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Proposal forrob ustperson-to-person

communications systemfor large-scale emergency displaced populationof peopleand pets

DavidH. Park er

ParkerIntellectualPr opertyEnterprises, LLC

Earlysville, VA,USA

david@parker-ip-ent.com Abstract—Lessons learnedaboutperson-to-person com- munications andr eunitingpeopleandpets thr oughmajor emergenciesfr omSeptember11,2001 through 2018ar e reviewed.Congressional attemptstorectify problems are listed. Abandonmentof theNational Emergency Family

Register andLocator System( NEFRLS)by FEMA,the

American RedCr ossSafeandW ellPr ogram,and social

media systemsare reviewed.New enablingtechnologies, that haveheretofor enotbeenexploitedforthepur pose, arer eviewed.Anew,rapidly deployable,person-to-person communications methodthat more fullyexploitsstate- of-the-art communicationstechnology ,remov esbarriers, and isas simpleto useas atelephone, ispr oposed.In particular,the proposed systemisequippedto handle a largenomadiccomponent, whichcould potentiallybe millions ofpeople andpets. For example,an earthquake, tsunami, nuclearpo werplantmalfunction,chemical plant malfunction, terroristact,or war.

Index Terms

—emergencymanagement, emergency com-

munications, resiliency,degreesof separation,Voiceo ver InternetPr otocol,LocalNumberP ortability, NorthAmer - ica NumberingPlan, voicemail, email


The terroristattacks onthe UnitedStates on

September 11,2001 (9/11)e xposeda fundamental

lack ofresilienc yinperson-to-personcommunica- tions. Inparticular ,survivors oftheattackinNew

YorkCity werefrustrated bytelephone networks

overloadedbyfrantic callersdesperately tryingto locate friends,f amilymembers,andb usinessasso- ciates. Recallthat theiPhone would notbe intro- duced until6/29/2007, socell phoneuse was inits early days,with low bandwidthandexpensi ve pay- by-the-minute plans.Those withcell phonese xpe- rienced droppedcalls, dueto thetraf fico verload,

and foundthe batteriessoon depletedby intenseuse. Bridgeswere closedas precautionarymeasures, which leftman ythousandswithouttransportation out ofthe city-andno way tocoordinate planswithothers, suchas carpool riders.Man ysimply resortedto startw alkingandhopethe ycould gethome, somehow,toanxiously aw aitingf amilies.

Title18 ofthe USCode, Section2331 (18U.S.C.

§2331) definesthe intentof terrorismto include, "to intimidateor coercea civilian population".The widespread fear,bolsteredby thelack ofcommu- nications, wasclearlyone ofthe predictedobjec- tivesofthe attack.Moreo ver ,the attackspecifically targetedthe financialand tradecenter ofthe US, as wellas thecenter forthe television broadcasting industry,which causedthe terroristintimidation and coercion toradiate aroundthe world.

Withentire businesses destroyed,many cowork-

ers losttheir onlymeans ofcommunicating with each other.With personnelrecordslost,and com- panyphone, fax andInternetsystemsdestro yed,sur - vivingemplo yeeshadnow ayto coordinatereco very plans. Asa lastresort, peopleposted hugenumbers of papermessages atlocations they sharedwith missing persons-suchas bus stops,bars,restaurants, and hospitals-inhopes thatsomeone couldof fer some informationabout theperson. Thisw aswell illustrated inthe iconicAP photo,by BethK eiser, takenat Ray's Pizzaon9/14/2001[1], [2].

Nearly 4years later, onAugust29,2005, New

Orleans wasflooded,due toHurricane Katrina,

with nobetter resiliency intheperson-to-person communications. Notethat thisw asstill before cell phonesbecame ubiquitous,and mosttelephone communications wasvialand lines,which inman y978-1-7281-5092-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE cases, thehand setsand answeringmachines were under feetof water .

