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A 60-year statistical assessment

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C7 24=CDAH 0B F4;; 0BChristopher Tingle, CD, CRM, M.Eng., P.Eng.,lw c tvlreltco grilrggv -lxk BRW Foggx Wgekrsosi; Oxf. lr Txxc-c, Trxcvls. Tr dgkcoh sh BRW, kg lw cows flvgexsv sh esrhliyvcxlsr hsv CVRK Nre., -klek tvszlfgw lr-wgvzleg wyttsvx xs Ccrcfc&w hsyv blexsvlc-Cocww wydpcvlrgw. Dyvlri klw 13 ;gcvw sh espplwwlsrgf wgvzleg xs xkg Ccrcflcr Scz;, kg wgvzgf lr zcvlsyw ectcelxlgw, lreoyflri grilrggvlri shhlegv cdscvf xkg Ccrcflcr wydpcvlrg, xkg),(. -210/3/: xkg Scz;&w VaBVAFE tvsmgex flvgexsv crf xkg blexsvlc-Cocww wydpcvlrg lr-wgvzleg eocww pcrcigv. Mg -cw cows uycolx; w;wxgpw pcrcigv hsv xkg Csoolrw-Cocww wydpcvlrgw -lxk xkg Us;co Aywxvcolcr Scz;. Wlriog ksofw c B.A.Ve. lr Ckgpleco Erilrggvlri hvsp xkg arlzgvwlx; sh Wsvsrxs crf cr R.Eri. lr Syeogcv Erilrggvlri hvsp xkg Us;co Rlolxcv; Csoogig sh Ccrcfc.FFF0BB4>A6 *(+%)


Abstract:Ar crco;wlw

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Damage:e= 022834=C H84;38=6 30<064 1DC F8C7>DC 50C0;8CH8 Decommissioned:eB 0 A4BD;C >5 C74 <8B70?6 C74 E4BB4; 8B 342><7 <8BB8>=43 5A>< 5DAC74A B4AE8248 Significant damage:e= 022834=C H84;38=6 0C ;40BC >=4 50C0;8CH8

Sunk:-4BB4; D=8=C4=C8>=0;;H BD=:8

Sunk vessel:h>;;8B8>= >A 02C8>= A4BD;C8=6 8= C74 34<8B4 >5 0=>C74A


Unknown:+74 50C4 8B D=:=>F=8

Collision:*D1<0A8=4 78CB 0=>C74A E4BB4; >A <0=7<034 8=5A0BCAD2CDA48

Disease:(4AB>==4; BD22D<1 C> 0 38B40B48

Explosion:-0?>A 4G?;>34B 4=>C =424BB0A8;H ;4038=6 C> 58A458 Fire:%0C4A80; 0=39>A ?4AB>==4; 8B90A4 30<064398=9DA43 1H 58A48 Flood:*D1<0A8=43B F0C4AC867C 8=C46A8CH 8B 2><8B43 A43D28=6

C74 A4B4AE4 >5 1D>H0=2H8

Grounding:*D1<0A8=4 78CB C74 1>CC><6 B7>A4;8=4 >A 8248 Man overboard:(4AB>= 50;;B >E4A C74 B834 0=3 8B =>C A42>E4A43 0;8E48

Murder:%DA34A 8B 2><<8CC43 01>0A38

Nuclear:r=2834=C <>BC;H =D2;40A A4;0C438

Occupational death:n0C0;8C84B 3D4 C> 20DB4B >C74A C70= 38B40B46 <0= >E4A1>0A36 A C>G82 BD1BC0=24 4G?>BDA48

Suicide:(4AB>= 2><<8CB BD82834 01>0A38

Systems failure:%0C4A80; 508;DA4B ;4038=6 C> 2>=B4@D4=24B >C74A C70= 5;>>36 4G?;>B8>=6 58A46 2>;;8B8>= >A 6A>D=38=68 Toxic substance exposure:(4AB>==4; 0A4 4G?>B43 C> 0 C>G82 BD17

BC0=24 >C74A C70= A038>02C8E4 <0C4A80;8

Unknown:+H?4 >5 8=2834=C 8B D=:=>F=8

-0.R-06RMWcVbUBUSghfUR-66-67CSkdhg . ..,./,/--6 67.. 8D KSVU 0/ www.asse.org SEPTEMBER 2009PROFESSIONAL SAFETY33

Figures3and4 (p.36)arecontrolchartsdepictingthe

normalized SUBSUNK and normalized submarine fatalities, respectively.

