[PDF] [PDF] LAB MANUAL for PROGRAMMING IN C LAB - Womens Polytechnic

Know the steps involved in compiling, linking and debugging C code 7 Write programs to print output on the screen as well as in the files 14 encouraged to complete the programming questions given in the exercise prior to come

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[PDF] LAB MANUAL for PROGRAMMING IN C LAB - Womens Polytechnic

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Lab Manual for Programming in C Lab by Er. Suraj Deb Barma Page 1




(DCS- 304S)

3rd Semester

Diploma in Computer Science Technology

Diploma in Information Technology

Prepared by


Lecturer (Sr. Scale)

Department of Information Technology

Wo Lab Manual for Programming in C Lab by Er. Suraj Deb Barma Page 2


1. To introduce students to the basic knowledge of programming fundamentals of C


2. To impart writing skill of C programming to the students and solving problems.

3. To impart the concepts like looping, array, functions, pointers, file, structure.


After completing this lab course you will be able to:

1. Understand the logic for a given problem.

2. Write the algorithm of a given problem.

3. Draw a flow chart of a given problem.

4. Recognize and understand the syntax and construction of C programming code. 5. Gain experience of procedural language programming.

6. Know the steps involved in compiling, linking and debugging C code.

7. Understand using header files.

8. Learn the methods of iteration or looping and branching.

9. Make use of different data-structures like arrays, pointers, structures and files.

10. Understand how to access and use library functions.

11. Understand function declaration and definition.

12. Understand proper use of user defined functions.

13. Write programs to print output on the screen as well as in the files.

14. Apply all the concepts that have been covered in the theory course, and

15. Know the alternative ways of providing solution to a given problem.


Steps involved in program development:-

To develop the program in high level language and translate it into machine level language following steps have to be practised.

1. Writing and editing the program.

2. Linking the program with the required library modules.

3. Compiling the program.

4. Executing the program.

Lab Manual for Programming in C Lab by Er. Suraj Deb Barma Page 3


It is a method of representing the step by step process for solving a problem. Each step is called an instruction.

Characteristics of algorithm are:

Finiteness:- It terminates with finite number of steps. Definiteness:- Each step of algorithm is exactly defined. Effectiveness:- All the operations used in the algorithm can be performed exactly in a fixed duration of time. Input:- An algorithm must have an input before the execution of program begins. Output:- An algorithm has one or more outputs after the execution of the program.

Example of algorithm to find sum of two numbers:

Step1: BEGIN

Step2: READ a, b

Step3: ADD a and b and store in variable c

Step4: DISPLAY c

Step5: STOP


C is a programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie Laboratory of USA in 1972. Because of its reliability, C is very popular. C is highly portable & it is well suited for structured programming. C program consists of collection of functions. Lab Manual for Programming in C Lab by Er. Suraj Deb Barma Page 4


The milestones in C's development as a language are listed below:

1. BCPL - a user friendly OS providing powerful development tools

developed from BCPL c. 1967. Assembler was tedious, long and error prone.

2. was attempted c. 1970 by Ken Thompson at Bell Labs.

3. UNIX was d - DEC PDP-7 Assembly Language.

4. , a succ. 1971.

5. By 1973, UNIX OS was .

Hardware Requirement: Desktop Computer / laptop computer. Software Requirement: Linux Operating System with GCC / TURBO C in


GCC GCC is a Linux-based C compiler released by the Free Software Foundation which is usually operated via the command line. It often comes distributed freely with a Linux installation, so if you are running UNIX or a Linux variant you will probably have it on your system. You can invoke GCC on a source code file simply by typing:- gcc filename The default executable output of GCC is "a.out", which can be run by typing ./a.out command line by using the syntax -o outputfile , as shown in the following example : - gcc filename -o outputfile Again, you can run your program with "./outputfile". (The ./ is there to ensure you run the program for the current working directory.) Note: If you need to use functions from the math library (generally functions from math.h such as sin or sqrt), then you need to explicitly ask it to link with l : gcc filename -o outputfile -lm Lab Manual for Programming in C Lab by Er. Suraj Deb Barma Page 5

Turbo C/C++

Open Turbo C/C++ from your Desktop or Programs menu. Select from Menu bar and select option and Save C program with filename extension. To do compiling Select -> Compile from menu and click-> compile. If the compilation is successful you will see a message. Else you will see the number of errors. To RUN the program you may select ->Run from menu and click -> Run

Now you will see the output screen.

