[PDF] [PDF] HILATELIC WEST - Royal Philatelic Society

want to buy pre-cancelled Buffalo stamps any number and pay as largest philatelic papers in England and has the best old style type and tied with a string Twenty-five cents J * P ter Mod since these mounds and earthw° were built is 

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[PDF] Masures of Land Acquisiou, Rdocation and Restement - World Bank

the line; this section is a deep cutting ranging Planting trees on the top of the 0 2 3 +000 Mode of Direct r (Chenzou - Direct Power Supply Sbga) Passenger 2000 35 - 52 44 - 50 Train discharging treated with DG style set earthw rk ntuiolns runned HCOKC Rtai bIousii Aflonsiuliwi E'eirment ,, rt;wquitIon

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It is a best guess of what I think will happen, but it also has a normative GEO and many other integrated IAR-style state of the environment reporting systems are Who decides who to invite to participate and who sets policies for the mode of to increase legitimacy, the second does far more to build ownership, buy-in 

[PDF] HILATELIC WEST - Royal Philatelic Society

want to buy pre-cancelled Buffalo stamps any number and pay as largest philatelic papers in England and has the best old style type and tied with a string Twenty-five cents J * P ter Mod since these mounds and earthw° were built is 


27 jui 2018 · mode, le processus de décision d'achat, et le développement bouches car les gens se rendent bien compte que ce style est hérité Concernant le Shop Riot, c 'était top de voir un tel niveau pour la finale photo : Earthw

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It is important that the financial transactions are properly recorded in an orderly fashion in a cashbook (record For instance if you need to buy cement, gabion basket, steel bars between the gangs of workers in such a way that the best use is made of available labour, materials and Site Clearance on Earthw ork Sites

Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness

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22 oct 2010 · and equity investments by SMEs in projects demonstrating leading edge country's state dirigist style of economic development policy mode,” the loss rate for the first projects, ceteris paribus, ought to be higher than the loss- between Earthwatts and the Singaporean fuel cell technology company 


When compared to other transport modes, classical rail has proven to be very the top and the average speeds between two cities using steam Earthw orks Special engeneering stru ctu res Cu rrent engeneering stru ctu res spread around the station star-style, or they go from north ling stock or to buy it from abroad

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is so various in style and discontinuous, even within a single building or work of qui ne c aint pas de payer la vie le prix qu'il faut fi la payer seaionhg the original, beginaing at the upper leâ-hand corner and continuhg fiom The king, who is "radiant as the sun" and who "graced Mother Earthw (26 29), ultimately wean 

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■ '* ' ' 1 'V i on ■t m, ( r e»y/rHA L LrfC A 64LS L e L f

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19 0 2II V 111

St. Louis Stamp

1003 Pine St.,

W1j 0f64Wr efj




- C O I N S= (A ) lrthl-2 Italy 1 ccntesimo, uncirculated 3c62' 34W+5f6/+5 7(I+W 1 cent, " He

(This is a beautiful coin with a queer looking dragon on it.)I7' j3 T=I*. " *T+We. +I* +/-TEW 4I(I+ 4ETW( .+ .(TE ,I0T

6(I, +I* *.+I+/T0 W+0 4I(0EW4+ 90 (T

T=I*W+ 5.eTE+-T+"

6C' 1707 England 2 pence, good, - 75crTE0 5#!.0 f f f f G++

66(I, *.I+ 4TI5(,2 uz,, is 1)$ inches in diameter, and is the largest cojs

per coin ever struck for England.)6 & WET 0WT0 17*7, the only yearof coinage) (K) " A. M. Smith's Encyclopedia of Gold and Silver Coins of the World" illustrating the modern, ancient, cur rent and curious in coins from A. J).1HK5 back to B. C. 7m. Full descrip tion with exact fac-simile of over mno coins, name lists, statistics, historical data, full index, ami tables for circulation, reduction, compari son, etc. A numismatic Library complete in one vtduric. This is the most complete book about coins ever published in any language; it contains .511 large pages, over 5i>0() illus trations of coin* and is well bound

in cloth with gib back. We can furnish this book for - - . 5..ViO., :ETT W+04(TET I+ (T "" CeB

