[PDF] [PDF] DS_Ang_MAROUF_Nawelpdf - Dspace de universite Djillali Liabes

taking into account that in Algeria pre-university education is Arabized and that up to fields to solve communication ambiguity; such as medicine, chemistry, and pharmacy to solve pleasant experience or discouragement through punishment or unpleasant experience problème modéré PMD, pas de problème PP)

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[PDF] DS_Ang_MAROUF_Nawelpdf - Dspace de universite Djillali Liabes

taking into account that in Algeria pre-university education is Arabized and that up to fields to solve communication ambiguity; such as medicine, chemistry, and pharmacy to solve pleasant experience or discouragement through punishment or unpleasant experience problème modéré PMD, pas de problème PP)

[PDF] Fourth International Scientific Conference on Project - econstor

Research Institute of the Project Management, University of Latvia status, employment experience, and gender) on relation of soft TQM practices and job The health and medical sciences have approached education and practice in a different program development, and Arabization of content and software services
















Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of Djillali Liabes

Sidi Bel Abbes

Faculty of Letters, Languages, and Arts.

Department of English

Dissertation Submitted to the Department of English in Partial Fulfilment of the Degree of

Doctorate in Linguistics

Mrs. MAROUF Nawel Prof. MOSTARI Hind Amel

Prof.Ourrad Belabbes (President) University of Sidi Bel Abbes

Prof. Hind Amel MOSTARI (Supervisor) University of Sidi Bel Abbes

Dr.Negadi Mohammed Nassim (Exterrnal examiner) University of Tlemcen Dr.Grazib Mohammed (External examiner) University of Saida Dr. El Ouchdi Ilhem(External examiner)University of Tlemcen

Prof.Abid Houcine Samira (Internal examiner) University of Sidi Bel Abbes


Statement of Originality

I hereby declare that this material that I now submit for assessment is my own effort and my own work. With a great respect to other writers who wrote about the same title as mine. All their works have been cited and acknowledged by stating the exact references. iii


This dissertation is dedicated to:

My parents, my husband, my sisters, my brothers, and my daughters. iv


This research project would not have been possible without the support of many people. First and foremost, my utmost gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Mostari Hind Amel for her steadfast

support and encouragement throughout this worthwhile research journey and for being a constant

source of patience and courage to me. Sincere gratitude is also due to the members of the jury including: Prof. Ourrad Belabbess, Prof. Abid Houcine Samira, Dr.Grazib Mohammed, Dr. Negadi Mohammed Nassim, and Dr. El Ouchdi Ilhem for their constructive comments on this thesis. Special thanks are equally conveyed to the participants, teachers and students of the faculty of sciences Dr.Moulay Tahar University of Saida for providing the necessary data which helped in the realization of this work. Warm thanks go to my family especially my mother for her faith in me, for her love and support throughout my life and study career. I am also indebted to my father who was for a long time waiting for my success. Special thanks go to my sisters and brothers for supporting me during the difficult periods of writing this dissertation. I will be forever grateful to my husband Benoradj Omar without whom this thesis would have remained a dream. Nadjet, who supported me during the most troublesome and tough moments I spent. Without her generousity, this doctoral thesis would not have been achieved. v


The present study aims to measure 1st year students' and teachers' of Dr Tahar Moulay University of Saida attitudes towards arabizing sciences. The significance of this research work lies in investigating the effects of the medium of instruction on students' achievements, taking into account that in Algeria pre-university education is Arabized and that up to secondary school, Arabic is the medium of instruction. Data are collected and analyzed by different research tools such as classroom observation, questionnaires, and interviews;

qualitative and quantitative data reveal that the students' low achievements in scientific

streams are due to the abrupt shift in the medium of instruction. Students' are suddenly faced with a new language of instruction, the fact that affects negatively their learning attainment. Accordingly, the respondents expressed positive attitudes towards arabizing sciences compared with extremely negative attitudes towards French. Another central finding is made upon the negative attitudes that the teachers expressed, either explicitly or implicitly towards the Arabization of sciences, refusing any kind of top-down imposition of Arabic as a medium of instruction. The other vital result is that some students and almost all the teachers expressed the urgent need for the use of English as a medium of instruction of sciences in the

Algerian universities.

attitudes, Arabization, the medium of instruction, Arabic, French, sciences,

Algerian university.

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