[PDF] [PDF] Deterministic Finite Automata

Problem Design an automaton that accepts all strings over {0,1} that have an even length Solution What do you need to remember? Whether you have seen an 

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[PDF] Deterministic Finite Automata

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1 Introducing Finite Automata

1.1 Problems and Computation

Decision Problems

Decision Problems

Given input, decide \yes" or \no"

Examples:Isxan even number? Isxprime? Is there a path fromstotin graphG? i.e., Compute a boolean function of input

General Computational Problem

In contrast, typically a problem requires computing some non-boolean function, or carrying out an interactive/reactive computation in a distributed environment Examples:Find the factors ofx. Find the balance in account numberx. In this course, we will study decision problems because aspects of computability are captured by this special class of problemsWhat Does a Computation Look Like? Some code (a.k.a.control): the same for all instances The input (a.k.a. problem instance): encoded as a string over a nite alphabet As the program starts executing, some memory (a.k.a.state) {Includes the values of variables (and the \program counter") {State evolves throughout the computation {Often, takes more memory for larger problem instances

But some programs do not need larger state for larger instances!1.2 Finite Automata: Informal Overview

Finite State Computation

Finite state: A xed upper bound on the size of the state, independent of the size of the input {A sequential program with no dynamic allocation using variables that take boolean values (or values in a nite enumerated data type) 1 {Ift-bit state, at most 2tpossible states

Not enough memory to hold the entire input

{\Streaming input": automaton runs (i.e., changes state) on seeing each bit of inputAn Automatic Door

Front padRear paddoor

Figure 1: Top view of Door

closedopenfront neitherrear both neitherfront rear bothFigure 2: State diagram of controller Input: A stream of events,,,... Controller has a single bit of state.Finite Automata



A nite automaton has: Finite set of states, withstart/initialandaccepting/nalstates;Transitions from one state to another on reading a symbol from the input.


Start at the initial state; in each step, read the next symbol of the input, take the transition (edge)

labeled by that symbol to a new state. Acceptance/Rejection:If after reading the inputw, the machine is in a nal state thenwis accepted; otherwisewisrejected. 2 q 0q 100
1 1

Figure 3: Transition Diagram of automaton


The initial state is shown by drawing an incoming arrow into the state, with no source. Final/accept states are indicated by drawing them with a double circle.Example: Computation

On input 1001, the computation is


Start in state q0. Read 1 and gotoq1.


Read 0 and goto q1.


Read 0 and goto q1.

4. Read 1 and goto q0. Sinceq0is not a nal state 1001 isrejected.

On input 010, the computation is


Start in state q0. Read 0 and gotoq0.


Read 1 and goto q1.

3. Read 0 and goto q1. Sinceq1is a nal state 010 isaccepted.q 0q 100
1 1 3

1.3 Applications

Finite Automata in Practice



Coke Machines


Train Track Switches

Security Properties

Lexical Analyzers for Parsers2 Formal Denitions

2.1 Deterministic Finite Automaton

Dening an Automaton

To describe an automaton, we to need to specify

What the alphabet is,

What the states are,

What the initial state is,

What states are accepting/nal, and

What the transition from each state and input symbol is. Thus, the above 5 things are part of the formal denition.Deterministic Finite Automata

Formal Denition

Denition 1.A deterministic nite automaton (DFA) isM= (Q;;;q0;F), where

Qis the nite set of states

is the nite alphabet :Q!Q\Next-state" transition function 4 0 1 q 0q 0q1 q 1q 1q0

Figure 5: Transition Table representation

q02Qinitial state

FQnal/accepting states

Given a state and a symbol, the next state is \determined".Formal Example of DFA


0q 100
1 1

Figure 4: Transition Diagram of DFA

Formally the automaton isM= (fq0;q1g;f0;1g;;q0;fq1g) where (q0;0) =q0(q0;1) =q1 (q1;0) =q1(q1;1) =q0Computation Denition 3.For a DFAM= (Q;;;q0;F), stringw=w1w2wk, where for eachi wi2, and statesq1;q22Q, we sayq1w!Mq2if there is a sequence of statesr0;r1;:::rksuch that r0=q1, for eachi,(ri;wi+1) =ri+1, and rk=q2. Denition 4.For a DFAM= (Q;;;q0;F) and stringw2, we sayMacceptswiq0w!Mq for someq2F.Useful Notation 5 Denition 5.For a DFAM= (Q;;;q0;F), let us dene a function^M:Q! P(Q) such that^M(q;w) =fq02Qjqw!Mq0g.

