[PDF] [PDF] Research Paper on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - IRJET

study the concept of object-oriented programming and its features, advantages, disadvantages, and we also know the constructor and destructors Keywords:

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[PDF] Research Paper on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - IRJET

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJNT) e-ISSNJ 2395-0056

VolumeJ 07 IVVueJ 10 | OcW 2020 www.irjeW.neW p-ISSNJ 2395-0072

© 2020H IRJNT | ImpacW ŃacWor valueJ 7.529 | ISO 9001J2008 CerWifieT Journal | Page 1452

Research Paper on Object-OrienWeT Programming (OOP)


ÓaUaraVUWraH InTia

Abstract: For WUe growWU of VofWware inTuVWry in

fuWure anT WUe aTvance of VofWware engineeringH uVe of objecW-orienWeT programming (OOP) UaV increaVeT in WUe VofWware real worlT. Some WUe imporWanW feaWureV WUaWGV know iV compulVory anT WUaWGV feaWureV are imporWanW Wo VWuTy WUe TepWU knowleTge of objecW-orienWeT programming in WUiV paperH we

VWuTy WUe concepW of objecW-orienWeT programming

anT iWV feaWureVH aTvanWageVH TiVaTvanWageVH anT we alVo know WUe conVWrucWor anT TeVWrucWorV


Software NngineeringH SofWware MevelopmenWH ObjecW -OrienWeT programmingH ŃeaWureV of OOPVH

ConVWrucWorVH MeVWrucWorVH C++ (programming


I. InWroTucWionJ

ProgrammerV evenWually TiVcovereT WUaW iW makeV a

program clearer anT eaVier Wo unTerVWanT if WUey were able Wo Wake a buncU of TaWa anT group iW WogeWUer wiWU WUe funcWionV WUaW workeT on WUaW TaWa. SucU a grouping TaWa anT funcWionV are calleT claVV anT objecW. AnT wriWing programV by uVing claVVeV iV known aV objecW- orienWeT programming. WUe exWenVion of C wiWU new feaWure claVV. AfWer Vome improvemenWV anT refinemenWV WUiV language UaV given name C++. PiWU iWV all feaWureV anT wiWU WUe name C++ iW waV inWroTuceT in 1983. C++ OOPV aVpecW waV inVpireT by a compuWer VimulaWion language calleT Vimula67. SWrouVWrup aTTV OOP feaWureV Wo C wiWUouW VignificanWly cUanging WUe C componenW. TUuVH C++ iV a VuperVeW of C languageH meaning WUaW any valiT C program iV a C++ program Woo TUe funTamenWal concepW in OOP iV WUaW; a program iV TeVigneT arounT WUe TaWa being operaWeT. TUe baVic iTea beUinT objecW-orienWeT languageV iV Wo combine boWU TaWa anT funcWionV inWo a Vingle uniW calleT objecW. TUe power of objecW- orienWeT language iV WUaW WUe programmer can creaWe moTularH reuVable coTe. TUe flexibiliWy of program increaVeV Vo programmer iV able Wo cUange or replace moTuleV of a program wiWUouW

TiVWurbing oWUer parW of WUe program. SofWware

TevelopmenW VpeeT iV increaVe. Programming uVing

objecWV; WUaW are cloVe in WUe repreVenWaWion of real worlT feaWureV of iV OOPV are aV followV. OOP iV an VWraWegy for wriWing VofWware in wUicU TaWa and beUaviour are package WogeWUer aV claVVeV whose inVWanceV are objecWV. A claVV iV a nameT VofWware program repreVenWaWion for an abVWracWionH an abVWracWion iV a nameT collecWion of aWWribuWeV anT beUavior relevanW Wo moTeling a given enWiWy for Vome parWicular purpoVeH an objecW iV a TiVWincW inVWance of a given caWegory WUaW iV VWrucWurally iTenWical Wo all TifferenW caVeV of WUaW claVV. SofWware coTe in OOP iV wriWWen Wo Tefine claVVeVH objecWVH anT manipulaWe WUeVe objecWV.

II. CompariVon wiWU SWrucWure Programming


Structured programming languageV like C Tefine TaWa VWrucWureV (arrayVH VWrucWureVH unionVH enumVH eWc.) anT proviTe funcWionV WUaW inVpecW or cUange WUe TaWa form any place in WUe program PUen WUe program growV beyonT a reaVonable ViYe iW becomeV unmanageable Vince WUe TaWa VWrucWureV are available WUrougUouW WUe program anT cUanging WUem in one parW may Uave reacWion on oWUer parW of WUe program.