TE0 .+T I+TET,T0 I+ *.I+, ,(./0j rhave a copy of it,

6%2 ' 7(I+T,T FWFTE I+++T0 9I, :E.-

\ i'/2 inches tu 3x7# indies

very odd and curious designs a letters, Ulc each or 10 different for - - _ ,6""' ":5.no bill issued by thestateo

Georgia at Milledgevitle, April W

IKb-f, and intended to aid the Coni

crate government, in whose not the bill is redeemable. This bill 1 inches in size and well print | in black ink on white paper, and j the top is a cut of a female "ii money chest, etc. Our price fortht I bill in good condition is, each or 10 f<>" - " .A 6"' j%E 9I ,W-T 0T,I5+ W+0 0T,*EIIIU# +, (T W9.eT TW*( fS .E %E :.E f f f

I 6' *50 bill similar to above, each

or 10 for - - -63 IW- (T ,*WE*T W+0 */EI./, 89/I0 -.+T0 W W+ .9.+5 */-F .: ,IeTE 4I( T+0, /E+T0 /F . ET,B I0T W E./+0 9/T W+0 9TWEI+5 ft* Counterstamp of the Siamese ment. The value we have is the't

Ticatand is very cheap at our price of

(LI Sicily 1K40-51*, 120 grain, silver aid size of IJ. S. silver dollar, only . (Ml China, " The Dragon Dollar," Cto' nese letters on one side, amt a q'-"y

11m>k iiig d ragort on the 1 "ther ^

piece is of silver, and size of I ■ ^ silver dollar, only -KT :.E .+ . I

W+ end -damps and coins on approval. Send I

• ■ ■ fourpage list of 115 bargains, and w ^ honever you want to buy or sell i in • *iir line at any time :: r m i *;0 E H0

M3? 5'S' 5 2 ^- 5 s r*

5 it 5

2.^ *5= "* n » 35 =*." ffo ;/• c "

4 c '* *1ir cr* ft!

H ft J5S' ^ IY M+ :I

C 75s -o =

3!s s

' = 7! '5 ■> :s p i •; ft 3 t: i 2 2 * Z ! • r » z*: ^ j c a r ri ft n'fT V)z. c- CD6 L• O ■£: D~ §-a *■ K

- o w5 r, - . t; - - S S. =5 a* * £ *c ^ -ft t 2I'lli;C jT T• " u cS cr, ^ n S 5 5C y ft ^ *

ft '*) -i rent - • ^j%))H3*jf *0 IT <-r e L o' e(9toS=Qo A' *7-X%oC2of 5 >4LHId V5lou Ut'tJ it.' .Votbiu/f sim ilar or >i.< j,'Ov>r looo fot!*'* J,,r 'O^o.*"• Heiurn this f.t.ik£, i/ >'•'" r.in't * V it. or g iv r or "r"rf to n fnrait rottrelor.j*jtjij*j*JtJ*J*J*J* |j:»I

i! liAAS P EC IA L 3


2 ??@ A

1$•I Fill out the Blank on Third

i: Page and return it at onoe. ••A Journal of News, Suggestions and

Criticisms for Alt Kinds and

Classes of Collectors.■ M**"0#"M»*nO»*"*+Ot*H**M*" *•*•♦"•**• •♦♦♦»*




SUPERIOR, NEB., U. S. A.ft,"I , . 1 I I n ■ • ■ ■■■"■»""*»»»»""»»••"*■**♦*-*•♦*The Great sst Paper of its kind in

existence.■ I/) f t: ft T/SI.YO ft A T E S :-tarU." time. tstu rr f t-1Trial •'A,t.n !-4 M g r. $2sOO or $ shtihn%t. /r.i.fv or A t

rhiinift Column, ip .n n v a vorJ , tk n t iHsrrtiu** at pn rt

o f two, Cash with fopy. I'autrti stamps taira at /tier.W . J. HATCH, Printer. Brockton. U. S. A.

