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Transnationalisation et stratégies dinvestissement - Érudit

Ce dernier ne représente qu'une partie de la formation du capital transnationalisé puisque, par définition, il ne comprend pas celui qui se produit dans les 


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Tous droits r€serv€s 'tudes internationales, 1985 Cet article est diffus€ et pr€serv€ par 'rudit. 'rudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif compos€ de Montr€al. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. €tudes internationales 16 (2), 281...302. https://doi.org/10.7202/701836ar

R€sum€ de l'article

The rapid development of transnational firms and banks during the 1960's and

1970's, and their search for increasing autonomy vis-"-vis the national

governments of host countries is the main theme of this paper. The author concludes that MNE and MNB are increasingly able to avoid national regulations. However the massive use of the U.S. dollar in international transactions gives the American government a disproportionate influence on global economic relations and trends. MNE try to maximize short term return on investments and the international coherence and integration of their own network. All these trends contribute to the desarticulation of the national economies of the host countries. Besides, MNE conceive strategies for "socializing" (i.e. transferring to the host state) many costs and risks. The whole picture is one of diminishing state capabilities in the host countries.



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The rapid development of transnational firms and banks during the i960's and


and their search for increasing autonomy vis-à-vis the national governments of host countries is the main thème of this paper. The author concludes that MNE and MNB are increasingly able to avoid national régulations.


the massive use of the U.S. dollar in international transactions gives the


government a disproportionate influence on global


relations and trends. MNE try to maximize short term return on investments and the international cohérence and intégration of their own network. AU thèse trends contribute to the desarticulation of the national


of the host countries.


MNE conceive stratégies for "socializing" (i.e. transferring to the host state) many costs and risks. The whole picture is one of diminishing state capabilities in the host countries. I




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s su r l e développemen t


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que s nationale s d e l a par t de s conglomérat squotesdbs_dbs15.pdfusesText_21