[PDF] [PDF] Functionalism and its Critics - Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems

Functionalism in anthropology 2 Robert Merton: manifest and latent functions 3 Talcott Parsons: functionalism as unified general theory 3 1 Action and the 

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[PDF] Functionalism - NYU

Functionalism has three distinct sources First, Putnam and Fodor saw mental states in terms of an empirical computational theory of the mind Second, Smart's " 


8 Functionalism Functionalism as a distinct methodology and theory of society originated first in the work ofComte, Spencer and Durkheim, and secondly, in late  

Functionalism in Philosophy of Psychology - JSTOR

XIII*-'FUNCTIONALISM' IN PHILOSOPHY OF PSYCHOLOGY by Norman Malcolm I The expressions 'functionalism', 'functional analysis' and 'func-

[PDF] Functionalism and its Critics - Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems

Functionalism in anthropology 2 Robert Merton: manifest and latent functions 3 Talcott Parsons: functionalism as unified general theory 3 1 Action and the 


The concept of functionalism figures in American jurisprudence in a number of ways My purpose is to explore some of these ways I shall do this first, with 

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