[PDF] [PDF] APA Quick Guide 7th Edition - SOWELA Technical Community College

APA Style, 7th Edition – QuickGuide The American Psychological Association ( APA) Style is a set of guidelines for the social and behavioral sciences that helps  

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[PDF] APA Quick Guide 7th Edition - SOWELA Technical Community College

APA Style, 7th Edition – QuickGuide The American Psychological Association ( APA) Style is a set of guidelines for the social and behavioral sciences that helps  

[PDF] APA 7th Ed Quick Guide - Brescia University College

For the full authoritative guide, please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed ) Call number for Brescia copy: BF76 7

[PDF] APA Quick Guide - University of Waikato

APA Referencing THIS IS A QUICK GUIDE TO THE APA REFERENCING STYLE (7TH EDITION) See Library APA Online Guide for more examples at 

[PDF] APA Referencing (7th ed): A brief guide

10 fév 2020 · EIT uses the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style Referencing has two parts, in-text citations and a reference list at the 

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APA 7th Edition Quick Guide How do I format the paper? – Use 1” margins – Double-space the entire paper – Provide a page number in top right corner of the 

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The American Psychological Association recently updated its publication manual for its 7th edition examples of APA Style references including templates

[PDF] apa 7th edition quick reference guide website

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The American

Psychological Association(APA) Style is a set of guidelinesfor the social and behaǀioral sciences that helps authors present their ideas in a clear and organized manner. Using a uniform and sources.

Remember to follow the instructions of your professoreǀen if it differs from the informationyou find in

this guide.


changesin the 7 th edition that differfromthe 6 th edition are highlighted below in yellow.




ƒtitle page,

ƒtedžt or body of the paper, and




Apply the following styles to your paper.

ƒDouble-spaceyour paper including the title page andreference page.

ƒUse 1-inch margins

ƒUse left-alignment for the tedžt; do not justify the alignment onthe right side of the page. ƒThe following font-sizecombinations are acceptable͗ R

10-point Lucinda


11-point Arial,


11-point Calibri,


11-point Georgia,and


12-point Times New Roman.

ƒAddpage numbersin the top right corner(including the title page which will be page 1). ƒAll section headings are bold. (Note͗ The introductiondoes not haǀe a section heading.) Title Page

Title pages contain the following elements͗

ƒtitle of the paper (inbold),

ƒname of the author(s),

ƒdepartment and school name,

ƒcourse number and name,

ƒinstructor name,

ƒassignment due date, and

ƒa page number.

See the following


Eǀery time

This tells your reader fromwhichof your referencesyou aredrawingthis information.The in-tedžt citation proǀides the last nameof the author(s)andtheyearthesource was published.

The parenthetical

citation is the most common formof in-tedžt citation.


Students produce better oral history projects when they haǀe a personal interest in the topic (Ebner,


You can also mention the author's name in the tedžt of your sentence if it is important for your reader to

know whose ideas you are using, or if you are comparing or contrasting ideas from different sources.


Ebner (1976) argues that students produce better oral history projects when they haǀea personal interest in the topic.



In-tedžt citations will change depending on the number of authors your informationsources haǀe. The

following table edžplains these changes.

Number of Authors

Parenthetical CitationNarratiǀeCitation

One Author

Two Authors

Three or More Authors

Only list the name of the first authorif there are three or moreandthen addthe abbreǀiation͞et al."

Also note

that the use of an ampersand(͞Θ")in the parenthetical citationonly.

The citations on

your reference pageproǀide allof the information needed to find and identifyyour sources. Each source will only be listed once on the reference page.

The reference page is formatted as follows͗

ƒbegin the reference page on a new page,

ƒReferences(the title of this page)is centered and in bold, ƒthe sources are listed alphabetically by the last name of the first author,

ƒdouble-space the references,

ƒeach source is formatted with a hanging indentation, and ƒin the title and subtitle, only capitalize proper names andthe first letter of the first word.

See the following


The following edžamples edžplain how bibliographic citations are different depending on the number of

authors, type of source, and other factors.



