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Second announcement Workshop on Rooms have been pre-booked in 4 hotels close to the Railway station (meeting point for the field trip on Wednesday  

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[PDF] First announcement - Forest Europe

Second announcement Workshop on Rooms have been pre-booked in 4 hotels close to the Railway station (meeting point for the field trip on Wednesday  


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Second announcement

Workshop on Strategies for increased mobilisation of wood resources from sustainable sources

16 to 18 June 2009 - Grenoble (France)

The UNECE/FAO, EFI, CEPI, CEPF, COPA-COGECA, ENFE, EUSTAFOR and MCPFE are organising a workshop on strategies for increased mobilisation of wood resources from sustainable sources, with the kind support of the French Ministry of Agriculture and of CEMAGREF. The workshop is an activity of the

MCPFE Work Programme on the follow-up of the 5th

Ministerial Conference, held

in Warsaw 2007.


In recent years, ambitious targets for renewable energies at national and European level, combined with rising energy prices, have led to an increase in wood demand. As a consequence, the competition between wood for bio-energy and for the wood-processing industry is an increasing challenge. The sound mobilisation of unused or underused wood resources will be a cornerstone in fulfilling the requirements of sustainable forest management and wood supply security. The issue is of importance even during the present downturn as the sector must be prepared for the forthcoming recovery in demand and to face long term structural challenges.

Objectives of the workshop:

Explore concrete cases of wood mobilisation in different circumstances

and know about the lessons learned; Identify the drivers and obstacles of increased wood mobilisation;

Discuss the most realistic strategic options for mobilisation and their applicability in different climatic, regional, geographic, etc. circumstances. The programme of the workshop will include one day of field trip on 17 June to see on the ground mobilisation ac tivities in mountain regions. Participants are asked to register in advance and submit to UNECE/FAO workshop.grenoble@unece.org) a written contribution according to the following questions (see attached template) the latest by 8 May 2009: o What have you done in the field of mobilisation/what measures did you implement or were you involved in? o What are the lessons learned from this implementation/activity (including supporting and impeding factors)? o Who is the responsible (contact details, source for more information, studies, reports, weblinks, etc.)?


UNECE/FAO Timber Section Kit Prins workshop.grenoble@unece.org

CEPI Bernard de Galembert b.degalembert@cepi.org

CEPF Morten Thoroe morten.thoroe@cepf-eu.org

COPA-COGECA Nella Mikkola nella.mikkola@copa-cogeca.eu

ENFE Edgar Kastenholz edgar.kastenholz@enfe.net

EFI Ilpo Tikkanen ilpo.tikkanen@efi.int

Eustafor Erik Kosenkranius erik.kosenkranius@eustafor.eu MCPFE Liaison Unit Oslo Berit Hauger Lindstad berit.lindstad@mcpfe.org French MinAgri Alain Chaudron alain.chaudron@agriculture.gouv.fr CEMAGREF Christophe Chauvin christophe.chauvin@cemagref.fr


Workshop on Strategies for increased mobilisation of wood resources from sustainable sources

16 to 18 June 2009 - Grenoble (France)

Day 1

10:00 Welcome, scene-setting Marie-Hélène Cruveillé,


Chaudron, Ministry of

Agriculture, France

10:10 Follow-up of the Warsaw Declaration and

Resolution concerning forests, wood and energy Arne Ivar Sletnes, Head of the MCPFE Liaison Unit Oslo

10:30 Outcome of the ad-hoc working group of the

Standing Forest Committee on wood and

biomass mobilisation Hilkka Summa, Head of the Forestry Unit, EU Commission DG AGRI

10:50 Outcome of the UNECE Timber Committee work

on wood mobilisation Kit Prins, Chief of the

Timber Section,


11:10 Coffee Break

11:20 CEPF-CEPI joint work on effective and easy to

implement mobilisation measures Morten Thoroe,

Secretary General,

CEPF, or Bernard de

Galembert, Forestry

and Research Director, CEPI

11:40 Summary of the contributions received from the

participants Matthias Wilnhammer, Consultant, UNECE


12:00 Discussion

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Can policy incentives stimulate wood

mobilisation, a Finnish example Jussi Leppanen, Researcher, METLA

14:15 Land swapping, a possible response to forest

fragmentation, a Spanish example Miguel-Angel Cogolludo, Chief Wood procurement, ENCE


14:30 Working groups discussing wood mobilisation


15:30 Reports by the working groups

16:30 Discussion

17:00 Visit of CEMAGREF


20:00 Dinner hosted by COPA-COGECA and CEPI - Chez le Pèr'Gras

Day 2

9:00 Field trip in Vercors area (1500-2000m alt.)

