AP Human Geography will require a great deal of reading, including themes that we can all learn from? Use a map from the Internet to help you find

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[PDF] AP Human Geography Summer Assignment 100 Countries That You

20 fév 2017 · Dear Perspective AP Human Geography Students: label each item on the map( see links) You will 100 Countries That You Need To Know

[PDF] AP Human Geography Summer Assignment

○ Open the link and select the country or region you want to learn ○ Under the “ Countries” column, find the middle option Level 1 - Beginner and click  

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[PDF] AP Human Geography Summer Assignment These five maps are

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A P Human Geography is an exciting course that dives into the distribution and you have any trouble acquiring these materials, see me before school For the world map, you are to color and label each region as designated on the AP 

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AP Human Geography will require a great deal of reading, including themes that we can all learn from? Use a map from the Internet to help you find

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APHU ANGEOGRAPHYSU ERASSIGN ENT: s.DoddSummer2016DearS den sandParen s,Iamexci ed ha yo havemade hedecision o akeon hechallengeofAPH manGeographyfor he2016-17schoolyear.ThisisanAdvancedPlacemen co rse,whichisacollegelevelco rse a gh inhighschool.AnAPclassisdifferen fromanhonorsclassbeca se he ex bookandma erialsarecollegelevel,whichmeans hisco rsewillreq irecollegelevelwork,effor ,disciplineandma ri y.S den swillhave heoppor ni y oearncollegecredi byearningapassingscoreon heAPexam akeninMay.Alls den swill ake heexamneed omovea hereq iredpace obereadyfor heexam.H manGeographyisno ahis oryco rse,norisi aco rse ha solelyfoc seson hephysicalworld.In hisco rsewewilldisc ss opicss chaspop la ion rends,c l re,poli ics,agric l re,ind s ryand rbaniza ion.APH manGeographywillreq ireagrea dealofreading,incl dingselec ions ha gobeyond he ex .S den ssho ldexpec homeworknigh lyandwillbeexpec ed oreado sideofclassonadailybasisinprepara ionforclass.Thisco rsewillbeverychallengingb alsoveryenriching.Theinforma ionyo acq irein hisco rsewillsignifican lyenhanceyo r nders andingofallfieldsofs dyasyo preparefor hef re.Yo arereq ired ocomple eas mmerassignmen for hisco rse.Allcomponen sof hisassignmen willbed e hefirs weekofschoolandwillbeco n edasaprojec grade.Thisassignmen isdesigned ohelpb ild pon hebackgro ndknowledgeneededfor hisco rse.Thefollowing hreecomponen smake pyo rs mmerassignmen :1. ReadthebookWhyGeography attersbyHarmdeBlij.(Availablea AmazonorBarnesandNoble.)Comple e hea achedwri ingassignmen af erreading hebook.2. CountryProfileBinder.Unders andingspecificco n rieswillhelpyo rcomprehensionof heconcep sin hisco rsewhileb ildingyo r nders andingof heworldyo livein.Reference hea achedins r c ions ose pyo rbinderandcomple eyo rfirs co n ryprofile.3. apActivity.Inorder omakeper inen spa ialloca ionconnec ionsandbe er nders and heworld,yo sho ldbeable oiden ifyandlabelimpor an poli icalandphysicalfea res hro gho heworld.Mapping ni swillfollow hro gho heyear,alongwi hmapassessmen s.Follow hea achedins r c ions.*Allassignmentsaredueduringthethirddayofschool(August17).Goodl ckandIlookforward oseeingyo inA g s !Ms.ErinDoddWesleyChapelHighSchoolSocialS diesDepar men edodd@pasco.k12.fl. swchs.aphg@gmail.com

