[PDF] [PDF] Creating Accessible Print Materials - End Abuse of People with

fonts tend to be difficult to read in smaller sizes › Avoid capitalizing all letters in a sentence A good font size to use for printed publications is 14 points, because 

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[PDF] Access Ability 2: A Practical Handbook on Accessible Graphic - RGD

of sensory characteristics should be a bare minimum of consideration for all graphic Dictating a specific font size as the standard for accessibility is difficult, if 

[PDF] Quick Guide for Producing Accessible Documents in Print and Online

Use basic, simple and easy to read fonts like Arial or Verdana • Use a limited number of types of font on a page • Document text size should be 14 point whenever 

[PDF] Creating Accessible Print Materials - End Abuse of People with

fonts tend to be difficult to read in smaller sizes › Avoid capitalizing all letters in a sentence A good font size to use for printed publications is 14 points, because 

[PDF] Accessible information - clear and large print

Clear Print requires a minimum font size of 12pt Arial ○ The font that you use should be clear in its design, without too many flourishes Avoid 'handwriting' or 

[PDF] Are you BLIND? Regulating accessibility in print - University of

The Royal National Institute for the Blind recommends a minimum font size of 14 point for readers who are likely to be blind or partially sighted For headings 

[PDF] Seven Steps to Creating an Accessible PowerPoint Slideshow

presentations more accessible if they are to be distributed electronically It The minimum font size for a PowerPoint presentation should be 24 points

[PDF] Guidelines for Creating Accessible Printed Posters - AUCD

Creating accessible posters provides all session participants with greater access to poster Examples in actual size are given for 158-point font for a poster title, general rule, use a minimum 300 dots per inch (dpi) when saving images

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