[PDF] [PDF] Addl Table of Fourier Transform Pairs/Properties

Fourier Transform, F(w) Definition of Inverse Fourier Transform ò ¥ ¥- = w Signals Systems - Reference Tables 3 ) sin( )( 0t etu t w a - 2 2 0 0 ) ( w a w

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[PDF] Table of Fourier Transform Pairs

Signals Systems - Reference Tables 1 Fourier Transform Table 2 sinc(ω)= 2 sin(ω) ω Boxcar in time (6) 1 π sinc(t) β(ω) Boxcar in frequency (7) f (t)

[PDF] Addl Table of Fourier Transform Pairs/Properties

Fourier Transform, F(w) Definition of Inverse Fourier Transform ò ¥ ¥- = w Signals Systems - Reference Tables 3 ) sin( )( 0t etu t w a - 2 2 0 0 ) ( w a w

[PDF] Table of Fourier Transform Pairs - Rose-Hulman

There are two similar functions used to describe the functional form sin(x)/x One is the sinc() function, and the other is the Sa() function We will only use the 

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[PDF] Fourier Transform Table

Fourier Transform Table ( ) x t ( ) X f ( ) X ω ( )t δ 1 1 1 ( )f δ 2 ( ) πδ ω 0 ( ) t t δ − 0 2j ft e π − 0 j t e ω − 0 2j f t e π 0 ( ) f f δ − 0 2 ( ) πδ ω ω − 0

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Table of Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Pairs: Discrete-Time cos(Ω0n) π ∞ ∑ k=−∞ {δ(Ω − Ω0 − 2πk) + δ(Ω + Ω0 − 2πk)} sin(Ω0n) π j ∞ ∑ k=−∞

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A Tables of Fourier Series and Transform Properties

Table B 2 The Fourier transform and series of complex signals Signal y(t) Transform Y (jω) Series Ck Burst of N pulses with known X(jω) X(jω) sin(ωNT/2)

Fourier Transform Tables

We here collect several of the Fourier transform pairs developed in the book, including The transforms in Table A 2 are all obtained from transforms in Ta- {ON(n); n E Z} {Sin(27r/(N+)) f E [_1 1)} sin(7rJ)' 2' 2 {sgn(n); n E Z} l_e;2,,/ 1 1

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Signals & Systems - Reference Tables


Table of Fourier Transform Pairs

Function, f(t)Fourier Transform, F(")



deFtf tj )(21)(

Definition of Fourier Transform



tj"")()( 0 ttfJ 0 tj eF J tj et f0 0 ""JF )(tf~ )(1 ~F)(tF)(2"Jf nn dttfd)( )()(""Fj n )()(tfjt n J nn dFd ÂJ tdf'')( 1tj e 0 )(2 0 (t)sgn "j 2

Signals & Systems - Reference Tables

2 tj 1 )sgn(" )(tu 1)( H


n eF 0


J nn nF)(2 0 trect )2(" Sa )2(2BtSaB )(Brect" )(ttri )2( 2 "Sa )2()2cos(


)2()cos(" J A )cos( 0 t"xz)()( 00 )sin( 0 t" xz)()( 00 j )cos()( 0 ttu" xz 22
000 )()(2 JHHHJ j )sin()( 0 ttu" xz 22
02 00 )()(2 JHHJJ j )cos()( 0 tetu t ~J 22
0 )()("~""~jjHHH

Signals & Systems - Reference Tables

3 )sin()( 0 tetu t ~J 22
00 jHH t e ~J 22
2 H )2/( 22
t e J2/ 22
2 J e t etu ~J "~jH 1 t tetu ~J 2 )(1"~jH

õ Trigonometric Fourier Series

EF Z HHZ 1000
)sin()cos()( nnn ntbntaatf"" where ZZZ T nT T n dtnttfTbdtnttfTadttfTa 000 000 )sin()(2 and, )cos()(2 , )(1

õ Complex Exponential Fourier Series


ZZ T ntj n nntj n dtetfTFeFtf 0 0 )(1 where, )(

Signals & Systems - Reference Tables


Some Useful Mathematical Relationships


jxjx eex J HZ jeex jxjx


J JZ )sin()sin()cos()cos()cos(yxyxyxŠZÎ )sin()cos()cos()sin()sin(yxyxyxÎZÎ )(sin)(cos)2cos( 22
xxxJZ )cos()sin(2)2sin(xxxZ )2cos(1)(cos2 2 xxHZ )2cos(1)(sin2 2 xxJZ


ZHxx )cos()cos()cos()cos(2yxyxyxHHJZ )cos()cos()sin()sin(2yxyxyxHJJZ )sin()sin()cos()sin(2yxyxyxHHJZ

Signals & Systems - Reference Tables


Useful Integrals

dxx)cos( )sin(x dxx)sin( )cos(xJ dxxx)cos( )sin()cos(xxxH dxxx)sin( )cos()sin(xxxJ dxxx)cos( 2 )sin()2()cos(2 2 xxxxJH dxxx)sin( 2 )cos()2()sin(2 2 xxxxJJ dxe x~ ae x~ dxxe x~


1 a axe x~ dxex x~2 JJ 322
aax axe x~ Hxdx~ x~Hln1 H 222
xdx~ )(tan1 1 x J

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Engineering Tables/Fourier Transform Table 2

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Signal Fourier transform

unitary, angular frequency Fourier transform unitary, ordinary frequency Remarks 10 The rectangular pulse and the normalized sinc function 11 Dual of rule 10. The rectangular function is an idealized low-pass filter, and the sinc function is the non-causal impulse response of such a filter. 12 tri is the triangular function 13

Dual of rule 12.

14 Shows that the Gaussian function exp( - at2) is its own Fourier transform. For this to be integrable we must have

Re(a) > 0.

common in optics a>0 the transform is the function itself J

0(t) is the Bessel function of first kind of order 0, rect is

the rectangular function it's the generalization of the previous transform; Tn (t) is the

Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind.

U n (t) is the Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind Retrieved from "http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Engineering_Tables/Fourier_Transform_Table_2"

Category: Engineering Tables