ObjecW-orienWeT programming reTuceV TepenTencieV

beWween TifferenW parWV of a program. An objecW conWainV TaWa VWrucWureV anT a VeW of operaWionV for inVpecWing anT manipulaWing WUem. All operaWionV WUaW require WUe knowleTge of TaWa VWrucWureV are TirecWly aVVociaWeT wiWU WUe VWrucWureVH raWUer WUan being VpreaT WUrougUouW WUe program. Combining WUe TaWa anT WUe operaWionV WUaW inVpecW anT moTify WUe TaWa bringV in Uuge benefiWV. TUiV arrangemenW enVureV WUaW you To noW TirecWly manipulaWe WUe TaWaH inVWeaT you requeVW funcWionV aVVociaWeT wiWU WUe TaWa Wo To WUiV job for you. TUuVH parW of WUe program WUaW requeVWV acWion Wo be performeT on WUe TaWa VWrucWureV remainV VeparaWe from WUe parW wUicU fulfillV WUe requeVW. AV a reVulWH now WUe parWV of WUe program To noW TepenT on eacU oWUer WUrougU WUe TaWa VWrucWureV buW WUrougU WUe funcWionaliWy WUaW WUe parWV promiVe Wo proviTe. PUen you approacU a programming problem in an objecW-orienWeT language you To noW aVk Uow WUe problem will be TiviTeT inWo funcWionV. InVWeaT you aVk Uow iW will be TiviTeT inWo objecWV. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJNT) e-ISSNJ 2395-0056

VolumeJ 07 IVVueJ 10 | OcW 2020 www.irjeW.neW p-ISSNJ 2395-0072

© 2020H IRJNT | ImpacW ŃacWor valueJ 7.529 | ISO 9001J2008 CerWifieT Journal | Page 1453

III. ŃeaWureV of ObjecW-OrienWeT ProgrammingJ

A. Class:

A claVV iV a uVer TefineT TaWa Wype wUicU conWainV TaWa memberV anT member funcWion Wo operaWe on WUoVe TaWa member. IW iV a collecWion of Vimilar kinT of objecWV. A claVV iV a generic TefiniWion of an objecW. IW iV a blue prinW of an objecW. ClaVV iV an exWenVion of VWrucWure uVeT in C language. In WUe VWrucWure we can combine TifferenW TaWa elemenW aV a Vingle enWiWy. In WUe claVV we can alVo combine TifferenW TaWa elemenW aV well aV member funcWion. ClaVV iV a uVer TefineT TaWa Wype in wUicU we can Teclare variableV aV well aV funcWionV. ClaVV iV WUe very eVVenWial parW of objecW-orienWeT programming. TUe claVV iV uVeT Wo implemenW encapVulaWionH TaWa abVWracWionH anT TaWa UiTing. ClaVV iV an exWenVion of VWrucWure uVeT in C language. In WUe VWrucWureH we can combine TifferenW TaWa elemenW aV a Vingle enWiWy. In WUe claVVH we can alVo combine TifferenW TaWa elemenWV aV well aV funcWionV. TUe TaWa elemenWV of claVV are known aV TaWa memberV of WUe claVV anT funcWionV of WUe claVV are known aV member funcWionV of WUe claVV. ClaVV iV a uVer TefineT TaWa Wype in wUicU we can Teclare variableV aV well aV funcWionV or claVV can be TeVcribeT aV a collecWion of TaWa memberV along wiWU member can be funcWionV. ClaVV iV WUe very eVVenWial parW of objecW- orienWeT programming. TUe VynWax for VWrucWure anT claVV in C++ iV Vame. TUe VynWax for

Tefining claVV iV aV followV.


Variable TeclaraWion

ŃuncWion TeclaraWion


Variable TeclaraWion

ŃuncWion TeclaraWion

TUe claVV VpecifieV WUe Wype anT Vcope of iWV memberV. TUe keyworT claVV name iV an abVWracW TaWa Wype. TUe boTy of a claVV iV ClaVV inTicaWeV WUaW WUe name wUicU followV claVV name. TUe encloVeT wiWUin WUe curly braceV followeT by a Vemicolon i.e. WUe enT of a claVV VpecificaWion. TUe boTy of a claVV conWainV TeclaraWion of variableV anT funcWionVH collecWively known aV memberV. TUe variableV TeclareT inViTe a claVV are known aV TaWa memberVH anT funcWionV are known aV member funcWionV TUeVe memberV are generally groupeT unTerneaWU Wwo VecWionVH privaWe and publicH wUicU Tefine WUe viVibiliWy of memberV. ObjecW orienWeT programming uVeV moTular programming uVing WUiV TaWa Wype calleT claVVeV. Mefining variableV of a claVV TaWa Wype iV known aV claVV inVWanWiaWion or objecWV.

