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Accent Coaching Institute Hisar Haryana for CAT, MAT, CLAT, SSC, BANKING, CALL: 95410-79129,




3,500 Basic Word List in


Word List 1 abase-adroit

conquering Romans, who made her march in chains before the emperor in the procession celebrating his triumph. abasement, N. to abate. abatement, N. speech.

abdicate V. יȡŻ“ȡ renounce; give up. When Edward VIII abdicated the British throne to marry the woman he

loved, he surprised the entire world. son after the child's abduction by kidnappers. abduct,V.

aberrant N. "˜[" ȯ ¡Š“ȯȡ›ȡ abnormal or deviant. Given the aberrant nature of the data, we doubted the

validity of the entire experiment. also N.

abet V. `€ ȡ“ȡ aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage. She was unwilling to abet him in the

swindle he had planned. abeyance N. ‘Ǖͪ"ȡ suspended action. The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival. abject ADJ. \"˜ wretched; lacking pride. On the streets of New York the homeless live in abject poverty, huddling in doorways to find shelter from the wind.

abjure V. יȡŻ“ȡ renounce upon oath. He abjured his allegiance to the king. abjuration, N.

ablution N. è“ȡ“ washing. His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises that he humorously labeled

"Opera in the Bath." refusal of any rewards for his discovery. education requirement. abolition, N.

abominable ADJ. Ǔƒ“ȫ“ȡ detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad. Mary liked John until she learned he

was dating Susan; then she called him an abominable young man, with abominable taste in women.

aboriginal ADJ., N. ]Ǒ‘ȡ Ȣ being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native. Her studies of the primitive

art forms of the aboriginal Indians were widely reported in the scientific journals. aborigines, N.

abortive ADJ. Ǔ“ç•› unsuccessful; fruitless. Attacked by armed troops, the Chinese students had to

abandon their abortive attempt to democratize Beijing peacefully. abort,V. 1 s SAT I Basic Word List Accent Coaching Institute Hisar Haryana for CAT, MAT, CLAT, SSC, BANKING, CALL: 95410-79129,


she put iodine on her abrasions. abrasive ADJ. \"ƒŸ[€ rubbing away; tending to grind down. Just as abrasive cleaning powders can wear away a shiny finish, abrasive remarks can wear away a listener's patience. abrade,V. War and Peace, they proceeded to abridge the novel. uncaptured until someone recognized him from his photograph on "America's Most Wanted."

absolute ADJ. "ǗŽ[ complete; totally unlimited; certain. Although the King of Siam was an absolute

monarch, he did not want to behead his unfaithful wife without absolute evidence of her infidelity.

absorb V. / Ȫ›ȯ“ȡ assimilate or incorporate; suck or drink up; wholly engage. During the nineteenth

century, America absorbed hordes of immigrants, turning them into productive citizens. Can Huggies diapers absorb more liquid than Pampers can? This question does not absorb me; instead, it bores me. absorption, N.

abstain V. -...“ȡ refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice. After considering

the effect of alcohol on his athletic performance, he decided to abstain from drinking while he trained

for the race. abstinence, N.

abstemious ADJ. Ȳ™˜Ȣ sparing in eating and drinking; temperate. Concerned whether her vegetarian

son's abstemious diet provided him with sufficient protein, the worried mother pressed food on him. salted foods. abstain,V. had never missed a meal. of philosophy, not because she understands them but because she wants her friends to think she does. abundant reasons for coming to America: the hope of religious freedom, the prospect of employment, the promise of a more abundant life.

abusive ADJ. \"˜ȡ“‡“€ coarsely insulting; physically harmful. An abusive parent damages a child

both mentally and physically. abysmal ADJ. ˜ȡğ bottomless. His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance. hurled him down into the abyss,

academic ADJ. žȰͯ¢€ related to a school; not practical or directly useful. The dean's talk about reforming the

college admissions system was only an academic discussion: we knew little, if anything, would change.

accede V. ˜ȡ“ ›ȯ“ȡ agree. If I accede to this demand for blackmail, I am afraid that I will be the victim of future


accentuate V. -± emphasize; stress. If you accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, you may wind

up with an overoptimistic view of the world.

accessible ADJ. Ǖ›— easy to approach; obtainable. We asked our guide whether the ruins were accessible on


accessory N. ¡ȡ™€ additional object; useful but not essential thing. She bought an attractive handbag as an

accessory for her dress. alsoADJ. 2 victory in the Olympics and decried every American defeat. also N.

acclimate V. \ߙȡ ¡Ȫ“ȡ adjust to climate. One of the difficulties of our present air age is the need of

travelers to acclimate themselves to their new and often strange environments. Accent Coaching Institute Hisar Haryana for CAT, MAT, CLAT, SSC, BANKING, CALL: 95410-79129,


acclivity N. ...±ȡ“ȡ sharp upslope of a hill. The car would not go up the acclivity in high gear.

