


information: Only t he author and year, Blau, 20 14), ar e necessary f or par aphrased citations although the use of pag e numbers, Blau,

2014, p.

14), i s enc ouraged.

Direct quotations: Cite the author, year, and page number(s): (Blau, 2014, p.14). Use p. for a singlepage

number a nd pp. f or m ultiple p age numbers (if quot e continues ont o a second page) Di rect quotes fro m electron ic s ources without p age n umbers


: Centered, Bold, $3$5()(5(1&(6&,7$7,216 WEB Note


Note Note Note


Note Note Note Note



Use this format for articles from Library Databases or Print Journals/Newspapers ,QWH[WFLWDWLRQ Note: ,QWH[WFLWDWLRQ:


Note ([DPSOHZLWKRXWLVVXHQXPEHU Note: in italics Note Note: Note Note: $VVRFLDWLRQ




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