[PDF] [PDF] Reference Architecture Design: A Practical Approach - SciTePress

the component can maintain a suitable functional regulations, for example the SAP Company has to activities into functional architectural components,

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[PDF] ERP Architecture

– Defines the ERP architecture through the physical components of hardware, software, and networking angle The key role of an ERP system is to provide support for such business functions as accounting, sales, inventory control, and production provide modules that support the major functional areas of a business

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software that integrates activities across functional This section explains various ERP architecture design, Figure 1: Two-Tier ERP architecture 11

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In most cases, only functional aspects of the systems are described However, architectural details that demonstrate how the system is structured are not

[PDF] Reference Architecture Design: A Practical Approach - SciTePress

the component can maintain a suitable functional regulations, for example the SAP Company has to activities into functional architectural components,

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EMEA Oracle Consulting offers a number of services that focus on successful implementation of Oracle's Cloud Applications The Oracle Functional Architecture 


ERP, Enterprise Modelling, implemetation, component-based architecture 1 INTRODUCTION hannonious by ad-hoc integration of functional applications

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