[PDF] [PDF] The two-week plastic challenge

Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 40 / octobre-décembre 2017 50 Vous êtes invité(e) à faire un discours pour la journée mondiale de l'environnement

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[PDF] The two-week plastic challenge

Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 40 / octobre-décembre 2017 50 Vous êtes invité(e) à faire un discours pour la journée mondiale de l'environnement

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Public cibleCycle terminal, post-bac / Écouter : B1/B2 ; Parler (EOC) : B1 à


The two-week plastic challenge

Ce reportage met en évidence ce danger que représente le plastique pour son rôle dans la pollution des océans et la contamination des écosystèmes. La journaliste de Sky explique que les montagnes de déchets ont des conséquences terribles sur notre utilisation d'emballages plastiques pendant quinze jours.


TV presenter (Isabel):

I mean on a day like today it looks so idyllic, utterly beautiful, I just hope it is in the

future. So, at least there's still some life here in the Thames. You just worry in a 100-, 150-years' time what

it's going to look like. Liam:

Yeah, well, thing is if you look closely we're all desensitized to it but if you look there's just tons of

rubbish floating past. It's when you actually sit here and open your eyes and look, that you realise every

single thing we've got here is made of plastic.


I know, it's horrifying!

Liam: I'm not sure what the alternative is though. I mean, you know, it's just part of our lives nowadays.


I went to Mumbai and I saw for myself how dreadful the problem is. We've just got everything from food wrappers,... look at this, a coat hanger.

Isabel (voice over):

Within my lifetime all 19 beaches there are completely out of bounds*, toxic, noxious because of the plastic.


The reality is, it's convenient. This was all easily scooped up in a supermarket, popped in a bag and

we came straight here. If I'd been at home preparing it all, maybe we could've used less plastic.


When it comes to little ones' nappies*, these are so hardy*, they're so absorbant they last all night and

well we still manage to get through about seven of them a day and I do feel guilty about all the plastic that's

involved. The other component, of course, the wet-wipes*. These are the ones that we choose to use. They

don't say on them flush down* the loo, but we know that these are creating havoc* with the environme nt,

particulary with riverbeds. The River Thames is only a couple of hundred metres away and well, we're told by

experts that they're changing the shape of the riverbeds because there's so much plastic in them, but there's

nothing better than a wet wipe to get rid of mess on a baby's bottom.

Can you throw it in?

So this is just literally seven days, everything that we've used that's plastic. Normally we're quite good at

recycling, aren't we? But we haven't separated it out and it's actually horrifying. Liam:

We don't know where it's going, we don't know what's happening to it, you know, stuff like this, does it

just end up in the ground? Does it end up being burnt? Does it end up on foreign shores?


In the ocean. Exactly. And that's the fear.

Well, I hope that over the next two weeks by at least trying our very best to cut out* single-use plastic, this

bin doesn't get even half full but, it's not going to be easy.

Sky News

Nb : Mots suivis d'un astérisque (*) dans le script : mots ou expressions pouvant poser problème pour la compréhension et/ou étant intéressants à relever.


/ Lyćée - post-bac / nº

40 / octobre-d́écembre 201750

Objectifs et démarche pédagogique

Liens avec les programmes de lycée

Cycle terminal

Espaces et ́échanges Sustainable development L'id́ée de progrès Sustainable development Lieux et formes du pouvoir The power of consumers

Post-bac Consumption and the environment

Contenu lexical

L'environnement et la lutte antipollution : single-use plastic, rubbish, toxic, noxious, riverbeds, recycling.

ႇ : half full, 100-150-years' time, seven a day, a couple of hundred meters from. Exprimer une réaction négative : it's horrifying. (Les points sugǵéŕés pourront ̂être śélectionńés en fonct ion du/des projet(s) choisi(s), du niveau et des objectifs de la cla sse.)

Lexique et stratégie de compréhension

Travail de d́éduction du sens en contexte sur les mots portant un ast́érisque dans le transcript.


Prononciation du -ed (managed, scooped, popped, used, involved).


Hypothèses en if : If I'd been at home, maybe we could've used less plastic. tons of, a couple of. D marche propos e

Exploitation de l'extrait vid


A. Anticipation

contenu du document, puis dans un second temps leur donner le titre pour orienter leur anticipation sur la vid


o, son contenu et le lexique qu'ils s'apprêtent à entendre.