accolade N. à˜ȡ“ award of merit. In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is the highest accolade.

did everything possible to accommodate his elderly relatives, from driving them to medical appointments

to helping them with paperwork. (secondary meaning)

accomplice N. ȡȢ partner in crime. Because he had provided the criminal with the lethal weapon, he was

arrested as an accomplice in the murder. frightened because I thought they were going to attack me.

accoutre V. ‘ȹ ȯ ‡ȡ“ȡ equip. The fisherman was accoutred with the best that the sporting goods store could

supply. accoutrements, N.

accretion N. f€ ȡ Ǚɮͬ" growth; increase. The accretion of wealth marked the family's rise in power.

well as the principal sum. accrual, N. Assembly was marked with such acerbity that informed sources held out little hope of reaching any useful settlement of the problem. acerbic,ADJ.

acidulous ADJ. Ȫ°ȡ \à› slightly sour; sharp, caustic. James was unpopular because of his sarcastic and

acidulous remarks. pretty dated today, I still prefer them to the "gangsta rap" songs my brothers play. is liked by music lovers because of its fine acoustics.

employer's suggestions, I could tell she had reservations about the changes he wanted made. acquiescence,

N.; acquiescent,ADJ.

acquire V. \ͬ"Ē¡Ž obtain; get. Frederick Douglass was determined to acquire an education despite his

master's efforts to prevent his doing so. guilty. acquit,V. had been fired. acrimonious ADJ. `Ē bitter in words or manner. The candidate attacked his opponent in highly acrimonious terms. acrimony, of acrophobia to sign up for a life membership in a sky-diving club.

actuarial ADJ. -Ȣ˜ȡȲͩ€€ calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics. According to recent actuarial tables,

life expectancy is greater today than it was a century ago.

actuate V. `€ ȡ“ȡ motivate. I fail to understand what actuated you to reply to this letter so nastily.

3 immediately that the gradual deterioration of her patient's once acute hearing was due to a chronic illness, not an acute one. Accent Coaching Institute Hisar Haryana for CAT, MAT, CLAT, SSC, BANKING, CALL: 95410-79129,


adamant ADJ. \Š› hard; inflexible. Bronson played the part of a revenge-driven man, adamant in his

determination to punish the criminals who destroyed his family. adamancy, N.

adapt V. \“Ǖ€Ǘ› -“ȡ“ȡ alter; modify. Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not

adapt to a changing environment. moved to appoint Kathy and Arthur to the finance committee.

addle V. °ȡ muddle; drive crazy; become rotten. This idiotic plan is confusing enough to addle

anyone. addled,ADJ. July, Brown planned to address the issue of low-income housing in his speech. adept ADJ. Ǔ“"ǕŽ expert at. She was adept at the fine art of irritating people. also N. adhesion, N. quickly deserted him.

adjacent ADJ. Šȡ ¡Ǖ] adjoining; neighboring; close by. Philip's best friend Jason lived only four houses

down the block, close but not immediately adjacent.

adjunct N. ¡ȡ™€ something added on or attached (generally nonessential or inferior). Although I don't

absolutely need a second computer, I plan to buy a laptop to serve as an adjunct to my desktop model. N.

admonitions, the government issued an ultimatum: either the students would end the demonstration at once or

the soldiers would fire on the crowd.

adorn V. ‡ȡ“ȡ decorate. Wall paintings and carved statues adorned the temple. adornment, N.

adroit ADJ. Ǔ“"ǕŽ skillful. His adroit handling of the delicate situation pleased his employers.

Word List 2 adulation-amend


foods without informing the buyer; when consumers learned that Beech-Nut had adulterated their apple juice by

mixing it with water, they protested vigorously.

advent N. ]Ż˜“ arrival. Most Americans were unaware of the advent of the Nuclear Age until the news

of Hiroshima reached them.

adventitiousADJ. ]€ǔ蘀 accidental; casual. He found this adventitious meeting with his friend extremely

fortunate. portfolio: he lost so much money that he could no longer afford the butler and the upstairs maid. adversity, N. 4 Desmond Tutu from his advocacy of the human rights of black South Africans.

advocate V. €ȧ› urge; plead for. The abolitionists advocated freedom for the slaves. also N.

aerie N. aȱ ...ȡ “Ȣ° nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk). The mother eagle swooped down on the

unwitting rabbit and bore it off to her aerie high in the Rocky Mountains.

aesthetic ADJ. ɋ‘™[ artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful. The beauty of Tiffany's

Accent Coaching Institute Hisar Haryana for CAT, MAT, CLAT, SSC, BANKING, CALL: 95410-79129,


stained glass appealed to Esther's aesthetic sense. aesthete, N. was amazed at how affable his new employer was.

