[PDF] [PDF] Realtime Dynamic 3D Facial Reconstruction for Monocular Video In

With the increasing amount of videos recorded using 2D mobile cameras, the technique for recovering the 3D dy- namic facial models from these monocular 

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Model-Assisted 3D Face Reconstruction from Video

Model-Assisted 3D Face Reconstruction from Video Douglas Fidaleo and Gérard tion of 3D faces from a single consumer quality camera using a structure

[PDF] Automatic 3D Face Reconstruction from Single Images or Video

The algorithm is based on a combination of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and a Morphable Model of 3D faces After SVM face detec- tion, individual facial 

[PDF] Realtime Dynamic 3D Facial Reconstruction for Monocular Video In

With the increasing amount of videos recorded using 2D mobile cameras, the technique for recovering the 3D dy- namic facial models from these monocular 


Reconstructing a 3D model of a human face from a video sequence is an important human face from video in which the 3D reconstruction algorithm and the 

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The aim of face reconstruction is to reproduce facial geometry features that give strong depiction of one's identity Al- though reconstruction from video and multiple 

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motion algorithm is used for 3D face reconstruction The proposed scheme has been tested on CMU's Face In Action (FIA) video database with 221 subjects

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In particular, a number of approaches has been introduced, that reconstruct 3D information from videos Moreover, 3D face recognition is of paramount interest 

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3D face reconstruction is essential for a number of applications our system can also be run on a video sequence of a person rotating their head, automatically 

[PDF] State of the Art on Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction, Tracking, and

as well as image and video editing CCS Concepts •Computing methodologies → Reconstruction; Tracking; Motion capture; Shape modeling; 3D imaging; 1

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