Nelson (1986) developed control chart analysis

rules that center on identifying special causes from the following eight tests:

1) One point is more than three sigma from the

mean, also known as afreak.

2) Nine or more points are in a row on the same

side of the mean, suggestingbias.

3) Six or more points in a row continuously

increasing or decreasing, indicating atrend.

4) Fourteen or more points in a row oscillate or

alternate in direction.

5) Two or more points out of three points are

more than two sigma from the mean.

6) Four or more points out of five points are more

than one sigma from the mean.

7) Fifteen points in a row are all within one sigma

of the mean on either side.

8) Eight points in a row exist with none within

one sigma of the mean.

Using these tests, both control charts for SUB-

SUNK and submariner fatalities were observed to

SUNK, and 1972 to 1992 for submarine fatalities.


The freak at 1968 was indicative of the worst year of five operational submarines (Alvin, K-129, Scorpion,

Dakar, Minerve) and 362 deaths. Each accident is

described in more detail in the following discussion.

Alvinsank after two cables snapped during a

recovery operation and water entered the sphere through an open hatch (Ballard, 2000; Kaharl, 1990). The two occupants managed to scramble to safetyInterestingly, while the number of sub- marines peaked at around 950 in the mid-



ating submarines has steadily increased to morethandoublewhatitwasin1946.This has ultimately resulted in more nations with smaller submarine fleets.

It should be stressed that the subma-

rine accident database has gaps. Aside from the fact that some countries do not admit to incidents or do not provide inci- dent details, one attribute, cause, has been tricky to assign for several reasons: •therootcauseforasunkensubmarine at sea generally goes down with the boat (although forensic engineering of recov- ered wreckage can be enlightening re- garding potential causes); •as the gravity of the incident diminish- es, data quality and availability degrade.

To date, this database contains more

than 560 entries and another 90 to 100 entries remain under investigation.

Pcegopcn ld Rqkhck RqWjVngkco

Table 1 (p. 34) presents a small excerpt of data on incidents that resulted in a submarine being sunk between 1946 and 2005. Twenty-two of these acci- dents occurred with submarines that had already been decommissioned and were awaiting disposal.

While these represent losses, the damage they

incurred largely affected the vessel itself (which still normally affect personnel.

The remaining 55 operational submarines that

sunk, otherwise referred to as SUBSUNK (standard

North Atlantic Treaty Organization terminology

of further study since they typically incurred more losses due to the fact that they were crewed and the fact that the platforms represented a significant cap- ital expenditure for their owners.

RTFRTNL " RqWjVngkc JVpVigpgco EkVirogo

Figure 2 (p. 35) depicts a bar chart of the normal- ized SUBSUNK and submarine fatalities that occurred between 1946 and 2005. To interrogate this data, advanced statistical process control (SPC) tech- niques were employed. Run and control charts can identify unusual variations in data (special causes) over and above the normal variation expected (com- mon causes). Identifying when these special causes occur is important insofar as analyzing their origins with a view to risk mitigation, hazard elimination or risk acceptance.

While run charts can provide a valuable overview

of a process, control charts focus more on acceptable able information regarding special causes. This is done by depicting runs of data against time, with the mean and three standard deviations superimposed. *(41& *(41&

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Mjwzjjr BJEF " CAAF

aThe term0C B40refers to a vessel that has deployed to open water as opposed to being0;>=6B834in harbor, at anchor, etc. Decommissioned

infers a vessel that is no longer operational and is destined for disposal or some alternative use.

Rhoto 9I

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