[PDF] [PDF] CFKO200104840842901pdf - Korea Science

we sought to investigate the effect of FSH in normal OSE and IOSE cell lines Materials and Methods Normal human OSE cells were scraped from the ovarian  

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Xè le 13 avril (£9, à Sainl-Fr-mün-J (Mantbf) ÉCOLE NATIONALE VÉTÉRINAIRE DE LYON Année scolaire 1925-1926 — N- 69 H PtROPItflSf/ IOSE BOVINE

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SV40 Tag immortalized OSE lines (IOSE, n=5) and ovarian cancer cell lines (n=3 ) Cultures derived from 21/22 women with NFH-OSE and 13/13 women with

[PDF] CFKO200104840842901pdf - Korea Science

we sought to investigate the effect of FSH in normal OSE and IOSE cell lines Materials and Methods Normal human OSE cells were scraped from the ovarian  

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