[PDF] [PDF] Teaching with Movies - Heartland Film

informal settings such as after-school programs or at home and aspire to watch movies with higher ratings than may be deemed appropriate for their age different fashions, with movies giving visual learners an opportunity to thrive

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Parents should be notified prior to classroom use of a movie with more than a “G” rating If parents do not want their student viewing the movie, the student must be  

[PDF] Teaching with Movies - Heartland Film

informal settings such as after-school programs or at home and aspire to watch movies with higher ratings than may be deemed appropriate for their age different fashions, with movies giving visual learners an opportunity to thrive

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instructional techniques, especially the primary school children perceive those Therefore, history education should be focused on providing students with skills, When they watch films, students apply their higher-level thinking skills on watching a popular movie on a classroom hour is similar to read a book on the 

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