mountain shoes and appropriate clothing needed

French forest service

All day

20:00 Reception and barbecue dinner hosted by France

Day 3

9:00 More productive forests through intensive

forest management, a Swedish case Christer Segersteen,

Chairman of CEPF

9:20 Training for forest contractors and

entrepreneurs in France Christian Salvignol, Director, Centre

Forestier de la Région

Provence Alpes Côte


9:40 Working groups discussing wood mobilisation


10:40 Coffee break

10:50 Reports by the working groups


11:40 Discussion

12:25 Lunch


14:00 Conclusions and steps forward

Workshop on strategies for increased mobilisation of wood resources from sustainable sources

16-18 June 2009 - Grenoble (France)

Registration of participation:







Submission of best practice examples on wood mobilisation: Please fill in the template below with examples of wood mobilisation measures. A compilation of submitted examples will serve as background to the workshop. Please copy the template for easier description of more than one example. Please register in advance and submit your contribution to UNECE at workshop.grenoble@unece.org

Country (and province or

city) where the practice is applied:

Name of the best practice:

Brief description of the best


Reason(s) for applying best


Main benefit(s):

Location and type(s) of

projects where this practice is most applicable/effective:

Contact person(s) (name,

office/agency, phone/fax, e- mail address):


Workshop on Strategies for increased mobilisation of wood resources from sustainable sources

16 to 18 June 2009 - Grenoble (France)


The meeting will start at 10 am on Tuesday 16th of June. Registration of participants will begin at 9:00 am.

The meeting ends at 4 pm on Thursday 18 (allowing to be at 5pm at the railway station, 6 pm at Lyon airport). Information is also posted at http://timber.unece.org/index.php?id=158 and www.mcpfe.org


The meeting will be held at


2, rue de la papeterie, BP 76

F-38402 St Martin d'Hères

centre-de-grenoble/#train CEMAGREF is accessible by tramway, about 30 mn from Grenoble Railway Station.


The meeting will be conducted in English and the background documents will be issued to the participants in advance.


The nearest international airport is LYON Saint Exupéry and there are shuttles to Grenoble Railway

Station (about one hour): see

http://www.satobus-grenoble.fr/ Some low cost companies serve the local Grenoble airport: There are also hourly shuttles to Grenoble (Transisere, line 7310): Grenoble is also accessible by quick trains (TGV): http://www.voyages-sncf.com


Participants are kindly requested to take care of their hotel booking.

Rooms have been pre-booked in 4 hotels close to the Railway station (meeting point for the field trip on

Wednesday 17th).

Reservations can be made by e-mail or by phone or by fax, until May 15

Indicate the reservation code:


List of hotels with pre-booked rooms:

Hôtel des Alpes**

45 avenue Félix Viallet - bienvenue@hotel-des-alpes.fr

Tel (0)334 76 87 00 71 - Fax (0)334 76 56 95 45


Hôtel Bastille**

25, avenue Félix Viallet - hotel-bastille@wanadoo.fr

Tel (0)4 76 43 10 27 - Fax (0)334 76 87 52 69

51,60 €/night+7€/breakfast

Hôtel Suisse et Bordeaux**

6, place de la gare - info@hotel-sb-grenoble.com

Tel (0)334 76 47 55 87 - Fax (0)334 76 46 23 87


Hotel Lux **

6, rue Crepu - info@hotel-lux.com

Tel (0)334 76 46 41 89 - Fax (0)334 76 46 51 61

49,50€/night (WIFI included)+ 6,50€/breakfast

Other hotels close to the Railway station, ranging 70-100€:night (no pre-booked rooms, see google) :

Novotel Grenoble Centre***

Best western terminus***

Residhotel central gare***

City suites Grenoble europole***

MEALS Coffee and snacks will be provided during the course of the meeting.

On Tuesday 16 June and Thursday 18 June, participants are expected to cover their lunch costs. There is

a cafeteria at CEMAGREF.

Participants and partners are invited to a reception and dinner on Tuesday 16 June. They are invited on

Wednesday 17 June to a field trip followed by a special traditional dinner outdoor.


For weather forecast in Grenoble, please see:

The Weather should be fine in Grenoble (200m asl), and may be warm, but for the field trip (1500 - 2000

m alt.) we strongly recommend mountain shoes and appropriate clothing, including an umbrella and an all-

weather jacket.quotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18