[PDF] [PDF] Aboriginal house names and settler Australian identity - CORE

18 mai 2009 · number of popular publications of lists of Aboriginal words Some of these provided meanings for the abundance of Aboriginal place names, 

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1 indigenous placenames: an introduction - ANU Press

Some Indigenous placename networks, however, do allow placenames to combine with generic uses of words meaning 'camp/place' such as the AlTernte use 

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Bambara is an Aboriginal word meaning 'forest country' (Source: “Australian Aboriginal Words and Place Names” by S J Endacott) Birrabang is an Aboriginal word meaning 'rest' (Source: “Aboriginal Word Book” by J Kenyon) Cudgee is an Aboriginal word meaning 'a very good place' (Source: “Aboriginal Place Names” by A W

[PDF] Aboriginal house names and settler Australian identity - CORE

18 mai 2009 · number of popular publications of lists of Aboriginal words Some of these provided meanings for the abundance of Aboriginal place names, 


void in the identifying, recording, writing and understanding of the Australian Indigenous history as it relates to the Nyungar meaning of place names European 

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The map of Canada is a rich tapestry of place names territories, come from place names in Aboriginal languages Canada is from the word Kanata, meaning

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Show students a list of WA towns and suburbs with Aboriginal names which have a water meaning • Places are often named after the features of an area, people 

[PDF] Department of Aboriginal and Islanders· Advancement - UQ eSpace

The 1933 Commonwealth Census (4) lists some 4700 place names of Aboriginal origin but has nothing to show as to meaning or Lribal origin The complete list of  

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W estern UniversitySc holarship@WesternA boriginal Policy Research Consortium International (APRCi) A boriginal house names and setttler Australian S am FurphyU niversity of MelbourneF ollow this and additional works at:! "++"'&'+!"*(()F urphy, Sam, "Aboriginal house names and setttler Australian identity" (2009).A boriginal Policy Research Consortium International(

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Journal of Australian Studies

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Sam Furphy a

a PhD at the University of Melbourne

Version of record first published: 18 May 2009.

To cite this article: Sam Furphy (2002): Aboriginal house names and settler Australian identity, Journal of Australian Studies,

26:72, 59-68

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14443050209387738


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Aboriginal House Names and Settler




y Sa m Furph y Durin g hi s tim e a s a federa l politicia n an d prim e minister Alfre d Deaki n divide d hi s tim e betwee n hi s cit y residenc e i n Toora k an d hi s holida y retrea t a t Poin t


Hi s famil y ha d acquire d severa l acre s o f lan d o n th e


e peninsul a i n 190
4 wher e the y ha d buil t a federatio n bungalo w calle d 'Bailara' Th e wor d i sprobably derived from the Wathawurung word baila for 'elbow', thus 'reclining o n elbow o r 'restin g place'. 1 Th e nam e ha s furthe r significanc e a s anothe r for m o f 'Ballarat, whic h wa s th e electorat e Deaki n represente d i n federa l parliament. 2 Whil e a t


Deaki n wa s a kee n gardener Joh n


d explain s tha t whe n toilin g o n summe r evening s hi s ai m wa s 't o reduc e th e comple x wildernes s o f tea -tree to a park-like, though still native prospect, with paths and occasional glades'.3 Thi s juxtapositio n o f a nativ e garde n an d a nativ e nam e indicate s a belie f tha t


l name s wer e


n name s tha t suite d th e natura l environmen t an d nativ e flora o f



s son-in-law

