[PDF] 2016 updated EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the

25 juil 2016 · Richette P, et al Ann Rheum Dis 2016;0:1–14 doi:10 1136/annrheumdis-2016- 209707 1 care source population found that prednisolone (35 mg/day for Switzerland) since 2010: Ardea BioSciences, AstraZeneca global, AstraZeneca treatment of hyperuricemia in gout: the “dirty dish” hypothesis

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2016 updated EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the

25 juil 2016 · Richette P, et al Ann Rheum Dis 2016;0:1–14 doi:10 1136/annrheumdis-2016- 209707 1 care source population found that prednisolone (35 mg/day for Switzerland) since 2010: Ardea BioSciences, AstraZeneca global, AstraZeneca treatment of hyperuricemia in gout: the “dirty dish” hypothesis

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2016 updatedEULARevidence-based

recommendationsforthe managementof gout

P Richette,


M Doherty,


E Pascual,


V Barskova,


F Becce,


J Castañeda-Sanabria,




S Guillo,


T LJansen,


H Janssens,


F Lioté,


C Mallen,


G Nuki,


F Perez-Ruiz,


J Pimentao,


L Punzi,


T Pywell,

7 A So, 15

A KT ausche,


T Uhlig,


J Zavada,


W Zhang,


F Tubach,


T Bardin


Additional materialis

published onlineonly .Tovie w please visitthe journalonline (http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/ annrheumdis-2016-209707).

Fornumber edafliationssee

end ofarticle.


ProfessorP ascalRichette,

FédérationdeRhuma tologie,

CentreViggoP etersen,Hôpital

Lariboisière,2 rueAmbr oise

Paré,P aris75010,France;


Received13April 2016

Revised14 June2016

Accepted 29June 2016

Tocite: Richette P,

Doherty M,P ascualE,et al.

Ann RheumDis Published

Online First:[please include

DayMonth Year]



BackgroundNewdrugs andne weviden ceconcerning

the useof established treatments havebecomeavailable since thepublic ationoftherstEur opeanLeague

AgainstRheuma tism(EULAR)recommenda tionsfor the

management ofgout, in2006. Thissitu ation has prompteda sy stematicreviewandupdateof the2006 recommendations.

MethodsThe EULARtaskfor ceconsis tedof15

rheumatologists,1radiolog ist, 2generalpractitioners,

1 researchfellow ,2patientsand3experts in

epidemiology/methodologyfr om12European countries.

A systematicreviewofthe literatureconcerning all

aspects ofgout trea tmentswasperformed.

Subsequently,r ecommendationswereformulated byuse

of aDelphi consensus approach.

ResultsThreeo verarchingprinciplesand11key

recommendationswere generated.Forthe treatmentof are,colch icine,non-steroidal anti-inammatorydrugs (NSAIDs), oralorintr a-articular steroidsoracombina tion arer ecommended.Inpatientswith frequent areand contraindicationstocolch icine,NSAIDs and corticosteroids,aninterleukin-1block ershould be considered.In addition toeducationand anon- pharmacologicalmana gementapproach, urate-lowering therapy(UL T)shouldbeconsider edfr omthe rst presentationofthe disease,and serumuric acid (SUA) levelsshould bemaintained at<6 mg/dL(360 mmol/L) and <5mg/dL (300mmol/L)in thosewith sever egout.

Allopurinol isr ecommendedasrst-lineUL Tandits

dosage shouldbe adjusted accordingtor enalfunction. If theSUA targetcannot bea chieved withallopurinol, then febuxostat,auricosuricor combininga xanthine oxidase inhibitorwith auricosuric shouldbe consider ed.

Forpa tientswithrefr actory gout,pegloticaseis


ConclusionsThese recommendationsaimtoinform

physiciansand patients aboutthenon-pharma cological and pharmacologicaltreatments forgoutandtopro vide the beststr ategiestoachievetheprede ned uratetarget to curethedisease.


Gout isa disablingand commondisease inEur ope;

its prevalenceranges from0.9%to 2.5%depend- ing onthe country. 1-3

The prevalenceandinci-

dence ofthe diseaseha ve increasedsteadilyin recenty ears,particularlyinthe UK. 45


despite effectivetrea tments,goutisstilloften misdiagnosed andits managementr emainssubopti- mal. 367

This situationprompted theelaboration

of therstEur opeanLeagueAgainst Rheumatism (EULAR) recommendationsforthemanagement of gout,in 2006,which wer ebased onasystema tic literaturereview (SLR)andexpertopinion. 8

Since 2006,our knowledge ofthepathophy si-

ology ofthe diseasehas impro ved greatly 910
and theeld ofgout managementhas advancedquickly .

When therstEULAR recommenda tionswere

produced,the numberof drugsa vailablefor gout treatmentwas limitedandthemain ura te-low ering therapy(UL T)wasallopurinol. Sincethen,a number ofne wdrugshav ebecome availableorare in late-stagedevelopment(ie, febuxostat, pegloti- case, interleukin-1(IL-1) blockers, lesinurad). 11 12

Moreover,additionaldataon established drugs

such ascolchicine 13 and allopurinol 14-16 havebeen published, ands tudieshave repeatedlyidentied increasedcardio vascularmortalitywithgout. 17

Therefore,theindica tionsfor oldandnew drugs

need tobe claried andno veltherapeuticstr ategies recommendedon thebasis oftheir availability ,the patientpr ole, previousdrugfailur eand benet/ risk ratioaswell asthe costofthe variousdrugs nowa vailableforthetr eatment ofareand for loweringura televels.Forthis purpose,ataskfor ce wasconv enedtoupdate the2006 EULARrecom- mendationsfor themanagement ofgout, withthe objectiveof addressing allover arching principles and individualr ecommendationsbyaSLRand expertand patient opinion.


