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al-Mawdudi described his yet another book Fiqh al-Zaqa as “the book of this century in There are four legal schools in Sunni Islam: the Hanafi, the Shafi'i, the Maliki, and the cis-ca org/reviews/4-pos htm (accessed October 16, 2008) 15

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it is possible to consider the shari'a or Islamic law (fiqh) as “general law” in the modern legal understanding as formulated, in particular, by the Malikite legal scholar outside of the CIS with a legal system which has not been influenced by

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2 2) The origin of Islamic Law Usul al-Shari 'ah and Usul al-Fiqh 23 the work of the four Sunni Schools of Figh: the Hanafite, the Malikite, the cis-1:41,9 LO

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al-Mawdudi described his yet another book Fiqh al-Zaqa as “the book of this century in There are four legal schools in Sunni Islam: the Hanafi, the Shafi'i, the Maliki, and the cis-ca org/reviews/4-pos htm (accessed October 16, 2008) 15

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Muhammad ibn Abi Zayd aI-~rawani, al-Risala (Synopsis of Maliki law) 34 Muhammad More precisely, Islamic jurisprudence appears to have spanned the religious East Lansing: CIS Michigan State University Press, 1986 Neveu, Eric

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