Scientific papers are solicited and received from scientists that have been published: The format for references within the text should follow the name and

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1. Introduction

The ICCAT Collective Volumes (also known as "Red Books") are produced annually and contain the Reports of

SCRS Working Groups,

the Detailed Reports of stock assessment sessions, and the scientific contribution papers (non peer-reviewed) submitted to the SCRS. Generally there is one volume per year with 4-5 numbers. Scientific papers are solicited and received from scientists. Papers may be writte n in English, French or Spanish.

There are no page limits for the contributed papers, although authors are urged to limit the content of their papers to

the material that is essential to understand them. Papers are not peer-reviewed, except for some special editions, and

responsibility for the contents rests upon the authors and not ICCAT.

2. Submission process

To be more consistent with the submission process of other learned journals, without sacrificing quality,

authors are requested to follow formatting instructions closely. Failure to follow formats may result in your

paper being returned to you for re -formatting. Publication of your document may be delayed by one year or

canceled, as a result. Please consult the checklist at the end of the document before submitting your document.

Prior to each SCRS meeting, there is a call for papers. Following the SCRS Plenary Sessions, a notice is sent to all

senior authors of SCRS documents requesting them to indicate their intention to publish their documents in the

Collective Volume series, and to

submit their papers by the deadline date stipulated in the notice. Authors must

provide the Secretariat with an electronic copy in WORD (storage support or by e-mail) of all papers, including

tables and figures. The deadline for the receipt of documents is 09:00 on the first day of the meeting where the paper

is presented, and the deadline for receipt of final e lectronic copies for publication will be that indicated in the notice sent prior to the end of the year.

3. Formats

First page of document should include the title, author(s) with addresses, including e-mail address, in a footnote, the

summary (180 word limit) and keywords. Summaries will be translated by the Secretariat to the three official ICCAT

languages and inserted on the first page. The summaries should include the aim of the investigation, a brief

description of procedures applied and results, and conclusions (if any). Because abstracts are subsequently included

in bibliographic databases (ASFA, ICCAT), it is important that they represent the research clearly and concisely.

Keywords: Choose up to 10 from the attached list. The attached list includes the most common keywords in fisheries

(in English only), which are used in the ASFA database. Regardless of the original language of the paper, keywords

should only be in English.

General text must be in Times New Roman 10 (see margins below). Headings should be short, reflect a logical

sequence, and follow the rules of multiple subdivision (i.e., there can be no subdivision without at least 2 two

subheadings). The entire text should be intelligible to readers and therefore, acronyms and abbreviations should be

written out and all lesser-known technical terms should be defined the first time they are mentioned. Dates should be

written as follows: 10 November 200

8. Measures should be expressed as metric units, e.g., metric tons (t).

References to works that have been published: The format for references within the text should follow the name and

year system. In the text, write "Smith and Jones (1999)" but if the reference is parenthetical, then write "(Smith and

Jones 1999)." In the

References section, list alphabetically by the last name of the major author. References that have

the exact same author(s) and published in the same year should be assigned a letter to distinguish among them (2002a

for the first, 2002b for the second, etc.), and these should be cited as such in the text!

Authors are responsible for

completeness of all references. References format: Author (last name, followed by first name initials), year, title of report or manuscript, abbreviated title of the series in which the article was published, volume number, page numbers. The abbreviated title should be in accordance with the list of abbre viated titles of series (List of Serial Title Word Abbreviations-ISO4, published by the International ISSN Center, at 20 rue Bachaumont, F-75002 Paris;

http://www.issn.org.) For books please provide publisher, city and country. (see Section 4 for samples).


Tables should grouped together and placed immediately after the text. Tables should be cited in numerical order in

the text.

Tables should be numbered (in Arabic numbers) and the table headings should be placed above the table;

avoid using grids. Table headings should be short but sufficient to allow the table to be intelligible on its own. All unusual symbols should be explained in the Table legend. Other incidental comments may be footnoted.

Figures should be grouped together and be placed after the tables. Figures should be cited in numerical order in the

text. Figures should be numbered (in Arabic numbers) and the figure caption should be placed beneath the figure;

avoid using grids. Clearly identify numerical scales, units and legends for the X and Y axes for each figure.

Formulas should be italics, with double spacing above and below the formula.

For your convenience, below is a

summary of the formatting instructions and a model page is attached.

4. Summary of formatting instructions

Software: MSWord

Paper size: A4

Margins: Top, Bottom, Left, Right: 2.5 cm

Headers: 1.5 cm; Footers: 2.0 cm

Summaries: Indented by 1.2 cm (left and right).

Line spacing: Text: Single

Between paragraphs: Double

Before major headings: Triple

(For contributors using an East Asian version of MSWord, please ensure that the printed copy is indeed single-spaced.)

Page numbering: None

Header: First page only: SCRS/200x/xxx [insert year and document number]

Font type: Times New Roman (TNR)

Font size: Title of Document: TNR 12

Rest of DocumentL TNR 10

Footnotes: TNR 8

Case: Only the document title on the first page in CAPS!

