[PDF] [PDF] Dorlands Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations

The new editor of Dorland's Dictionary of Medical Acronyms Abbreviations would like to express his teinemia; acceptable blood loss; acute baso-

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The following is a list of approved medical abbreviations In general, the use of abbreviations should be limited to this list A&O x 3 - alert and oriented to person,  

[PDF] Dorlands Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations

The new editor of Dorland's Dictionary of Medical Acronyms Abbreviations would like to express his teinemia; acceptable blood loss; acute baso-

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[PDF] See ISMP Canadas Do Not Use List of Dangerous Abbreviations

The abbreviations, symbols, and dose designations found in this table have been reported as being frequently misinterpreted and involved in harmful medication 

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,6%1 Copyright ‹ 201 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. No Sart oI this Sublication Pa\ be reSroduced or transPitted in an\ IorP or b\ an\ Peans electronic or Pechanical including ShotocoS\ing recording or an\ inIorPation storage and retrieval s\steP Zithout SerPission in Zriting IroP the Sublisher 'etails on hoZ to seek arrangePents Zith organizations such as the &oS\right &learance &enter and the &oS\right /icensing $genc\ can be Iound at our Zebsite ZZZelseviercoPSerPissions

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.noZledge and best Sractice in this ¿eld are constantl\ changing $s neZ research and e[Serience broaden our understanding changes in research Pethods SroIessional Sractices or Pedical treatPent Pa\ becoPe necessar\

3ractitioners and researchers Pust alZa\s rel\ on their oZn e[Serience and

knoZledge in evaluating and using an\ inIorPation Pethods coPSounds or e[SeriPents described herein ,n using such inIorPation or Pethods the\ should be PindIul oI their oZn saIet\ and the saIet\ oI others including Sarties Ior ZhoP the\ have a SroIessional resSonsibilit\ :ith resSect to an\ drug or SharPaceutical Sroducts identi¿ed readers are advised to check the Post current inIorPation Srovided i on Srocedures Ieatured or ii b\ the PanuIacturer oI each Sroduct to be adPinistered to veriI\ the recoPPended dose or IorPula the Pethod and duration oI adPinistration and contraindications ,t is the resSonsibilit\ oI Sractitioners rel\ing on their oZn e[Serience and knoZledge oI their Satients to Pake diagnoses to deterPine dosages and the best treatPent Ior each individual Satient and to take all aSSroSriate saIet\ Srecautions

7o the Iullest e[tent oI the laZ neither the 3ublisher nor the authors contributors or

editors assuPe an\ liabilit\ Ior an\ inMur\ andor daPage to Sersons or SroSert\ as a Patter oI Sroducts liabilit\ negligence or otherZise or IroP an\ use or oSeration oI an\ Pethods Sroducts instructions or ideas contained in the Paterial herein v and love oI Pedical vocabular\ even ve[ingl\ obscure abbreviations are evident in its Sages Zho is Zell aZare oI the tradition oI e[cellence associated Zith this dictionar\ $lthough resSonsibilit\ Ior uSdating the dictionar\ has changed the content rePains the IaPiliar convenient resource that has served users Zell Ior Pore than tZo decades 7he Srint book retains its IorPat oI boldIace abbreviations IolloZed b\ run-in Peanings Zhich enables it to encoPSass as Pan\ entries as larger Pore cuPbersoPe books Zhile rePaining an eas\-to-handle size 7he list oI s\Pbols has been e[Sanded Ior this edition 7he listings Ior organizations have been uSdated neZ ones have been added naPe changes have been incor- Sorated outdated naPes have been cross-reIerenced to neZ ones or droSSed Zhen thoroughl\ obsolete

7he abbreviations and acron\Ps are Sresented alShabeticall\ and Zell over one thousand

neZ additions and changes have been Pade $lso neZ to this edition is a section Sresenting acron\Ps and abbreviations that should not be used because the\ Pa\ be Pistaken Ior other abbreviations or terPs and carr\ Zith theP a danger oI being Pisconstrued ([Slanations oI the

Sotential sources oI conIusion are also included

to e[Sress his aSSreciation Ior the Zork that has been handed doZn IroP the Srevious editors IorZard %ecause neZ acron\Ps and abbreviations are constantl\ being coined this voluPe can never reall\ be coPSlete ,I \ou do not ¿nd an acron\P or abbreviation or a de¿nition that \ou are searching Ior Ze invite \ou to subPit \our suggestions Ior the ne[t edition 6($N :(%% 0)$ /e[icograSher&ontent 6trategist $cknoZledgPents The publisher thanks Stanley -ablonski for his dedication in developing this book and updating the early editions. :e also thank the previous lexicographers, Douglas Anderson and Michelle Elliott, whose contributions to recent editions extended the high standards that Mr. -ablonski set. :e are indebted to all of them for the rich trove of content that has enabled this new edition. vi

6\Pbols vii

$bbreviations to $void [LLL Z Z $cron\Ps and $bbreviations vii

The Greek Alphabet

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Symbols Commonly 8sed in Pedigrees