affected ADJ. ›Ż ‡ȡ“ȡ artificial; pretended; assumed in order to impress. His affected mannerisms-his

"Harvard" accent, his air of boredom, his use of obscure foreign wordsbugged us: he acted as if he thought he was too good for his old high school friends. affectation, N. presented it in the form of an affidavit. he soon disagreed with his colleagues. Despite Tom's affirmations of innocence, Aunt Polly still suspected he had eaten the pie. had to affix her official seal. up the spirits of those around her.

affluence N. ˜Ǚɮͬ" abundance; wealth. Foreigners are amazed by the affluence and luxury of the American

way of life.

affront N. \"˜ȡ“ insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect. When Mrs. Proudie was not seated

beside the Archdeacon at the head table, she took it as a personal affront and refused to speak to her

hosts for a week. alsoV. of China's violent suppression of the student protests would be.

agenda N. €ȡ™[ Ǘ...Ȣ items of business at a meeting. We had so much difficulty agreeing upon an agenda that

there was very little time for the meeting.

agent N. f‡ɅŠ means or instrument; personal representative; person acting in an official capacity. °I

will be the agent of America's destruction," proclaimed the beady-eyed villain, whose agent had gotten

him the role. With his face, he could never have played the part of the hero, a heroic F.B.I. agent. items she had collected on her trip.

illustrates how a President may aggrandize his power to act aggressively in international affairs without

considering the wishes of


aggregate V. €Ǖ› gather; accumulate. Before the Wall Street scandals, dealers in so-called junk bonds

managed to aggregate great wealth in short periods of time. aggregation, N.

aggressor N. ]cȡ˜€ attacker. Before you punish both boys for fighting, see whether you can determine

which one was the aggressor.

aghast ADJ. —ȫ...Ȁȡ horrified. He was aghast at the nerve of the speaker who had insulted his host.

agnostic N. \£ȯ™ȡ‘ €ȡ one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate reality.

Agnostics say we can neither prove nor disprove the existence of god; we simply just can't know. alsoADJ.

5Barronÿs SAT I Basic Word List

agrarian ADJ. €ǙͪŸ pertaining to land or its cultivation. The country is gradually losing its agrarian

occupation and turning more and more to an industrial point of view. up their ski gear and climbed into the van with alacrity. of alchemy. alchemist, N. dining room, an alcove adjacent to the living room made an adequate breakfast nook for the young Accent Coaching Institute Hisar Haryana for CAT, MAT, CLAT, SSC, BANKING, CALL: 95410-79129,


couple. alias N. `"“ȡ˜ an assumed name. John Smith's alias was Bob Jones. also ADV.

alienate V. ¡Šȡ“ȡ make hostile; separate. Her attempts to alienate the two friends failed because they had

complete faith in each other.

alimentary ADJ. "ȡ...“ supplying nourishment. The alimentary canal in our bodies is so named because

digestion of foods occurs there. When asked for the name of the digestive tract, Sherlock Holmes replied,

"Alimentary, my dear Watson."

alimony N. Ǔ“ȡ[¡ Ǔ“ͬ" payment by a husband to his divorced wife (or vice versa). Mrs. Jones

was awarded $200 monthly alimony by the court when she was divorced from her husband. announcing that the fire had been controlled. allegation and, legally, we can take no action against her without proof. allegation, N.

allegiance N. Ǔ“ç‹ȡ loyalty. Not even a term in prison could shake Lech Walesa's allegiance to Solidarity, the

Polish trade union he had helped to found.

allegory N. Ǿ"€ story in which characters are used as symbols; fable. Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the

temptations and victories of man's soul. allegorical,ADJ.

alleviate V. €˜ relieve. This should alleviate the pain; if it does not, we shall have to use stronger

drugs. alliteration. of the disaster, many people perished.

alloy V. ͧ˜›ȡ“ȡ mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate. Our delight at the Yankees' victory was al loyed

by our concern for Dwight Gooden, who injured his pitching arm in the game. are alluding to his marital problems with Jill.

allure V. •Ǖ ›ȡ“ȡ entice; attract. Allured by the song of the sirens, the helmsman steered the ship toward the

reef. also N. you want, a pound of flesh?," she was making an allusion to Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. aloft.

aloof ADJ. \›Ż apart; reserved. Shy by nature, she remained aloof while all the rest conversed.

came to a peaceful conclusion; the inevitable altercation might even end in blows. college scholarships for hundreds of economically disadvantaged youths, Eugene Lang performed a truly altruistic deed. altruism, N.

amalgamate V. ͧ˜›ȡ“ȡ combine; unite in one body. The unions will attempt to amalgamate their groups into

one national body.

6 Barronÿs SAT I Basic Word List

ambidextrous ADJ. €"Šȣ capable of using either hand with equal ease. A switch-hitter in baseball

should be naturally ambidextrous.quotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_13