PART1:BOOKREVIEWWhyGeographyMa ers:ThreeChallengesFacingAmerica:Clima eChange,TheRiseofChina,andGlobalTerrorism-HarmdeBlijRead hebookand se hefollowingg ide owri eabookreview.Thebookreviewmaybe ypedordonebyhand.Ifyo decide o ype hebookreview,pleasedo blespaceand seafon nolarger han12-poin .Labeleachof hepar sof hepaperasfollows:I.S mmary(20poin s)Wri eas mmaryof hebook.Ins mmarizing hebook,incl des mmariesofconcep sdisc ssed,impor an knowledge ha comesfrom hebook,in eres inghighligh s,e c.II.Analysisof heBook(15poin s)Thinkabo hefollowingq es ionswhilewri ingyo ranalysisof hebook:Wha is hea hor'smainidea?Wha is hemainpoin ha hea horwo ldlike oge across o hereader?Wha evidencedoes hea hor se oge hemainideaacross o hereader?Provideapassagefrom hebookasevidenceof hea hor'smainideaandexplainwhyi reflec s hea hor'spoin ofview.III.Relevance(15poin s)Howdoes hebookrela e oo rworld odayor oyo rownlifeexperiences?Wha are hebroader hemes ha wecanalllearnfrom?Si especificexamplesfromc rren even s ha link ocon en from hebook(yo can sebookexamplesaswell,b yo m s linki osome hingin heworld oday ha isno men ionedin hebook).Towhomwo ldyo recommend hebook?IV.ThemesofGeography(15poin s)Wha examplesof hefive hemesofgeographyarepresen in hebook?*See henex pagefor hefive hemesofgeography.V.PersonalAppraisalof heBook(15poin s)Didyo like hebook?Wha aspec sdidyo find hemos in eres ing?Wha co ld hea horhavedone omake hebookbe er?VI.Disc ssionQ es ion(20poin s)Basedonwha yo havereadin hebookandlearnedsofar,answer hefollowingq es ion horo ghlyand ho gh f lly:Whydoesgeographyma er?

FIVETHE ESOFGEOGRAPHY1.LocationMos geographics dybeginswi hlearning heloca ionofplaces.Loca ioncanbeabsol eorrela ive.Absol eloca ionprovidesadefini ereference oloca eaplace.Thereferencecanbela i deandlongi de,as ree address,oreven heTownshipandRangesys em.Rela iveloca iondescribesaplacewi hrespec oi senvironmen andi sconnec ion oo herplaces.2.PlacePlacedescribes heh manandphysicalcharac eris icsofaloca ion.Physicalcharac eris icsincl deadescrip ionofs ch hingsas hemo n ains,rivers,beaches, opography,andanimalandplan lifeofaplace.H mancharac eris icsincl de heh man-designedc l ralfea resofaplace,fromland seandarchi ec re oformsoflivelihoodandreligion ofoodandfolkc l re o ranspor a ionandcomm nica ionne works.3.Human-EnvironmentInteractionThis hemeconsidershowh mansadap oandmodify heenvironmen .H mansshape helandscape hro gh heirin erac ionwi h heland; hishasbo hposi iveandnega iveeffec son heenvironmen .. ovementThis hemes diesmovemen andmigra ionacross heplane .H mansmove.Inaddi ion,ideas,fads,goods,reso rces,andcomm nica ionall raveldis ances.-.RegionRegiondivides heworldin omanageable ni sforgeographics dy.Regionshavesomesor ofcharac eris ic ha nifies hearea.Regionscanbeformal,f nc ional,orvernac lar.Formalregionsare hose ha aredesigna edbyofficialbo ndaries,s chasci ies,s a es,co n ies,andco n ries.For hemos par , heyareclearlyindica edandp bliclyknown.F nc ionalregionsaredefinedby heirconnec ions.Forexample, hecirc la ionareaforamajornewspaperisaf nc ionalregion.Vernac larregionsareperceivedregions,s chas"TheSo h,""TheMidwes ,"or he"MiddleEas ;" heyhavenoformalbo ndariesb are nders oodino rmen almapsof heworld.

