[PDF] [PDF] Effects of aerobic training on heart rate - SciELO

Acute and chronic effects of physical exercises on the human body have been exercise, respectively Because it is easy to measure, heart rate (HR) behavior

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[PDF] Heart rate, breathing rate, physical fitness - Nuffield Foundation

1 Men are more physically fit than women 2 Walking does not affect breathing rate 3 People who do more physical activity have a lower resting heart rate

[PDF] Effects of aerobic training on heart rate - SciELO

Acute and chronic effects of physical exercises on the human body have been exercise, respectively Because it is easy to measure, heart rate (HR) behavior

[PDF] The effects of strenuous exercises on resting heart - ScienceCentral

2 fév 2016 · The effects of strenuous exercises on resting heart rate, blood pressure, and maximal oxygen uptake Deuk-Ja Oh1, Hyeon-Ok Hong², Bo-Ae 

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