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Citing Sources in APA Style - 7th ed This is a brief overview of how to cite sources using American Psychological Association (APA) style For more information 

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[PDF] APA Style Guide 7th edition

Citing Sources in APA Style - 7th ed This is a brief overview of how to cite sources using American Psychological Association (APA) style For more information 

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Ciiting Sources in APA Style - 7th ed.

This is a brief overview of how to cite sources using American Psychological Associaition (APA) style.

For more informaition, see:

Publicaition Manual of the American Psychological Associaition (On Reserve or at Library Research Help


APA Style Blog

Purdue University's Online Wriiting Lab

Excelsior Online Wriiting Lab

ContentsIntroducition to APA

In-Text Citaitions, p. 2

Paraphrase , p. 2

Direct Quotaitions , p. 3

Reference List

General Guidelines , p. 4

Authors , p. 4

Print Books , p. 4

Print Periodical Ariticles , p. 5

Online Sources , p. 6

Formaièitièing Guidelines

Elements of APA Format , p. 10

Creaiting a Hanging Indent in Microsotft Word, p. 12 Creaiting a Hanging Indent in Google Docs , p. 13 Introducition to APAIn APA style, you acknowledge your outside sources in two ways:

In-Text Citaitions

When you paraphrase or quote informaition that came from an outside source, you must tell your reader where

the informaition came from. To do this, you provide brief informaition about the source, usually the author and

publicaition year. If you use a direct quotaition, you should also include the page number (see p. 3 for details).


While the opening of a large research university such as UC Merced leads to a growth in service industry jobs to

meet the increased demands of students and faculty of the university, job growth in manufacturing is delayed

(Lee, 2019).

Reference List

You also need to provide a list of all of the sources that you cited in your paper. Here, you will give addiitional informaition about each source you cited. (See p. 4 for details).


Lee, J. (2019). The local economic impact of a large research university: Evidence from UC Merced. Economic

Inquiry, 57(1), 316-332.


In-Text CitaitionsWhen you use ideas from an outside source by directly quoiting or paraphrasing, give that source credit by

including a brief citaition. Every work you cite in-text should have an entry in your reference list, with the

excepition of personal communicaitions or experiences. Always include a page number when ciiting direct

quotaitions, and consider including a page number when paraphrasing complex ideas.

One Author (or Editor)

(Author's Last Name, Year) (Luna, 2020)

Two Authors

(Salas & D'Agositino, 2020)

Mulitiple Authors (Three or more Authors)

(Maritin et al., 2020)

No Author

("Title of Entry," Year) ("Understanding Sensory Memory," 2018) No Author, No Date ("Title of Entry," n.d.) ("Quesitions and Answers," n.d.)

Entry in the DSM-V

(American Psychiatric Associaition, 2013)

Source Quoted in another Source

(as cited in Zakharchenko, 2014, p. 99)

Direct Quotaition (One page)

(Asante, 2014, p. 325)

Direct Quotaition (Two or more pages)

(Risen, 2016, pp. 202-203)


Paraphrasing involves restaiting the ideas of a source in your own words. It is recommended to paraphrase

more otften than directly quote in most academic wriiting. Include a citaition for the paraphrased work in your

text, and provide a page number in the citaition when the paraphrased work is long or complex.

Parentheitical format places the citaition in parentheses at the end of the sentence. When ciiting a source with

two authors, use an ampersand (&) between the authors' names.


Although Americans may say they are in favor of increased gun control, mispercepitions about exisiting gun laws

may lead to decreased acition and advocacy (Arronow & Miller, 2016).

Narraitive format includes the author's name within the sentence. In this format, the date should be included

just atfter the author's name and the page number listed at the end of the sentence. When ciiting a source with

two authors spell out the word "and" between the authors' names.


According to Arronow and Miller (2016), although many Americans favor increased gun control, mispercepitions

regarding exisiting gun laws may lead to decreased acition and advocacy.

Direct Quotaitions


If you use a direct quotaition, you will put the quoted material in quotaition marks (" "), cite the source in

parentheitical or narraitive format as above, and also cite the page number in your in-text citaition.

If the quotaition appears mid-sentence, cite the source immediately atfter the quotaition marks. Example:

One study found that both Laitinos and Anglos who are involved in organizaitions "vote at impressively

higher rates" (de la Garza, 2004, p. 97) than those who are not members of an organizaition.

If the quotaition appears at the end of the sentence, cite the source in parentheses immediately atfter the

quotaition marks, and end with a period or other punctuaition outside the ifinal parenthesis. Example:

Strain and Webber (2017) argue that for women, "high-school leadership experience is correlated with

occupaitional choice, speciifically higher-income management occupaitions. Finally, we ifind that the gender

wage gap is reduced by as much as 75 per cent when accouniting for leadership experience among those within management occupaitions" (p. 5048).

If the quotaition is 40 words or longer, omit the quotaition marks. Start the quotaition on a new line and indent

the block of text ½ inch from the letft margin. Double space the enitire quotaition. Example: Children in the early years of school clearly link reading instrucition with the classroom social environment: Children's perspecitives documented in this study shed light on the muliti-dimensional and variable

nature of reading as a social pracitice in their early classroom lives. The children were clearly aware of

the diffferenitiaition of their reading experiences according to the kinds of situaitions in which their

reading was embedded. Children were atttuned to situaitional variables such as roles and relaitionships,

content focus and instrucitional emphasis, which shaped how children in various ways construed and pariticipated in the seven situaitions explored in this study. (Harris, 2015, p. 35) 3

Reference List

General Guidelines

Include citaitions only for sources that you personally read and actually cited in your paper. Citaitions should include the following elements: author, date, ititle, source. Examples below demonstrate variaitions based on source type.