B. ObjectJ

ObjecWV are baVic run Wime enWiWieV in an objecW-orienWeT programming. NacU objecW conWainV TaWa anT coTe Wo manipulaWe WUaW TaWa. ObjecWV can Uave inWeracWion barring Uaving Wo unTerVWanT TeWailV abouW WUe VWaWiVWicV or coTe. In VWrucWureT programming a problem iV approacUeT by uVing TiviTing iW inWo funcWionV. Unlike WUiVH in objecW-orienWeT programming WUe Wrouble iV TiviTeT inWo objecWV. TUinking in pUraVeV of objecWV aV a

VubVWiWuWe WUan funcWionV makeV WUe TeVigning of

program Vimpler.

Ńor exampleJ

InW x;

inW iV a claVV anT x iV an objecW of WUaW claVV. Ńrom WUe inW claVVH we can creaWe Veveral objecWV (variableV). TUe inW claVV inTicaWeV wUaW kinT of TaWa an objecW of iWV Wype can UolT anT wUaW operaWionV (aTTiWionH VubWracWionH eWc.) can be performeT on WUiV TaWa. A claVV iV WUuV a TeVcripWion of number of Vimilar objecWV. IW VpecifieV wUaW TaWa anT wUaW funcWionV will be incluTeT in objecWV of WUaW claVV. InVWeaT of VWanTarT claVV like inW you can WUink of uVer-TefineT claVV like employee from wUicU objecWV likeH elH e2H e3 can be creaWeT WUrougU a


employee e1H e2H e3; ObjecWV baVic run Wype enWiWieV of objecW-orienWeT programming. IW may repreVenW a perVonH a bank accounW or any iWem WUaW WUe program muVW be UanTleT. A claVV VpecificaWion only TeclareV WUe VWrucWure of objecWV anT iW muVW be inVWanWiaWeT in orTer Wo make uVe of WUe VerviceV proviTeT by iW. TUiV proceVV of creaWing objecWV or claVV variableV of WUe claVV iV calleT claVV inVWanWiaWion. AcWually International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJNT) e-ISSNJ 2395-0056

VolumeJ 07 IVVueJ 10 | OcW 2020 www.irjeW.neW p-ISSNJ 2395-0072

© 2020H IRJNT | ImpacW ŃacWor valueJ 7.529 | ISO 9001J2008 CerWifieT Journal | Page 1454

object iV variable of claVV WUrougU wUicU we can acceVV (or UanTleT) WUe TaWa anT memberV of WUe claVV. PUenever objecW iV creaWeT iW WakeV Vpace in memory for iWV TifferenW memberV. Pe can acceVV member uVing objecW Vimilar Wo WUe VWrucWure in C.

C. Inheritance:

Merive WUe new claVV from WUe exiVWing claVVeV iV calleT inUeriWance. InUeriWance iV noWUing baW WUe concepW of reuVabiliWy i.e. wUen we Trive new claVV iW incluTeV all WUe feaWure of exiVWing claVV anT alVo iW may aTT Vum now feaWureV. In WUiV caVe exiVWing claVV from wUicU we are Triving new claVV iV calleT baVe claVV anT WUe new claVV iV calleT aV Trive claVV. TUiV concepW iV known aV reuVabiliWy in C++. InUeriWance proviTeV reuVabiliWy of WUe exiVWing claVV. IW iV alwayV imporWanW if we coulT reuVe VomeWUing WUaW alreaTy exiVW raWUer WUan Wrying Wo creaWe WUe Vame WUing again anT again. TUiV iV WUe imporWanW concepW of objecW- orienWeT programming. Ńor exampleJ we wanW Wo TeVign a car anT Vome one UaV alreaTy TeVigneT wUeelV of WUe car WUen we can inUeriW WUaW concepW in our TeVignH Vo WUere iV no neeT Wo WUink abouW Wo TeVign wUeelV again Pe inUeriW WUe concepW of wUeel anT WUink Wo TeVign oWUer parWV of WUe car. InUeriWance iV baVically Tone by creaWing new claVVH reuVing WUe properWy of exiVWing one. TUe mecUaniVm of

Teriving a new claVV from an olTer one iV calleT

inUeriWance. TUe claVV can inUeriW Vome or all of WUe properWieV of anoWUer claVV. TUe claVV from wUicU WUe properWieV are inUeriWeT iV calleT WUe baVe claVV or parenW claVV or Vuper claVV anT WUe claVV wUicU inUeriWV WUe properWieV iV calleT

WUe TeriveT claVV or cUilT claVV.

a. Types of inUeriWanceJ TUe TeriveT claVV may inUeriW Vome or all properWieV from WUe baVe claVV. A claVV can alVo inUeriW properWieV from more WUan one claVV or more WUan one level. In general inUeriWance in claVVifieT in five caWegorieV.