PART2:COUNTRYPROFILEBINDEROver heco rseof heyearyo willbecrea ingabindercon ainingprofilesformanyof heworld'sco n ries.Aspar ofyo rs mmerassignmen ,yo willse pyo rbinderandcrea eyo rfirs co n ryprofile.BINDER:• Inorder okeepyo rco n ryprofilesorganized,yo willneed hefollowing:o a1.5-inchbinderwi hpocke s(preferablywi haclear,plas icsleeveon hecover)o 6dividerso prin erpaper(mayneed obereplenished hro gho heyear)o looseleafno ebookpaper(mayneed obereplenished hro gho heyear)• Binderse p:o Label hedividerswi h hefollowingcon inen names:Nor hAmerica,So hAmerica,E rope,Africa,Asia,A s ralia/Oceaniao Keepsomeprin erpaperin hepocke sof hebinder.o Keepsomeloose-leafpaperaf er helas divider.o Wewillmakeacoverfor heplas icsleeved ring hefirs weekofschool.COUNTRYPROFILE:• Using hechar below,selec aco n ryfromyo rassignedregion.Use hefirs le erofyo rLASTname ode ermineyo rassignedregion.Useamapfrom heIn erne ohelpyo find heco n riesloca edinyo rassignedregion.A-CD-FG-IJ-LM-OP-RS-VW-ZCen ralAmericaSo hAmericaE ropeAfricaSo hwes Asia(MiddleEas )Cen ralandSo hAsiaEas ernandSo heas ernAsiaA s raliaandOceania• Page1-Using heCIAWorldFac book'sCo n ryProfileforyo rco n ry,comple e heDemographicProfile(a achedonnex page).Thechar canbecrea edonno ebookpaper,prin erpaper,orprin edandfilledin.(websi e:h ps://www.cia.gov/library/p blica ions/ he-world-fac book/)• Page2-Mapof hecon inen whereyo rco n ryisfo nd.Yo may seanyblankmapdownloadedfrom heIn erne .On hismap,labelandcolorinyo rco n ry.Inadifferen color,labelandcolor heco n ries ha borderyo rco n ry.Labelanyimpor an physicalfea resin(oraro nd)yo rco n ry-mo n ains,rivers,lakes,pla ea s,e c.• Page3-Pic resofmon men sorb ildingsinyo rco n ry(minim mof3).Iden ify hefollowingforeachpic re:o ci yi isloca edino p rposeof heb ilding(poli ical,c l ral,religio s,e c.)o cap ion-nameofb ilding,ac ivi ies ha akeplace here,e c.• Thefinali emsinyo rco n ryprofilewillbe2newsarticlesandsummariesper aining oyo rco n ry.Thesear iclessho lddemons ra e heimpor anceofgeography oyo rco n ry'sdevelopmen .Possible opics ofoc sonare:agric l re,na ralreso rces,economics,disp eswi ho herco n ries,c l re,migra ion,ref gees,na raldisas ers,pop la ion,e c.Ar iclesm s belongeno gh owri e heappropria es mmary.o Findanar iclefromareliablenewsso rce.o Prin andreadeachar icle.o Wri eaminim m100-words mmaryofeachar iclede ailing hecon en andexplaininghowi ill s ra es heimpor anceofgeography.o Eachs mmarysho ldfollowi sprin edar icleinyo rbinder.• Placeyo rcomple eco n ryprofilein hecorrec con inen abofyo rbinder.

DE OGRAPHICPROFILEFlagAgeStructure0-1415-2425-5455-64Over64MedianAgeSexRatioLifeExpectancy(atbirth)%UrbanDominantEthnicGroupDominantReligionCountryTotalPopulationGDPGDPpercapitaGDPpersectorAgricultureIndustryServicesUnemploymentRateLargestExportPartnerExportsinDollarsExportcommoditiesImportsinDollarsImportcommodities#oftelephones#ofcellphones#ofInternetusersDominantLanguageElectricityConsumptionPetroleumProductsConsumptionNaturalGasConsumptionHealthIndicatorsPhysicianDensityHIV-LivingwithObesityRate