When lisiting authors' names, include only the last name and iniitials. See the author formaièitièing

instrucitions below. Italicize book ititles as well as periodical ititles and volumes.

Capitalize all words in a periodical ititle (e.g. Psychology Today) but only the ifirst word in an ariticle ititle,

book ititle, or Web page (e.g. To kill a mockingbird). Also, capitalize the ifirst word of a subititle and

capitalize proper nouns.

If a source (journal ariticle, book, etc) has a Digital Object Idenitiifier (DOI), then include the DOI in the

citaition for both print and online versions


One Author

Harris, P. (2015).

Mulitiple Authors (up to 20)

List each author's name. Separate the names with commas, add an ampersand (&) before the ifinal name.

Fazilat, S.., Scherer, R., & Tondeur, J. (2016).

More than 20 Authors

List the ifirst 19 authors, insert an ellipsis (...), then list the last author.

Wong, T. S., Harper, S., Coppola, N. K., Kornev, L., Fernandez, R., De La Cruz, P., ... Hassan, Q. (2012).

Organizaition as an Author

American Psychiatric Associaition. (2013).

Print Books

Basic Format for a Print Book

Book with an Editor or Editors

Chapter in an Edited Book

Chapter in an Opposing Viewpoints Book

Entry in an Encyclopedia (or other reference book)

Entry in the DSM-V

Basic Format for a Print Book without a DOI

Author(s)' Last Name(s), Iniitial(s). (Year of Publicaition). Title of book. Publisher.

Willmottt, C., & Macip, S. (2016). Where science and ethics meet: Dilemmas at the fronitiers of medicine and

biology. Praeger.

Basic Format for a Print Book with a DOI

Author(s)' Last Name(s), Iniitial(s). (Year of Publicaition). Title of book. Publisher. DOI 4

Book with an Editor or Editors

Editor(s)' Last Name(s), Iniitial(s). (Ed. or Eds.). (Year of Publicaition). Title of book. Publisher.

Keeling, A., & Wall, B. (Eds.). (2015). Nurses and disasters: Global, historical case studies. Springer Publishing

Company. htttps://doi.org/10.1891/9780826126733

Sze, J. (Ed.). (2018). Sustainability: Approaches to environmental jusitice and social power. New York University


Chapter in an Edited Book

Author(s)' Last Name(s), Iniitial(s). (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In Editor(s)' Iniitial(s) Last Name(s) (Ed. or

Eds.), Title of book (page numbers of chapter or entry pp. xxx-xxx). Publisher.

Chan, S. (2018). A brief history of Asian American acitivism and why it mattters for environmental jusitice. In L.

Nishime & K. D. Hester Williams (Eds.), Racial ecologies (pp.170-184). University of Washington Press.

Ariticle in an Encyclopedia or Other Reference Book

Author(s)' Last Name(s), Iniitial(s). Title of entry. (Year). In Editor(s)' Iniitial(s) Last Name(s) (Ed. or Eds.), Title of

reference book (xx ed., Vol. xx, pp. xxx-xxx). Publicaition City, State: Publisher.

With an author listed

Jorgensen, R. (2015). Facebook. In C. T. Anglim (Ed.), Privacy rights in the digital age (pp. 188-189). Grey

House Publishing.

With no author listed

Scoliosis. (2017). In K. Jones (Ed.), Childhood diseases and disorders sourcebook. (4th ed., pp. 569-572).


Entry in the DSM-V (print version)

American Psychiatric Associaition. (2013). Title of secition. In Diagnositic and staitisitical manual of mental

disorders (5th ed., pp. xxx-xxx). American Psychiatric Publishing.

American Psychiatric Associaition. (2013). Central sleep apnea. In Diagnositic and staitisitical manual of mental

disorders (5th ed., pp. 383-386). American Psychiatric Associaition.

Print Periodical Ariticles

Scholarly Journal Ariticle

Newspaper Ariticle

Magazine Ariticle

Journal Ariticle

Author(s)' Last Name(s), Iniitial(s). (Year). Title of ariticle. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), page numbers. DOI

Yoon, H. S., & Templeton, T. N. (2019). The pracitice of listening to children: The challenges of hearing children

out in an adult-regulated world. Harvard Educaitional Review, 89(1), 55-84.

Newspaper ariticle

Author(s)' Last Name(s), Iniitial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of ariticle. Title of Newspaper, pp. page numbers.

Fimrite, P. (2010, May 13). Stark outlook for parks. The San Francisco Chronicle, pp. A1, A7. 5

Magazine Ariticle

Author's Last Name, Iniitials. (Year, Month Day). Title of ariticle. Title of Magazine, volume(issue), page numbers.

Perez, C. C. (2020, February 3). Closing the gender data gap. Time, 198(3), 80-81.

Online Sources

General guidelines for online sources


Enitire Website

Online Video

Wiki Ariticle

Online Newspaper Ariticle

Journal Ariticle with a DOI

Journal Ariticle Without a DOI

Opposing Viewpoints Database

CQ Researcher Database

Gale Virtual Reference Library Database


Other Online Sources

General Guidelines for Online Sources

Below are examples for various online source types. Include as much of the requested informaition as is

available. Consult the full APA 7th ediition manual for sources not described. General guidelines: If there is no author, start the entry with the ititle. If there is no publicaition date, use (n.d.), which stands for "no date." DOI or URL shorteners may be used. Check the link to ensure it takes you to the correct locaition. For ebooks and online periodical ariticles found on the Web:quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23