I 1cms.1 2% 3~T4! 5ins. | 1



bE 6T TrC_ %EE O&JC

Articles on all new phases of Col

lecting and Plmtegiaphy; Interesting C" iTespoiideitct: bright I*'.ilit• rials, biographies and .Method.- ol W in k <•1 Successful Collector--: Artu is mi

Curies and Relics ol ail kinds Ideas,

covering all these hues moutiily, a regular Department on Review oi Foreign Papers, all languages. Organ of l8 F .ending Societies. Other Features ami Departments are being added from time tu time. It aiv- the field completely.OET,T+ *IE*/WI.+ .eTE io.coo copies. W hen von read it ymi will understand win- it has so large a circulation. The recognized leader of American collectors monthlies.6(T O/9I,(TEA, .. f6IA 9M6 &a? OMa6` TM "64 O/9I,(T0 -.+(0 ,/9,*EIFI.+ FEI*T >E *T+, W 0TWE M.ETI5+ 0A

*T+, .E (ETT ,(II+5,address THE PHILATELIC WEST, superior, neb., u. s. a.OUDfRS TAKE* Oft SEAT StWrite Yuur Name, Address and P. 0. Box and Return Promptly.You Run No RislC%L'V'c wain VOW Uj Ik/cuiiii: attiuaimvcl wi'.i. hi I'unan

tt'fsT t ltd ►( it won't make a ltd ni-m, . Tuit i st.iy with ws; n it duscii'i, Ship it Quick! -win

Diuitcy will tic I'cUti'Uctl, lc>'I'ntr,

....... }<)()TH E PHiLsATEUIC W E ST,

QOC_"T_ aC2_&3& Qf &

Send 1 HE PHILATELIC WEST to the nuilrrsifuvit

Ike sjiceioi f>rina of three cents, or d /truce u rvj, ■J(> rtt ,A '(tinee 1 I E'TI 'Te ''&eI < 'If// ■ .Vo. of /J. <>. I'o.v ( 'on nli/WI Stoic f'e Ind



SA &ISFA C TIOJWOur net priced approval selections contain a superb variety of stamps at the lowest possible prices, ever offered before by any dealer : . : ' :XShey HanJe JVo Equal Over 3500 varieties, at prices 33^ to 80 per cent below the catalogue quotationsKT .::TE *.T*.E, W+ .FF.E/+I0 . .9WI+ W :I+T *W,, .: ,W-F,W _T73 2T66T O_"7C Send for a Selection and Convince Yourself Selections will be sent to all furnishing satisfactory

references only, others need not apply : :{She Queen City Stamp Co.,m • . •Lfiio 2 Sinton o ld ft!ET T, r e -T !.f V ift# S tjIstncmnalt, Lf.


Stampcollecting is cerainly a pleasure, and there is nothing more pleasing

5a general collector, than clean picked stamps of any country. It is far more aUsfactory to order stamps, knowing that every one will be picked copy, than

run chances of receiving a tot of " left overs'* That is why my packets ofbspUNUSED STAnPS-®#ive become so popular. My page'*ad*' in last mouths ..WEST*1, lists a no. 'unused j-.Enips I have in stock^ TDV A PAP.KTT -ft

1 you are dissatisfied, your money will he returned

25 varieties 25cL< :W,e,C =<1 1 4<< :W,e,C >4 1L<

;<< :W,e,C >H1;L wry stamp is a genuine, original copy. - ''NO REPRINTS sJ very few Central and South Americans ^ APPROVAL SELECTIONS tine line of stamps containing used and unused, will be sent to responsible

"dies against good reference, ." ;.-Myl2 page list is free. Many Bargains"^C, H. GREEN, 628 Delhi Ave., Cincinnati, O.


5 Costa Rica 1889

.............................5 Costa Rica Official 1889 4 ..........%% 7/9W D C*/W0.E f b MET+*( 7..+IT,> J/WT-WW 9IE0,[eTE0 ,4T ) L.+0/EW, %%@b> j > aI*WEW5/W @IW b jA eWEI./, I,,/T,II O.E. _I*W 6*WW.5/T 1@*') WeW0.E %@bD A D (W+5(WIX ./0W+ 7W-T O., eTE0 (W+0,.-Tb 4I,, QC? C6 %> 7W+W0WT/EFEI*T % I*• SC ..3C6c ....7C...5c . He -SC 16c ....."Cuse .....5C%>** ...SC16cb*

ChilCChili Telegraph

FinlandJ/WT-WW /9ITT

"*TW+0WFW+AWFWIWFW+T,T ,IeTE 4T00I+5 %E W-WI*W b OTE,IW%E _./-W+IW b 4T0T+ .::I*IW )> Q F.,W5T %) % ETeT+/T 6.0' I Aj jj ,TEIT, .: \@"aJNC MT_C"Ja 6&O^ "We+EIW %LD> 1* E.,T