We could sayMacceptswi^M(q0;w)\F6=;.

Proposition 6.For a DFAM= (Q;;;q0;F), and anyq2Q, andw2,j^M(q;w)j= 1.Acceptance/Recognition Denition 7.Thelanguage accepted or recognizedby a DFAMover alphabet isL(M) =fw2 jMacceptswg. A languageLis said to beaccepted/recognizedbyMifL=L(M).2.2 Examples

Example Iq

00;1Figure 6: Automaton accepts all strings of 0s and 1s

Example II

q 0q 101
1 0

Figure 7: Automaton accepts strings ending in 1

Example III

6 q 0q 100
1 1 Figure 8: Automaton accepts strings having an odd number of 1s

Example IV

q 0q 1q 2q 31
1 1 10000
Figure 9: Automaton accepts strings having an odd number of 1s and odd number of 0s

3 Designing DFAs

3.1 General Method

Typical Problem


Given a languageL, design a DFAMthat acceptsL, i.e.,L(M) =L.Methodology Imagine yourself in the place of the machine, reading symbols of the input, and trying to determine if it should be accepted. Remember at any point you have only seen a part of the input, and you don't know when it ends. Figure out what to keep in memory.It cannot be all the symbols seen so far: it must t into a nite number of bits.7

3.2 Examples

Strings containing0


Design an automaton that accepts all strings overf0;1gthat contain at least one 0.


What do you need to remember? Whether you have seen a 0 so far or not!q nozq zer10;10 Figure 10: Automaton accepting strings with at least one 0.

Even length strings


Design an automaton that accepts all strings overf0;1gthat have an even length.


What do you need to remember? Whether you have seen an odd or an even number of symbols.q eq o0;10;1Figure 11: Automaton accepting strings of even length.

Pattern Recognition


Design an automaton that accepts all strings overf0;1gthat have 001 as a substring, whereuis a substring ofwif there arew1andw2such thatw=w1uw2.


What do you need to remember? Whether you

haven't seen any symbols of the pattern 8 have just seen 0 have just seen 00 have seen the entire pattern 001Pattern Recognition Automaton q q 0q 00q p1 0 100

10;1Figure 12: Automaton accepting strings having 001 as substring.



Given textTand strings, doessappear inT?

Nave Solution

=s?z}|{ =s?z}|{ =s?z}|{ =s?z}|{ =s?z}|{ T


Running time =O(nt), wherejTj=tandjsj=n.grepProblem

Smarter Solution


Build DFAMforL=fwjthere areu;v s:t: w=usvg

RunMon textT

Time = time to buildM+O(t)!



IsLregular no matter whatsis?

If yes, canMbe built \eciently"?

Knuth-Morris-Pratt (1977): Yes to both the above questions.Multiples


Design an automaton that accepts all stringswoverf0;1gsuch thatwis the binary representation of a number that is a multiple of 5.


What must be remembered? The remainder when divided by 5.

How do you compute remainders?

Ifwis the numbernthenw0 is 2nandw1 is 2n+ 1.

(a:b+c) mod 5 = (a:(bmod 5) +c) mod 5 e.g.1011 = 11 (decimal)1 mod 5 10110 = 22 (decimal)2 mod 5 10111 = 23 (decimal)

3 mod 5Automaton for recognizing Multiples

q 0q 1q 4q 2q 3010
1 1 010 0 1 Figure 13: Automaton recognizing binary numbers that are multiples of 5.

A Onek-positions from end


10 Design an automaton for the languageLk=fwjkth character from end ofwis 1g


What do you need to remember? The lastkcharacters seen so far!

Formally,Mk= (Q;f0;1g;;q0;F)

States =Q=fhwi jw2 f0;1gandjwj kg

(hwi;b) =hwbiifjwj< k hw2w3:::wkbiifw=w1w2:::wk q0=hi

F=fh1w2w3:::wki jwi2 f0;1gg11
