[PDF] [PDF] Using WebHDFS REST API - Cloudera documentation

28 oct 2014 · The Hortonworks Data Platform consists of the essential set of Apache Hadoop projects including MapReduce, Hadoop Distributed File System ( 

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Hadoop, Java, JSF 2, PrimeFaces, Servlets, JSP, Ajax, jQuery, Spring, Hibernate, http://wiki apache org/hadoop/AmazonS3 globStatus API documentation 

[PDF] Apache Avro 1101 Hadoop MapReduce guide

MapReduce API ( apache hadoop mapreduce) 1 Setup The code from this guide is included in the Avro docs under examples/mr-example The example is 

[PDF] Using WebHDFS REST API - Cloudera documentation

28 oct 2014 · The Hortonworks Data Platform consists of the essential set of Apache Hadoop projects including MapReduce, Hadoop Distributed File System ( 

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This document assumes the reader already has a basic familiarity with the Spring Framework and Hadoop concepts and APIs While every effort has been made 

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Par exemple, pour la classe Text : https://hadoop apache org/docs/ r2 6 3/api/org/ apache/hadoop/io/Text html La documentation Java est disponible à l'adresse

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HDFS Dans un second temps, vous utiliserez l'API Java pour afficher des fichiers 2 Travail avec le cluster Hadoop Ouvrez un navigateur de fichiers sur votre poste local, créez un nouveau document texte import apache hadoop conf

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Documentation for Using SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop org/apache/hadoop/hive/metastore/api/MetaException ERROR: Unable to 

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Apache Hadoop is an open source, Java framework for implementing reliable and http://hadoop apache org/common/docs/current/api Word Indexer Job 

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