The interface to the final presentation of media is usually interactive Page 5 Characteristics of a Multimedia Systems Computer Controlled ◇

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The interface to the final presentation of media is usually interactive Page 5 Characteristics of a Multimedia Systems Computer Controlled ◇

[PDF] UNIT - I Lesson 1 Introduction to Multimedia - Ayo Menulis FISIP UAJY

1 4 Features of Multimedia 1 5 Applications of Multimedia System 1 6 Convergence of Multimedia System 1 7 Stages of Multimedia Application Development


7 3 5 Desirable Features for a Multimedia System 7 4 Print Vs discuss the various types of media associated with the multimedia systems; ○ differentiate 

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While hypermedia is a useful term for those works that make use of hypertext features, "multimedia" emphasizes the combination of traditional media into 

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A Multimedia System is characterised by the processing, storage, generation, manipulation and rendition of Multimedia information A Multimedia system has four basic characteristics: Multimedia systems must be computer controlled Multimedia systems are integrated

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Multimedia information Characteristics of a Multimedia System A Multimedia system has four basic characteristics: ▫ Multimedia systems must be computer 

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Data management lies at the heart of a multimedia information system The spatial, temporal, storage, retrieval, integration and presentation requirements of  

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