PART3: APACTIVITYDirections:Using helis provided,iden ifyandlabelallphysicalfea resonaphysicalmapandallloca ions(co n riesandci ies)onapoli icalmapforeachcon inen .Yo willneed woofeacho linemap(oneforphysicalfea resandoneforpoli icalfea res).Inaddi ion,crea eamapkeyforeachmap.Thekeysho ldshowsymbolsofyo rchoicefor hefollowingi ems:capi als,ci ies,oceans,rivers,mo n ainranges,anddeser s.Usecolor odifferen ia ebodiesofwa er(oceans,rivers&lakes,e c.),mo n ainranges,deser s,e c.Try oselec colors ha reflec hena rallandscape.Thea achedr bricwillbe sed ogradeyo rmapac ivi y.Yo willneedblankoutlinemapsforNor hAmerica,So hAmerica,E rope,Africa,A s ralia,andAsia.Yo may seanyblanko linemap ha canbefo ndonline.LinesofLatitudeandLongitude&OceansArc icCircleEq a orTropicofCancerAn arc icCirclePrimeMeridianTropicofCapricornIn erna ionalDa eLineArc icOceanA lan icOceanIndianOceanPacificOceanSo hernOcean*Labeltheseitemsoneachmapthattheywouldbefound.NorthandSouthAmericaCountriesArgen inaDominicanRep blicNicarag aBahamasEc adorPanamaBelizeElSalvadorParag ayBoliviaFrenchG ianaPer BrazilG a emalaP er oRicoCanadaG yanaS rinameChileHai iUni edS a esColombiaHond rasUr g ayCos aRicaJamaicaVenez elaC baMexicoCitiesA lan aLosAngelesSan iago(Chile)Bogo aMexicoCi ySaoPa loB enosAiresMon evideoSea leCaracasMon realToron oChicagoNewYorkCi yVanco verHavanaNorfolkWashing on,D.C.Ho s onQ ebecCi yLimaRiodeJaneiroPhysicalFeaturesAndesMo n ainsChesapeakeBayPampasAmazonRiverColoradoRiverPanamaCanalAppalachianMo n ainsGrea LakesRioGrandeA acamaDeser Grea PlainsRockyMo n ainsBeringS rai G lfofMexicoS .LawrenceRiverCaribbeanSeaH dsonBayS rai ofMagellanCascadesRangeMississippiRiver

EuropeCountriesAlbaniaGermanyNe herlandsAndorraGreeceNorwayArmeniaH ngaryPolandA s riaIcelandPor galAzerbaijanIrelandRomaniaBelar sI alyR ssiaBelgi mIrelandSanMarinoBosnia-HerzegovinaKazakhs anSerbiaB lgariaKosovoSlovakiaCroa iaLa viaSloveniaCypr sLiech ens einSpainCzechRep blicLi h aniaSwedenDenmarkL xembo rgSwi zerlandEs oniaMacedoniaT rkeyFinlandMal aUkraineFranceMoldovaUni edKingdomGeorgiaMonacoVa icanCi y(HolySee)GermanyMon enegroCitiesAms erdamGenevaOsloA hensGibral arParisBelfas HelsinkiPrag eBelgradeKievRomeBerlinLisbonSofiaBr sselsLondonS .Pe ersb rgB chares MadridS ockholmB dapes MinskWarsawCopenhagenMoscowViennaD blinNaplesZagrebEdinb rghPhysicalFeaturesAdria icSeaCa cas sPoRiverAegeanSeaDan beRiverPyreneesAlpsDardanellesRhineRiverBal icSeaEnglishChannelSeineRiverBlackSeaMedi erraneanSeaUralsBospor sS rai Nor hSeaVolgaRiver

