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Introduction to Assembly Language Tools and Familiarization with Emu8086 An assembler is a program that converts source-code programs written in 

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CSC-395 Lab Manual Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Prepared by: Engr. Aisha Danish

Lab Session 01


Introduction to Assembly Language Tools and Familiarization with Emu8086 environment To be able to understand Data Representation and perform conversions from one system to another


Introduction to Assembly Language Tools

Software tools are used for editing, assembling, linking, and debugging assembly language programming.

You will need an assembler, a linker, a debugger, and an editor. These tools are briefly explained below.


An assembler is a program that converts source-code programs written in assembly language into object

files in machine language. Popular assemblers have emerged over the years for the Intel family of processors. These include MASM (Macro Assembler from Microsoft), TASM (Turbo Assembler from Borland), NASM (Netwide Assembler for both Windows and Linux), and GNU assembler distributed by the free software foundation.


A linker is a program that combines your program's object file created by the assembler with other object

files and link libraries, and produces a single executable program.


A debugger is a program that allows you to trace the execution of a program and examine the content of registers and memory.


You need a text editor to create assembly language source files. You can use NotePad , or any other editor

that produces plain ASCII text files.


Emu8086 combines an advanced source editor, assembler, disassemble and software emulator (Virtual PC)

with debugger. It compiles the source code and executes it on emulator step by step.

Visual interface is very easy to work with. You can watch registers, flags and memory while your program

executes. Arithmetic & Logical Unit (ALU) shows the internal work of the central processor unit (CPU).

Emulator runs programs on a Virtual PC, this completely blocks your program from accessing real

hardware, such as hard-drives and memory, since your assembly code runs on a virtual machine, this makes

debugging much easier. 8086 machine code is fully compatible with all next generations of Intel's

microprocessors, including Pentium II and Pentium 4. This makes 8086 code very portable, since it runs

both on ancient and on the modern computer systems. Another advantage of 8086 instruction set is that it is

much smaller, and thus easier to learn.

EMU8086 Source Editor

The source editor of EMU86 is a special purpose editor which identifies the 8086

CSC-395 Lab Manual Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Prepared by: Engr. Aisha Danish

mnemonics, hexadecimal numbers and labels by different colors as seen in Figure 1.


The compile button on the taskbar starts assembling and linking of the source file. A report window is opened after the assembling process is completed. Figure 2 shows the emulator of 8086 which gets opened by clicking on emulate button.

Figure 2

Data Representation

Before going into the details of assembly language programming, it is important that you master skills and

develop fluency about data representation. Computer data can be represented in a variety of ways. We will

examine the content of memory and registers at the machine level. We will use the binary, decimal, and

hexadecimal number systems.

Decimal System

Most people today use decimal representation to count. In the decimal system there are 10 digits:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

These digits can represent any value, for example: 754.

CSC-395 Lab Manual Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Prepared by: Engr. Aisha Danish

The value is formed by the sum of each digit, multiplied by the base (in this case it is 10 because there are

10 digits indecimal system) in power of digit position (counting from zero):

Position of each digit is very important! for example if you place "7" to the end: 547
it will be another value: Important note: any number in power of zero is 1, even zero in power of zero is 1:

Binary System

Computers are not as smart as humans are (or not yet), it's easy to make an electronic machine with two

states: on and off, or 1 and 0. Computers use binary system, binary system uses 2 digits: 0, 1

And thus the base is 2.

Each digit in a binary number is called a BIT, 4 bits form a NIBBLE, 8 bits form a BYTE, two bytes form

a WORD, two words form a DOUBLE WORD (rarely used):

There is a convention to add "b" in the end of a binary number, this way we can determine that 101b is a

binary number with decimal value of 5. The binary number 10100101b equals to decimal value of 165:

CSC-395 Lab Manual Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Prepared by: Engr. Aisha Danish

Hexadecimal System

Hexadecimal System uses 16 digits:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

And thus the base is 16. Hexadecimal numbers are compact and easy to read. There is a convention to add

"h" in the end of a hexadecimal number, this way we can determine that 5Fh is a hexadecimal number with

decimal value of 95. We also add "0" (zero) in the beginning of hexadecimal numbers that begin with a

letter (A..F), for example 0E120h. The hexadecimal number 1234h is equal to decimal value of 4660:

It is very easy to convert numbers from binary system to hexadecimal system and vice-versa, every nibble

(4 bits) can be converted to a hexadecimal digit using this table:

CSC-395 Lab Manual Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Prepared by: Engr. Aisha Danish

In mathematics, the negative of a number n is the value when added to n produces zero. For example:

3 + ( 3) = 0. Programs often include both subtraction and addition operations. However, the CPU only

performs addition internally. When subtracting A B, the CPU performs A + (-B). For example, to subtract

6 4, the CPU does 6 + (-4). When working with binary numbers, how does the CPU compute the negative

of a number?

For example, consider the following 8-bit binary number: 00010110, which is equal to 22 in decimal. The

adding 1.

For example,

The carry is 1, but it is ignored, since we are representing the number in 8 bits

Since 00010110 in binary = 22 in decimal, then

11101010 in binary = -22 in decimal


(a) Use Emu8086 to make the following calculations:

10100101b = ? d

1234h = ? d

39d = ? h

1. Start Emu8086 by selecting its icon from the start menu, or by running



4. Enter one of the numbers like in the Figure below

CSC-395 Lab Manual Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Prepared by: Engr. Aisha Danish

5. Do the calculations manually and compare with the results produced by base converter.

(b) Find out the largest positive 8-bit value in binary, hexadecimal, and decimal? (c) Find out the smallest negative 8-bit value in binary, hexadecimal, and decimal? (d) Find out the largest positive 16-bit value in binary, hexadecimal, and decimal? (e) Find out the smallest negative 16-bit value in binary, hexadecimal, and decimal?


1. Name four software tools used for assembly language programming.

CSC-395 Lab Manual Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Prepared by: Engr. Aisha Danish

2. What is an Emulator?

3. Convert the following numbers using Base Converter:

a) 10110011b (binary to hexadecimal) b) 455d (decimal to binary) c) 2AFh (hexadecimal to binary) d) 0A1h (hexadecimal to binary) Do all the calculations manually and compare with the results obtained using base converter.

4. Write each of the following Integers in 8-

a) -1 = d) -62 = b) -17 = e) +127 = c) -19 = f) -128 =

5. Write each of the following 8-bit Signed Binary Integers in Decimal:

a) 01011100 = d) 01111110 = b) 11011100 = e) 10010001 = c) 10001111 = f) 10000000 =

6. Indicate the sign for each of the following 16-bit signed hex integers:

a) 7FB9 c) 8123 b) D000 d) 6FFFquotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20