Withthe approva loftheEULARex ecutive commit-

tee,the conven or(TB)alongwithtw oco-conv enors oft he2006 taskforce (MDand EP),anepidemiolo - gist(FT) andana cademic rhe umatologist(PR) formedast eer inggrouptoupdateth e2006EULAR recommendationsforthemanagem entof gout.Th e steeringgrouppr ioritisedt heresearchquestions , draftedthemet hodology tobeusedforthesenov el setof rec ommendationsandassembledatask force.

This EULARtask force comprised15rheuma tol-

ogists,1 musculoskeletal radiologist,2 general practitioners(GPs), 1research fellow ,2patients and 3e xpertsinepidemiology/methodologyfr om

12 Europeancountries.The recommenda tions

weredeveloped accordingtothe standardisedoper- atingpr oceduresfortheelabora tion,evalua tion Richette P,et al.Ann RheumDis 2016;0:1-14. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2016-2097071

Clinicalande pidemiologicalr esearch

ARD Online First, published on July 25, 2016 as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2016 -209707 Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2016. Produced by BMJ Pub lishing Group Ltd (& EULAR) under licence.

on May 29, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://ard.bmj.com/Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2016-209707 on 25

July 2016. Downloaded from

disseminationand implementation ofrecommendations endorsed bythe EULAR. 18 19

Thefirsts tepwasto determinewhetherthe12 former

EULAR recommendations(2006)forthe managementof gout should ber etained,modified orabandoned. For thispurpose, members ofthe taskfor cew eresenta questionnaireandwer e askedto ra teeachrecommendation byusinga9-point numer- ical ratingscale(1,totally disagree; 9,fully agree). Foreach item, participantsindica tedwhetherthey wouldk eepthesame recommendation(firstques tion).Iftheansw erw asscor ed5, the participantsw erethenaskedif they wouldmodifyther ec- ommendation(second question). Itwase xplainedtha tthe phrasingof theupda tedr ecommendationsshouldnot beamere clinical statement - as formos tofthe2006 EULARr ecommen- dations - but whereverpossibleshouldtak ethe formof aclear activerecommenda tionspecific toa particularclinical situation, as advisedby theAppr aisalof GuidelinesforResear ch&

Evaluation(A GREEII).


The steeringgroup hadpredeter-

mined thatanitem from the2006 recommendationswould be deleted ifall scores fromtheparticipants forthefirstques tion were<5with amedian 3.5. Conversely,theitemwouldbe unchanged ifall scores fortothefirstques tionwere 5 witha median7 andwhen allscor esfor thesecondquestion wer e <5 witha median3.5. Ifnot, theitems hadto bemodi fied. Members ofthe taskfor cew erealsoinvited toindicatetopics theywould like toaddressfor additionalr ecommendations. Subsequently,one resear chfellow(JC-S) withthehelpof an expertin sy stematicreviewmethodology(SG)performedan SLR bysear chingforlitera ture publishedsince1January2005 in MEDLINE,EMBASE andC ochrane Librarydatabasesin June 2013.This process includedbothagener alsear chand a proposition-specific search.Thegener alsear chstra tegyconsisted of twobasic components:(1) goutin whatev erpossible termsin the databasesand(2) typesof study designin theforms ofsys- tematicr eview/meta-analysis,randomisedcontrolledtrial (RCT)/controlledtrial, uncontrolled trial,cohortstudy ,case - controls tudy,cross-sectionalstudy .Thetwocomponents were combined tosear chforthecurr enta vailabler esearchevidence on gout.The qualityof evidenceand grades ofr ecommendation weredetermineda ccordingto thestandardsof theOxford

CentreforEvidence-Based Medicine.


The qualityof evidence

wasassessed bythe GRADE method.Criteria forRCTsincluded adequater andomisationandallocationconcealment, prognos tic similarity betweengroups (intermsofthe evaluated outcome), equal follow-upofgr oups,adequa teblinding,validation ofout- comes, applicationofintent-to-tr eat analysis,selectiveoutcome reporting,s toppingearlyforbene fit,fi-risk controlwithmul- tiple comparisonsor multipleoutcomes. Criteriafor observa- tional studiesincludedchoice ofcontr ols,measur ementof both exposuresandoutcomes, confoundingfa ctors,completeness of data,magnitude ofeffect anddose -responsegr adient.Criteria for meta-analysisincludeda priori-defined objectivesandout- comes ofinter est,descriptionoftheliter atur esear ch,selection criteria forincluded studies, assessmentofqualityof studies, evaluationof publication biasandhomogeneityof results. In thene xtstep,all taskforcemembers attended a2-da y meeting duringwhich results oftheSLRw ere presented inan aggregatedform.The taskfor cedeba tedand evaluatedtheevi- dence presentedandformula teda preliminarysetof new recommendations.Then,the taskfor cer eached consensus regardingthe proposed recommendationsby usingtheDelphi sequential votingtechniqueby emaila fterthe meeting. Subsequently,the level ofagreementfor each recommendation

wasgr aded.Eachparticipant wasasked tor ateeach recommendationagainby usingthe 9-pointnumerical ra tingscale (1,totally disagree; 9,fullyagree) andcould propose areformulationofthe recommenda tion.

Subsequently,this setof recommenda tionsw asexternally evaluatedby GPs (n=8)andrheuma tologists (n=5)mainly in independent orpriva tepractice inEurope(theUK,The Netherlands, Spain,F rance,PortugalandItaly). Eachphysicianquotesdbs_dbs6.pdfusesText_11