Forthe firstfe wdays, televisioncov eragew as

confusing andlimited toaerial views andscenes of refugeeshuddled onbridges andother higher ground swelteringin thesun. Desperaterefugees pleaded forinformation onlo ved onesviaquick televisionintervie ws.Buttherew asno television service tobe hadby therefugees, andif bychance someone watchingthatcable network hadkno wn something, therew asnoway toget amessageback to theperson makingthe plea!Once they walk ed awayfromthe interview ,the ysimplyblendedback into thecro wdwithnow ayto follow up.

Eventually,themilitary establishedorder andthe

decision wasmadeto ev acuatethe refugeesto cities thathad theresources toshelter andfeed them. Manywereb usedto Houston,butothers went toother scatteredcities inLouisiana andstates that offeredtohelp. Dueto thelar genumbers, and desperateconditions (1,836li ves werelost), there wasnopretense ofre gisteringor trackingthe whereabouts ofrefugees-the ywerealltoo happy to get ona bus goinganywherethat hadfood, water, sanitation, shelterfrom thesun, anda drybed.

Tryingto reconnectf amiliesand friendswasa

huge logisticalproblem. CNNlisted 28links toaid in locatingthe missing[3], andthere wereman y others byv olunteers,suchasone bylocal attorney

Sharon Keeting,whichlisted 65links.

At thattime, sheltersdid notaccept pets,so many

stayed behindto roughit outwith theirpets. Many pets werelost andcollected byrescue volunteers.

But evenifthey hadidentification, oramicrochip,

the ownerscouldnot becontacted. Dogsand cats were transportedall acrossthe USby volunteers to sheltersthat would acceptthem.Attemptswere made toreunite owners withpetsviathe Internet, e.g., seethe siteby Marfurt[4]. Howe ver ,in most cases theywerene ver tobeseenbytheiro wner again.This alsoraised leg alo wnershipramifica- tions, asdescribed byShapiro [5].

On March11, 2011,an earthquake andtsunami

offthe coastof Tohoku Japanresulted in15,878 death, 6,126injuries, and2,713 missing[6]. The communications infrastructurew asdestroyedin a largere gionofthecountry .Backup generatorsfor

the FukushimaDaiichi NuclearPo werPlant wereflooded bythe tsunamiwhich resultedin thesudden evacuationofo ver 200,000people,ina20km radius ofthe plant,to av oidradiation exposure.

On October29, 2012,a stormsur geby Super-

storm Sandy,inNe wJerse yandNew York,resulted in 131f atalities[7].Subways andtunnels were flooded andpo werwaspre-empti velyshutdo wn.

Sevenyearsafter Katrina,there was stillno central

system forreuniting lostpets witho wners,which wasco veredextensively inthenews[8]-[17].

On August25, 2017,Hurricane Harve ymade

landfallin Te xas.Itcontinuedtodumprain onthe

Houston metrofor days,causing extensi ve flooding

requiring mandatorye vacuationof725,000[18], [19]. Asreported inthe media,lessons fromHur - ricane Katrinasa vedlivesin southTexas[20],and social mediaw asusedasbackup tochock edemer - gencycall systems[21]. Even thoughcell phone use hadbecome commonby 2017,person-to-person communications wasstilla majorproblem [22].

On September20, 2017,Hurricane Mariahit

Puerto Rico,destro yingmostofthe power andcom-

munications infrastructureand killing2,975 [23].

The AmericanRadio RelayLeague (ARRL)w as

called uponto sendamateur radiooperators tothe island inorder toestablish fundamentalcommuni- cations forrescue efforts [24].

The CampFire, inNorthern California,started on

November8,2018 andw ascontained byNo vember

25. Itresulted in85 deathsand destroyed 18,804

structures [25].Due tothe rapidspread ofthe fire, peoplehad toe vacuate withlittlewarning.

Manywere trappedand couldnot ev acuate.A New

YorkT imesstoryfeatureda photo,by JasonHenry

[26], ofa makeshift bulletinboardwith postings searching forinformation onpeople-much like the

Ray'sPizza photoby BethK eiser, following 9/11.

