[PDF] [PDF] Bipartite means the vertices can be colored red or black such that no

23 4-3 Given an O(n) algorithm to test whether an undirected graph contains a cycle If you do a DFS, you have a cycle i you have a back edge This gives an 

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[PDF] CS161 - Graph Algorithms

bipartite graph - a graph where every vertex can be partitioned into two sets X and Y Frontier - The frontier of the algorithm is the set of vertices that have been visited Why do we try and visit all nodes using DFS and not BFS? We could

[PDF] a bipartite graph - Washington

tractable if the underlying graph is bipartite (independent set) Before attempting to design an algorithm, we need to understand structure of bipartite DFS(A) A, 1 B J I H C G F D E K L M Suppose edge lists at each vertex are sorted

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Before delving into the algorithm for bipartite matching, let us define several terms that will be used in Add each vertex discovered by DFS in previous step to L

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If we do an order analysis, it turns out that Algorithm C is most efficient, since log n grows A bipartite graph G=(V,E) is a graph whose vertices can be partitioned into two sets (V=V1 DFS that colors the graph using 2 colors Whenever an 

[PDF] CS 312: Algorithms Today Graph Traversal Bipartite Graphs

BFS/DFS: Θ(m + n) (linear time) graph primitives for: ▻ Algorithm Run BFS from any node s if there is an edge between two nodes in same layer then

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Finding the connected component of a vertex v in a graph is not difficult It suffices to the depth-first search (DFS) (Algorithm 2 3) explores first all the vertices of a branch pending A graph G is bipartite if and only if it has no odd cycle Proof

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6 fév 2013 · Applications of DFS, BFS Slides by Carl Bipartite graphs can't contain odd cycles: 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 How can we turn this into an algorithm?

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The BFS algorithm defines the following BFS tree rooted at s Vertex u is the Bipartite graph: A graph is bipartite iff the vertices can be partitioned Graph Algorithms DFS Depth First Search (DFS) DFS(s) - Mark s as explored - For each 

[PDF] Bipartite means the vertices can be colored red or black such that no

23 4-3 Given an O(n) algorithm to test whether an undirected graph contains a cycle If you do a DFS, you have a cycle i you have a back edge This gives an 

[PDF] Bipartite means the vertices can be colored red or black such that no

23 4-3 Given an O(n) algorithm to test whether an undirected graph contains a cycle If you do a DFS, you have a cycle i you have a back edge This gives an 

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Bipartitemeanstheverticescanb ecoloredredorblacksuchthatnoedgelinksverticesofthesamecolor? R R RW W W W

Supp osewecoloravertexred?whatcolormustitsneighb orsb e?black?WecanaugmenteitherBFSorDFSwhenwe?rstdis?coveranewvertex?coloritopp ositeditsparents?andforeachotheredge?checkitdo esn?tlinktwoverticesofthesamecolor?The?rstvertexinanyconnectedcomp onentcanb eredorblack?Bipartitegraphsariseinmanysituations?andsp ecialalgorithmsareoftenavailableforthem?Whatistheinterpretationofabipartite?had?sex?with?graph?Howwouldyoubreakp eopleintotwogroupssuchthatnogroupcontainsapairofp eoplewhohateeachother?

IfyoudoaDFS?youhaveacyclei?youhaveabackedge?ThisgivesanO?n?m?algorithm?Butwheredo esthemgo?Ifthegraphcontainsmorethann?1edges?itmustcontainacycle?Thusweneverneedlo okatmorethannedgesifwearegivenanadjacencylistrepresentation?

23?4?5Showthatyoucantop ologicallysortinO?n?m?byrep eatedlydeletingverticesofdegree0?

ThecorrectnessofthisalgorithmfollowssinceinaDAGtheremustalwaysb eavertexofindegree0?andsuchavertexcanb e?rstintop ologicalsort?Supp oseeachvertexisinitializedwithitsindegree?doDFSonGtogetthis??DeletingavertextakesO?degreev??Reducetheindegreeofeache?cientvertex?andkeepalistofdegree0verticestodeletenext?Time:

P ni?1



StronglyConnectedComp onentsAdirectedgraphisstronglyconnectedi?thereisadirectedpathb etweenanytwovertices?Thestronglyconnectedcomp onentsofagraphisapartitionoftheverticesintosubsets?maximal?suchthateachsubsetisstronglyconnected?

a b cd g he f Observethatnovertexcanb eintwomaximalcomp o?nents?soitisapartition?

Thereisanamazinglyelegant?lineartimealgorithmto?ndthestronglyconnectedcomp onentsofadirectedgraph?usingDFS?

?CallDFS???tocompute?nishingtimesforeachvertex??Computethetransp osegraphG


T?isastronglyconnectedcomp onent?ThisalgorithmtakesO?n?m??butwhydo esitcom?putestronglyconnectedcomp onents?Lemma:Iftwoverticesareinthesamestrongcom?p onent?nopathb etweenthemeverleavesthecomp o?nent?

u z yx x must also be in the strong component!

Lemma:InanyDFSforest?allverticesinthesamestronglyconnectedcomp onentareinthesametree?Pro of:Considerthe?rstvertexvinthecomp onenttob ediscovered?Everythinginthecomp onentisreach?ablefromit?sowewilltraverseitb efore?nishingwithv?

Whatdo esDFS?G


v G GT

BecausethereisnoedgefromanypreviousDFStreeintothelasttree??Becauseweorderedtheverticesbydecreasingorderof?nishtime?wecanp eelo?thestronglyconnectedcomp onentsfromrighttoleftjustb edoingaDFS?G


ExampleofStrongComp onentsAlgorithm

a b cd g he f 1 59 1062

3 4 7 8 11 12

DFG(G) 9 is the last vertex to finish