Tabs: No paragraph indents

Files: 1 file in MSWord (formatted according to above instructions)

5. Checklist

Before submitting your paper, have you...

used MSWord? used A4 paper, 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 cm headers and 2.0 cm footers? Times New Roman 12 caps only for title of the document? Times New Roman 10 font for text, single spaced the text? double spaced between paragraphs? included a Summary and Keywords? kept to the 180 word limit for the Summary? used the "insert" "footnote" feature of MSWord to include the author(s) address(es)? numbered all tables and figures consecutively? referred to all of the tables and figures in the boldface text in the text? verified the bibliographic references in the text with the References section? updated the reference if any document indicated as "in press" has since been published? SCRS/2003/XX [SCRS Number (In header, on first page only): Arial 10] 3


John D. Smith, John D. Jones



The Left and Right margins for the text of the Summaries should be

INDENTED by 1.2 cm

1. Major headings: Bold, sentence case [triple space before starting a new major heading]

. The summary must be not more than 200 words and should not contain any citations. The Secretariat will translate the summaries into the two remaining ICCAT languages and insert them into the title page.

KEYWORDS [Italics, Centered]

See attached list


[Reset all margins to 2.5 cm. [NO paragraph indent.] The text of the papers can be submitted in any of the three

official languages of the Commission (English, French, Spanish).

1.1 Sub-headings: Italics, bold, sentence case [double space before sub-headings and between paragraphs]

1.1.1 Sub-titles within sub-heading: Italics, lower case


aagag RYYPR


Surname of first author, name or initial(s), Surname(s) of other author(s), name or initials. Year of publication. Title

of paper. Journal or publication Vol. (No.): pages.


ICCAT. 2003. Atlantic Swordfish Executive Summary. In ICCAT Report for Biennial Period 2002-03, Part I (2002),

Vol. 2: 115-124.

Anon. 2003. Report of the 2002 Atlantic Swordfish Stock Assessment Session. Collect Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 55(4):

-1415. Smith, J.E. and Brown . Assessment of skipjack stocks. FAO Fish. Yearbook 22(5): 262-265.

Cressie, N.A.C. 1993. Statistics for Spatial Data. Revised edition, New York, Wiley. Wiley Series in Probability and


matical Statistics. DeAngelis, D.L., Mooij, W.M., Basset, A. 2003, The importance of spatial scale in the

modeling of aquatic ecosys-tems. In Seuront, L., Strutton, P.G. (Eds.) Handbook of Scaling Methods in Aquatic

Ecology, London, CRC Press, pp.383


Affiliation, address, etc. E-mail address of lead author. [Times New Roman 8]; please use the "insert" "footnote" feature of MSWord.

[2 spaces] [TNR 12, CAPS, BOLD, CENTERED] [ALL text hereafter in TNR 10] [Authors names: title case, centered] [2 spaces] [2 spaces] [Italics.

Indent left

and right margins by

1.2 cm.]


[Number Tables and Figures consecutively (in Arabic numbers); Place table heading above the table; place figure

captions below the figure. Cited tables and figures in the text should be boldface type (e.g., "...as illustrated in Table

1 and Figure 1...").]

Table 1.

Headings of tables should be short but sufficient to allow the table to be intelligible on its own.

Figure 1.

Captions for figures

should be short but sufficient to allow the figure to be intelligible on its own.

Insert tables here:

- Please use TNR 10; - Please avoid using grids; - Please keep standard margins (above); - Please do not paste "pictures" if possible, prepare or convert your table to MSWord; - All unusual symbols should be explained in the Table legend; - Other incidental comments may be footnoted.

Insert figures here:

- Please avoid using grids; - Please keep standard margins (above); - Clearly identify numerical scales, units and legends for the X- and Y-axes for each figure; - All symbols should be explained in the figure key;

- In your graphics file, use "copy" and in your MSWord file use "paste special" - "picture" to minimize the

space in the file;

- Click on the picture, then go to "format," "picture," "layout" and choose "in front of text" for best results.

Doc. No.: SCRS/2003/FIELD(1-Number) Authors/Auteurs/Autores: FIELD(3-Authors)

Circle or

highlight up to 10 keywords from the list, and, if necessary, specify the species of interest.

Entourer d'un cercle ou

surligner un maximum de 10 mots-clés de la liste et, si nécessaire, préciser les espèces concernées.

Rodear con un círculo o

resaltar hasta 10 palabras clave de la lista y , si es necesario, indicar las especies de interés.



Artificial intelligence




Computer programs


Economic analysis

Economic models

Experimental research

Fishery economics

Fishing mortality

Fishing power

Gear selectivity

Least squares method

Mathematical models

Multivariate analysis

Natural mortality

Numerical analysis

Random processes


Steady state

Stochastic processes

Stochastic models

Stock assessment

Time series analysis

Variance analysis

Yield predictions




Age at recruitment

Age determination

Algal blooms

Animal morphology

Animal reproductive


Annual variations




Biochemical analysis



Blood cells

Body size

Body temperature


Breeding seasons

Breeding sites


Chemical composition

Density dependenceDepleted stocks



Ecological aggregations

Ecological associations