Followingwhathas becomea regular pattern,the

media andv olunteersmaintainedinformationsites on theInternet tohelp locatemissing personsand pets [27]-[30]. II. A



In theaftemath ofHurricane Katrina,President

Bush enactedEx ecutiveOrder13407authorizing

a PublicAlert andW arningSystem. Thisbecame the IntegratedPublicAlert andW arningSystem 978-1-7281-5092-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE (IPAWS)[31].Congress enactedthe Post-Katrina

EmergencyManagementReform Act(PKEMRA)

on October4, 2006.The Actmade provisions for a NationalEmer gencyFamilyRegister andLoca- tor System(NEFRLS) tobe implementedby the

Federal EmergencyManagementAgency (FEMA)

in orderto helpreunify families separatedafter an emergencyormajordisaster [32].Congress also enactedthe PetsEv acuationand Transportation

Standards Act(PETS) onOctober 6,2006 [33].The

Act authorizedFEMA togi ve shelterandcareto

people withservice animalsand householdpets in a majordisaster oremer gency .

It issome whatsurprising,despitethe casehisto-

ries recitedhereinabo ve,thatFEMAhastak enthe position thatthere isno longera needfor FEMAto support NEFRLS,and states:[34]

The NationalEmer gencyFamilyRegistry

and LocatorSystem (NEFRLS)w asde- velopedin compliancewith theDepart- ment ofHomeland SecurityAppropria- tions Act,2007, SEC.689c tohelp family members separatedafter anemer gency or major disasterto communicateand reunite with oneanother .

Since thattime, non-federaltechnolo-

gies, includingAmerican RedCross Safe and Well,Facebook SafetyCheck,and

Google PersonFinder areno wpro viding

these services.In addition,the increased prevalenceofsmart phoneuse withte x- ting capabilitymakesa gov ernment- sponsoredr eunificationcapabilityun- necessary[emphasis added].Due tothe impact ofsocial mediaand widelyac- cepted innovativesolutions,theNEFRLS has beenfound tobe obsolete.

It isironic thatthe purposeof NEFRLSw as

to provideasingle registry ,in ordertoeliminate the uncertaintyof whereto findinformation on displaced individuals,ase xperiencedfollo wingHur- ricane Katrina-andall following emergencies.Due to thef ailureofNEFRLS,other registries sprangup to fillthe vacuum [35]-[37].NowFEMA seemsto be encouraginga proliferationof platforms,while backing awayfromtheCongressional mandateof 6 U.S.C. §775[32]. III. AMERICANREDCROSSSAFE ANDWELL


Of theservices citedby FEMAto replaceNE-

FRLS, theAmerican RedCross Safeand Well

Program [35]is theonly org anizationthat pro-

vides staffingandsupport forfinding displaced individuals,i.e., Facebook andGoogledonot send people intothe fieldto assistrefugees. Noneof the cited organizationsdealwithpets, whichare mostly dependent onad hocv olunteeref forts.

The Safeand Well registryisan Internetbased

system, i.e.,there areno provisions forunassisted registration,or retriev al,bytelephone,email,text, etc. Auser ispresented withan optionto "List myself asSafe andW ell",or "SearchRegistrants".

The registrantselectsfrom alist ofe vents, listas

an individualorOr ganization, enterafirstname and lastname (orOr ganization Name),enteran optional emailaddress, enteran optionalbirthdate, home country,primaryphone, work phone,other phone, homeaddress, andbest contactinformation.

The registrantcanthen selectfrom 14pre-defined

messages, andoptionally entera custommessage of

255 characters.

A searcherenters thefirst andlast names(or

name ofOr ganization)oftheregistrant andeither a phone number,ora completehome address.If the search producesa hit,the messagepro videdby the registrantwill bemade av ailableto thesearcher.

There areno provisions forthesearcherto leav e

a message,or know whoelseissearching forthe registrant.

While theSafe andW ellProgram hasimproved

overtheyears, thereare stilla numberof limitations.

Forex ample:

1) There gistrationprocessrequiresmuch infor-

mation thatis nota vailable (oruseful)toa searcher,which couldbe argued iscounter - productiveunderadv erseconditions.

2) Aname searchis problematicsince aper -

son maybe known onlybyanickname,quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23