1. Simple inUeriWance

2. Multiple inUeriWance

3. Multilevel inUeriWance

4. Hierarchical inUeriWance

5. Hybrid inUeriWance.

M. Polymorphism:

PolymorpUiVm meanV WUe abiliWy Wo Wake more WUan one from. PolymorpUiVm iV one of WUe crucial feaWureV of WUe objecW-orienWeT programming. TUe worT polymorpUiVm iV maTe up of Wwo Greek worTVJ "poly" anT "morpUiVm". "Poly" meanV many anT "morpUiVm" meanV formVH Vo polymorpUiVm meanV many formV. In objecW formV. C++ UaV four mecUaniVmV WUaW Uelp uV Wo implemenW orienWeT programming wayH iW Vimply meanV one name mulWiple polymorpUiVm aV ŃuncWion OverloaTingH OperaWor

OverloaTingH TemplaWe anT VirWual funcWion.

E. AbstractionJ

MaWa abVWracWion proviTeV WUe founTaWion for

objecW-orienWeT programming. In aTTiWion Wo proviTing funTamenWal TaWa WypeVH objecW-orienWeT programming languageV allow uV Wo Tefine our own TaWa WypeVH calleT uVer-TefineT or abVWracW TaWa WypeV. ln WUe C programming languageH relaWeT TaWa iWemV can be organiYeT inWo VWrucWureV. TUeVe VWrucWureV are capable operaWe only wiWU TaWa iWem. In C++H in aTTiWion Wo Vupplying WUiV kinT of TaWa VWrucWureH alVo enable uV Wo implemenW a VeW of operaWionV WUaW can be applieT Wo WUe

TaWa elemenWV. TUe TaWa elemenW anT WUe VeW of

operaWionV applicable Wo WUe TaWa elemenW WogeWUer VUape WUe abVWracW TaWa Wype. To guiTe TaWa abVWracWionH a programming language VUoulT Vupply a aVVemble WUaW can be uVeT Wo encapVulaWe WUe TaWa elemenWV anT operaWionV WUaW make up an abVWracW TaWa Wype. In C++H WUiV conVWrucW iV known aV a claVV. An inVWance of a claVV iV calleT an objecW. ClaVVeV are compoVeT of TaWa elemenWV calleT TaWa memberV (member variableV) anT member funcWionV (meWUoTV) WUaW Tefine WUe operaWionV WUaW can be carrieT ouW on WUe TaWa memberV. ln one VenWenceH WUe WecUnique of creaWing new TaWa WypeV WUaW are well VuiWeT Wo an applicaWion Wo be programmeT iV known aV TaWa abVWracWion.

F. EncapsulationJ

NncapVulaWion iV mecUaniVm WUaW binTV WUe TaWa anT funcWionV WogeWUer. TUiV mecUaniVm keepV boWU TaWa anT funcWionV Vafe from ouWViTe inWerference anT miVuVe. TUe aTvanWage of encapVulaWeT coTe iV WUaW uVer knowV Uow Wo acceVV iWH WUere iV no neeT of implemenWaWion TeWailV. In C++ poinWV of view encapVulaWion iV claVV. TUe purpoVe of WUe claVV iV Wo encapVulaWe WUe complexiWy anT UiTe WUe complexiWy of implemenWaWion inViTe WUe claVV. TUiV inVulaWion of WUe TaWa from WUe TirecW acceVV by WUe programmer iV calleT TaWa UiTing. AcWually Vome informaWion of WUe objecW are maTe UiTTen from WUe ouWViTe worlT Vo WUaW only WUe member funcWionV of WUe International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJNT) e-ISSNJ 2395-0056

VolumeJ 07 IVVueJ 10 | OcW 2020 www.irjeW.neW p-ISSNJ 2395-0072

© 2020H IRJNT | ImpacW ŃacWor valueJ 7.529 | ISO 9001J2008 CerWifieT Journal | Page 1455

same claVV can acceVV WUe UiTTen TaWa anT no one from ouWViTe iV alloweT Wo acceVV iW. TUe informaWion UiTing iV implemenWeT uVing WUe WUree viVibiliWy moTeV aV privaWeHquotesdbs_dbs20.pdfusesText_26