C C program is a collection of several instructions where each instruction is written as a separate statement. The C program starts with a main function followed by the opening braces which indicates the start of the function. Then follows the variable and constant declarations which are followed by the statements that include input and output statements. C program may contain one or more sections as shown below:





Main() Function section

Declaration part

Executable part


User defined functions

Lab Manual for Programming in C Lab by Er. Suraj Deb Barma Page 6


C has 32 keywords (reserved words with special meaning):

1. auto,

2. break,

3. case,

4. char,

5. const,

6. continue,

7. default,

8. do,

9. double,

10. else,

11. enum,

12. extern,

13. float,

14. for,

15. goto,

16. if,

17. int,

18. long,

19. register,

20. return,

21. short,

22. signed,

23. sizeof,

24. static,

25. struct,

26. switch,

27. typedef,

28. union,

29. unsigned,

30. void,

31. volatile, and

32. while.

Lab Manual for Programming in C Lab by Er. Suraj Deb Barma Page 7


C supports a rich set of operators, which are symbols used within an expression to specify the manipulations to be performed while evaluating that expression. C has the following operators: arithmetic: +, -, *, /, % assignment: = augmented assignment: +=, - =, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>= bitwise logic: ~, &, |, ^ bitwise shifts: <<, >> boolean logic: !, &&, || conditional evaluation: ? : equality testing: = =, != calling functions: ( ) increment and decrement: ++ and - - member selection: ., -> object size: sizeof order relations: <, <=, >, >= reference and dereference: &, *, [ ] sequencing: , subexpression grouping: ( ) type conversion: (typename)


C language has some characteristics that define the language and also have led to its popularity as a programming language.

Small size.

Extensive use of function calls.

Structured language.

Low level (Bitwise) programming readily available. Pointer implementation - extensive use of pointers for memory, array, structures and functions.

It has high-level constructs.

It can handle low-level activities.

It produces efficient programs.

It can be compiled on a variety of computers.

Lab Manual for Programming in C Lab by Er. Suraj Deb Barma Page 8



This Lab Manual is prepared to help the students with their practical understanding and development of programming skills, and may be used as a base reference during the lab/practical classes. Students have to submit Lab Exercise report of previous lab into corresponding next lab, and can be collected back after the instructor/course co-ordinator after it has been checked and signed. At the end of the semester, students should compile all the Lab Exercise reports into a single report and submit during the end semester sessional examination. Sample of Lab reportis shown for LAB Exercise #1 in this manual. For the rest of the labs, the reporting style as provided is to be followed. The lab report to be submitted during the end semester Sessional Examination should include at least the following topics:-

1. Top Cover page pg. 9 (to be used while compiling all the Lab Exercise

reports into single report)

2. Index pg. 10 (to be used while compiling all the Lab Exercise reports into

single report)

3. Cover page pg. 11 (to be attached with every Lab Exercise)

4. Title of the program

5. Algorithm (optional)

6. Flowchart (optional)

7. Coding

8. Output (compilation, debugging & testing)

Students are to show the coding and output to the instructor/course co-ordinator for the additional lab exercises given in each lab module. Note: The lab exercises may not be completed in a single specific lab. Students are encouraged to complete the programming questions given in the exercise prior to come to the lab hour and do the lab for the given programs. Lab Manual for Programming in C Lab by Er. Suraj Deb Barma Page 9


