[PDF] [PDF] More Applications of The Pumping Lemma

Context Free Languages – Context Free Grammars – Derivations: leftmost, rightmost and derivation trees – Parsing and ambiguity – Simplifications and 

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[PDF] More Applications of The Pumping Lemma

Context Free Languages – Context Free Grammars – Derivations: leftmost, rightmost and derivation trees – Parsing and ambiguity – Simplifications and 

[PDF] The Pumping Lemma For Regular Languages

How do we prove that a Language is NOT Regular? Page 3 Examples of Nonregular Languages ○ B = {0n 1

[PDF] Applications of pumping lemma - Cse iitb

28 jan 2019 · Theorem 11 1 Let L be a language L is not regular if, for each n, there is a word w ∈ L such that w ≥ n and for each breakup of w into three 

[PDF] The Application of Pumping Lemma on Context Free Grammars

and the terminal strings constitute the language generated by the PCGS Here we apply pumping lemma on certain languages to show that, they are not context  

[PDF] proving languages not regular using Pumping Lemma

Here is the Pumping Lemma If L is a regular language, then there is an integer n > 0 with the property that: (*) for any string x ∈ L where x ≥ n, there are strings u, v, w such that (i) x = uvw, (ii) v = ǫ, (iii) uv ≤ n, (iv) uvkw ∈ L for all k ∈ N

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11 fév 2020 · As a sanity check, a single string can be written as the concatenation of its characters For example {abc} = {a}◦{b}◦{c}, and a set of strings is 

[PDF] Notes on Pumping Lemma

5 mar 2018 · We can use a variety of tools in order to show that a certain language is regular For example, we can give a finite automaton that recognises 

[PDF] Non-regular languages and the pumping lemma - MIT

Existence of non-regular languages • Theorem: There is a language over Σ = { 0, 1 } that is not regular • (Works for other alphabets too ) • Proof: – Recall 

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Pumping Lemma: Proof Theorem (Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages) If L is a regular language, then there exists a constant p such that for every string

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•Prove the Pumping Lemma, and use it to show that there are non-regular languages •Introduce Regular Expression –which is one way to describe a language

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1 CS 301 - Lecture 17 Pumping Lemma for Context Free Grammars

Fall 2008


• Languages and Grammars - Alphabets, strings, languages • Regular Languages

- Deterministic Finite and Nondeterministic Automata - Equivalence of NFA and DFA - Regular Expressions - Regular Grammars - Properties of Regular Languages - Languages that are not regular and the pumping lemma

• Context Free Languages

- Context Free Grammars - Derivations: leftmost, rightmost and derivation trees - Parsing and ambiguity - Simplifications and Normal Forms - Nondeterministic Pushdown Automata - Pushdown Automata and Context Free Grammars - Deterministic Pushdown Automata

• Today: - Pumping Lemma for context free grammars

More Applications of The Pumping Lemma

The Pumping Lemma: there exists an integer such that m for any string mwLw≥∈|| , we can write For infinite context-free language L uvxyzw= with lengths and it must be:

0 allfor ,≥∈iLzxyuv

ii 2

Context-free languages

}0:{≥nba nn

Non-context free languages

}0:{≥ncba nnn }*},{:{bawww R }},{:{bavvv∈

Theorem: The language

}*},{:{bavvvL∈= is not context free

Proof: Use the Pumping Lemma

for context-free languages Assume for contradiction that is context-free Since is context-free and infinite we can apply the pumping lemma LL }*},{:{bavvvL∈=

Pumping Lemma gives a magic number

such that: m

Pick any string of with length at least

m we pick: Lbaba mmmm L }*},{:{bavvvL∈= 3 We can write: with lengths and uvxyzbaba mmmm

Pumping Lemma says:


ii for all



We examine all the possible locations

of string in vxy uvxyzbaba mmmm mmmm baba }*},{:{bavvvL∈=

Case 1:

vxy is within the first m a bbaabbaa........................ vmmmu z uvxyzbaba mmmm xym 1 k av= 2 k ay= 1 21
≥+kk }*},{:{bavvvL∈= 2 v 21
kkm++ mmu z uvxyzbaba mmmm x 2 y m

Case 1:

vxy is within the first m a 1 k av= 2 k ay= 1 21
≥+kk }*},{:{bavvvL∈= 4 uvxyzbaba mmmm

Case 1:

vxy is within the first m a 1 21


mmm kkm 22
}*},{:{bavvvL∈= uvxyzbaba mmmm

Case 1:

vxy is within the first m aLzxyuv∈ 22



mmm kkm 22

However, from Pumping Lemma:

}*},{:{bavvvL∈= is in the first is in the first

Case 2:

bbaabbaa........................ vmmmu z uvxyzbaba mmmm xym m a m b vy 1 k av= 2 k by= 1 21
≥+kk }*},{:{bavvvL∈= is in the first is in the first

Case 2:

2 v 1 km+ 2 km+ mu z uvxyzbaba mmmm x 2 y m m a m b vy 1 k av= 2 k by= 1 21