AfricaCountriesAlgeriaGabonNigeriaAngolaGambiaRwandaBeninGhanaSenegalBo swanaG ineaSeychellesB rkinaFasoG inea-Bissa SierraLeoneB r ndiKenyaSomaliaCameroonLeso hoSo hAfricaCapeVerdeLiberiaSo hS danCen ralAfricanRep blicLibyaS danChadMadagascarSwazilandCongo,Democra icRep blicMalawiTanzaniaCongo,People'sRep blicMaliTogoCo ed'Ivoire(IvoryCoas )Ma ri aniaT nisiaDjibo iMoroccoUgandaEgyp Mozambiq eWes ernSaharaE hiopiaNamibiaZambiaEri reaNigerZimbabweCitiesAbidjanConakryL sakaAb jaDakarMogadish AddisAbabaDaresSalamNairobiAlgiersJohannesb rgRaba BrazzavilleKhar o mTripoliCairoKinshasaT nisCapeTownLagosCasablancaL andaPhysicalFeaturesA lasMo n ainsLakeVic oriaOrangeRiverCongoRiverM .KilimanjaroRedSeaGrea Rif ValleyNigerRiverSaharaKalahariDeser NileRiverSerenge iLakeChadNamibDeser S ezCanalAustralia&OceaniaCountriesA s raliaNewZealandSamoaG amPap aNewG ineaCitiesA cklandSydneyWelling onCanberraPhysicalFeaturesCoralSeaGrea Vic orianDeser TasmanSeaGrea BarrierReefSo hernAlpsTimorSea

AsiaCountriesAfghanis anJordanQa arArmeniaKazakhs anR ssiaAzerbaijanK wai Sa diArabiaBahrainKyrgyzs anSingaporeBangladeshLaosSirLankaBh anLebanonSo hKoreaCambodiaMalaysiaSyriaChinaMaldivesTaiwanEas TimorMongoliaTajikis anGeorgiaMyanmar(B rma)ThailandIndiaNepalT rkeyIndonesiaNor hKoreaT rkmenis anIranOmanUni edArabEmira esIraqPales inianTerri oriesUzbekis anIsraelPakis anVie namJapanPhilippinesYemenCitiesAmmanIslamabadNovosibirskAnkaraJakar aPyongyangBaghdadJer salemRiyadhBangkokKab lSeo lBeijingKarachiShanghaiBombayK alaL mp rTehranCalc aMaca TokyoDhaka(Dacca)ManilaYangon(Rangoon)HanoiMeccaHongKongNewDelhiPhysicalFeaturesArabianSeaGobiSo hChinaSeaAralSeaHimalayasTaklimakanBayofBengalInd sRiverTianShanCaspianSeaKirghizS eppeTigrisRiverEas ChinaSeaLakeBaikalWes ernGha sEas ernGha sMekongRiverYang zeRiverE phra esRiverPersian(Arabian)G lfYellowRiverGangesRiverSeaofJapan

Map Scoring Rubric: The following rubric will be used to score your maps. Category 14 points 9 points 6 points 3 points Labels - Accuracy/Text Size At least 100% to 90% of the items are labeled and located correctly. 80 -90% of the items are labeled and located correctly. 79-70% of the items are labeled and located correctly. Less than 70% of the items are labeled and located correctly. Map - Legend/Key Legend is easy-to-find and contains a complete set of symbols. Legend contains a complete set of symbols. Legend contains an almost complete set of symbols. Legend is absent or lacks several symbols. Scale All features on map are drawn to scale and the scale used is clearly indicated on the map. Most features on map are drawn to scale and the scale used is clearly indicated on the map. Many features on map are NOT drawn to scale even though a scale is clearly indicated on the map. Many features of the map are drawn NOT to scale AND/OR there is no scale marker on the map. Color Scheme Student always uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.) on map and text Student usually uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.) on map. Student sometimes uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.) on map. Student does not use color appropriately. Graphics - Pictures/Relevance All graphics & pictures are attractive (size and colors), well executed and support the theme/content of the presentation. A few graphics or pictures are not attractive or well executed but all support the theme/content of the presentation. All graphics & pictures are attractive but a few do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation. Several graphics or pictures are unattractive or poorly executed AND detract from the content of the presentation. Attractiveness The map exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness The map is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. The map is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. The map is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Spelling and Grammar There are no grammatical/mechanic mistakes on the map/poster. There are 1-2 grammatical/ mechanical mistakes on the map/poster. There are 3-4 grammatical/ mechanical mistakes on the map/poster. There are more than 4 grammatical/ mechanical mistakes on the map/poster.