The rules are different for listing

authors compared to in-tedžt citations.Allauthor names are listed in citations on the reference page unless there are more than 20 authors. One


Last name, A.A. (year).

Two Authors͗

Last name, A. A.,Θ Last name,B. B. (year).

Three to Twenty Authors͗ Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B.,Θ Last name, C. C. (year). More thanTwenty Authors͗

Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B., Θ Last name, C. C., Last name, D. D., Last name, E. E., Θ Last name, F.

F., Last name, G. G., Last name, H. H., Θ

Last name, I. I., Last name, J. J., Last name, K. K., ΘLast name, L.

L., Last name, M. M., Last name, N. N., Θ

Last name, O. O., Last name, P. P., Last name, Y. Y., ΘLast Books


Last name, A. A. (year). Title of work͗ Subtitle follows same capitalization rules. Publisher.


Moore, A. Θ Lloyd, D. (2008). V for ǀendetta. Vertigo.



Electronic sources should include a DOI (digital object identifier).

Write the DOI as a hyperlink beginning

with ͞https͗ͬͬdoi.orgl" and then add the number.Omit this if the DOI doesnotedžist-do notproǀide

the database URL in this situation.


Morin, C. (2018). The gothic noǀel in Ireland͗ C. 1760-1829. Manchester UniǀersityPress.


Donotadd the phrases͞Retrieǀed from"or ͞doi͗"for DOIs or URLs. Book


Francis, P., Θ Oppenheimer, C. (2004). Volcanoes(2nded.). Odžford UniǀersityPress. Book withEditors


Gonzalez, M., Θ Barekat, H.

(Eds.).(2013).Arms and the people͗ Popularmoǀementsand military from the Paris Commune to the




Gallagher, M. (2009). AimĠ

CĠsaire and francophone postcolonial thought. In C. Forsdick Θ D. Murphy (Eds.), Postcolonial thought in the French speakingworld. Liǀerpool UniǀersityPress.


journals haǀe an issue number. When this is the case, simply omit the issue number andparentheses.

Note that the ǀolumenumber is italicized but the issue numberis not.



Fleck, L. M., Θ

Murphy, T. F. (2018). First come Įrst serǀe inthe intensiǀe care unit͗ Always͍Cambridge


Donotproǀide the database URL if the DOI does not edžist.






Benner, K. (2019, July 20). More than3,000 inmates freed under criminal justicelaw. The New York

Times, A11.



Partanen, E., Θ Virtala, P. (2017). Prenatal sensory deǀelopment. In B. Hopkins Θ R. G. Barr (Eds.), The

Cambridge encyclopedia of child deǀelopment(2nd ed.). Cambridge Uniǀersity Press.



Federal Reserǀe System. (2015).InT. Riggs (Ed.),The Gale encyclopedia of U.S. economic history(2nd

ed.). Gale.



Stanford History Education

Group. (2016). Eǀaluating information͗ The cornerstone of ciǀic online Web


Create a separate

reference for eachwebpage you use froma website.


Office of the Goǀernor. (n.d.). Meet the goǀernor. http͗ͬͬgoǀ.louisiana.goǀͬpageͬmeet-the-goǀernor



Indicate the type of social

media post in brackets, such as ǀideo, Tweet, status update, etc.

YouTube Edžample͗

Mischief. (2018, December 26). Is fantasy football just DΘD for jocks΀Video΁. YouTube. https͗ͬͬyoutu.beͬwo-Da8wUhoA

Center for Disease Control ΀ΛCDCgoǀ΁.

(2014,October 17).ηEbola is not spread through casual contact, air, water or any food grown or legally purchased in US

΀Tweet΁. Twitter.

Facebook Edžample͗

Wheaton, W. (2019, October23). I donΖt know how long this will last, but right now, you can hear whales

singing to each other on the Monterey

update΁͊Facebook. https͗ͬͬwww.facebook.comͬitswilwheatonͬpostsͬ2330655153727680



If you need further assistance with APA style, check out theAPA Style website.


th and is thereforeoutdated. SOWELA Technical Community College does not discriminate on

The followingpersons haǀe been designatedto

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