2WE9W0.T, %@\) :WE(I+5 ET0 W+0 5ETT+^2TE-/0W I :WE(I+5 E%% % ,(II+5 5ET0 ^7W+W0W %@\@ AC* 9W*<

^?IT5. /WEH %@\) MI+W+0 %@@\ )F 5ET0 ^MET+*( T*TW+ TW %@\) % *T+We. ^MET+*( "+0IW0. ^J/WT-WW %@@b )1* eTE-II.+

J/WT-WW /9ITT ic lilac grey^ HH )* 5ETT+I,( 5ET0^ % 8 b* .EW+5T 9E.4+~ ' ' ioc blue"+0IW 1991 2*^a on 4Hr green ♦Indo China 1892 ic

...............W-WI*W %@D) L FT++0 *WET

8 %@\E I* .::I*IW ET08 %\EE 9W+0.eTE0 MW,^WW %\E% % :WE(I+5

4T,TE+ &/,EWIW %@@@ )F ,WT 4+(I LT 5ETT+^I5+I:IT, Q+/,T0 V S POSTAGE 3c Columbian greenX* 8 9/T

>* jA *(.*.WT b* 7./-9IW+ F/EFT@* 8 -W5T+W %E* 4H 9W*< 9E.4+X* T-W(W .EW+5T

>* 8 9/T@* eI.T 9E.4+ %E* 8 5ET0 eI.T>E7 A 2 5ETT +$1 Omaha blackI* OW+ &-TEI*W+20 " .......................X* 8 2

5C " .@* 8

IOC ' ■

........................REVENUES. SERIES OF IH9S- it 'Ac oran ge .........Ef2 6cI2 E0 too.................................... 51*2C '' '4 .4C3C ' " ........eeeeeeeeee 24C 44 "2QC5»c * • 41 eeeeeeeeeeee eee #$%12 "" eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee #$&W2 " " e eeeeeeeeeeeeeee Sj22eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ef2W2 E0 Se e '2j2 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ef2 S2(S 40EE6 E0 %11jW2# 0EH eeeeeee Ef2 )12S 40E* e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee #$■1 grey+ krev

...........eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 5<* -01.6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee #$W 10f64E eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %*E

W 40E*

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2S -%f2/eeeeee I11S 40EC eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %01$p a c k e t s - We offer some remarkCm

packets as follows

1000 varieties arranged alphalietically on great bargain for * n1000 foreign suitable to mount oti shed* tie

stamp saleable copy . iyjot>o well mixed For. being remnants of mo

tions purchased recently 1000 mixed U. S. good value at . .%EEE -I=T0 Q _Te I+*/0I+5 -W+0 .: I IjjP

*/.. eWEITIT, 5..0 :.ETI5+ %EE eWEITIT, *(TWFTE :.ETI5+ .. -I=T0 I+*/0I+5 +T4I,,/T,,/IW9T:.EAC

0TWTE, ,(TT, W>E eWEITIT, Q 5..0 ,TT*I.+


TTT (I+5T, 9T, -W0T 2 MW/T,, AW-F .+5,

*., 7WW.5/T "\E) C0II.+ O.*E FTE *T+ *.--I,,I.+ 6. TeTE0 9.% F0I+5 :.E W+ W5T+*0 W+0 5IeI+5 4. ET:TET+*T, 4T 4I -W(W+0,.-T ,T .: ,W-F, 7T"a 7&6&NTJQC CT+0 %E* :.E ./E I/,EWT0 *.I+ *WW.5 ,(.4I+5 (T FEI*T, 4T FW %

% W+0 2 a & *.I+, W+0 */EET+*0 4(I*( *.--W+0 W FET-I/- _T+0 O T TE0TE :.E W ET-IW+*T, .eTE >E* O.,W5T T=EW .+ WW E %

/+0TE (W W-./+ T/E ,TI+5 FEI*T I, .: ,W-F, :ETT /F.+ WFFIT0%EARANDOLPH STAMP CO., 1226 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, M-

PHILATELIC WES7 AND CAMERA NEWS:< i a n a a m 9 < a a a m i3a v,:ffllvht make a good heading for advertising a new wash board, but is slightly

"of place in a stamp ad. Mr. Dealer! do your ads in the " West" pay you? Lvih) Mayhaps it is the way your ad is written, bet us write it forquotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20