Pré-requis au niveau du lexique : Selon le niveau de mâîtrise de la langue des ́élèves/́étudiants, il est

possible de rajouter au lexique " devińé » quelques-uns des mots portant un ast́érisque dans le script s'ils risquent selon vous de bloquer la compr



B. Compréhension


Peut comprendre une grande partie des programmes t́éĺéviśés sur des sujets d'int́ér

t personnel, tels que br

ves interviews, conf́érences et journal t́éĺéviśé si le d́ébit est relativement lent et la langue assez clairement

articuĺée. -

́Écouter, B1

Peut comprendre la plupart des journaux et magazines t́éĺéviśés. - ́Écouter, B2

Compréhension globale

de compl


ter le tableau correspondant.

Compréhension détaillée

Ensuite, après leur avoir fait prendre connaissance des questions de compŕéhension d́étailĺée, proćéder à leurs visionnements.

C. Réaction et interprétation, appropriation

Les ́élèves/́étudiants ŕéagissent au contenu de la vid́éo en donnant leur opinion sur l'utilisation du plastique. Est-il vraiment indispensable ? Y a-t-il des alternatives ?


/ Lycée - post-bac / nº

40 / octobre-décembre 201751

D. Suggestions de tâches communicatives ou projets

Vous êtes invit́é(e) à faire un discours pour la jourńée mondiale de l'environnement. Vous devez parler des

dangers du plastique et proposer des solutions.

Peut faire un exposé simple et direct, préparé, sur un sujet familier dans son domaine, assez cla

ir pour tre suivi

Parler en continu, B1

Peut d


velopper pertinents. -

Parler en continu, B2

Peut pŕésenter des descriptions claires et d́étailĺées de sujets complexes, en int́égrant des th

mes qui leur

sont líés, en d́éveloppant certains points et en terminant son intervention de fa̧çon appropríée. -

Parler en

continu, C1


Dans la presse

/ sur internet

Un article du

acArthur-tackle-plastics.html Un article de Theguardian.com : Could you cut out plastic from your weekly shop? Un article de Theguardian.com : Plastic now pollutes every corner of Earth.

Corrigé des activités

B. Comprehension

answering the questions below. Where does the scene mostly take place?In London, not far from the River Thames Who are the main people involved?The journalist, Isabel, and Liam TopicThe problem of plastic and the dangers to the environment

Detailed comprehension

Watch the video three times and answer these questions about the main asp ects of the document.

1. What does the journalist fear at the beginning of the document?

She fears that in the future the surrounding environment/landscape will change because of plastic pollution.

2. What are the advantages of plastic? Give examples.

Nearly everything that we use is made from plastic: it's convenient (nappies), it's quick (food wrappers).

The shape of the riverbeds is changing because there is so much plastic in them.

4. What particular problems is plastic causing in India?

All the beaches have become out of bounds/no-go areas because the plastic waste has made them toxic. They are strong/sturdy/hardy and very convenient. They're absorbant a nd last all night.

6. What is the goal of the journalist?

The challenge is to reduce the amount of plastic she and her family use over a two-week period, to reduce the amount of plastic waste she puts in her bin by half, especially sing le-use plastic.


/ Lyćée - post-bac / nº

40 / octobre-d́écembre 201752

Fiche d'activités

The two-week plastic challenge

Nom :Classe :Date :


A. Anticipation

1. Using the screen capture from the video, guess what this document is

going to talk about. (What? Where?

Who? How? Why? When?)

2. Read the title of the video and check if your guesses were right.

B. Comprehension

Overall comprehension -

by answering the questions below.

Where does the scene

mostly take place?

Who are the main

people involved? Topic

Detailed comprehension

Watch the video three times and answer these questions about the main asp ects of the document.

1. What does the journalist fear at the beginning of the document?

2. What are the advantages of plastic? Give examples.


/ Lycée - post-bac / nº

40 / octobre-décembre 201753

Fiche d'activités

Nom :Classe :Date :

The two-week plastic challenge


4. What particular problems is plastic causing in India?

6. What is the goal of the journalist?

C. Reaction

React to what you have seen and heard in the video. Do we take plastic f or granted? What are the alternatives?

Should there be more campaigns to make people aware of the dangers? Think of all the things you use on

a daily basis that contain plastic.

D. Project

You are invited to make a speech for International Environment Day. You talk about the dangers of plastic and propose solutions to combat this menace.


/ Lyćée - post-bac / nº

40 / octobre-d́écembre 201754
