[PDF] [PDF] BBM402-Lecture 9: Reducibility

The Halting Problem Proposition The language HALT = {〈M,w〉 M halts on input w} is undecidable Proof We will reduce Atm to HALT Based on a machine  

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[PDF] Lecture Notes: The Halting Problem; Reductions - Computer

20 mar 2012 · The Halting Problem; Reductions COMS W3261 Columbia halts in an accepting state iff its input is in the language Definition 2 A language 

[PDF] 1 Reductions

Reductions A reduction is a way of converting one problem into another problem such that a solution to the second problem can be used to solve the first problem Proof We will reduce Atm to HALT Mapping Reductions On input w The Halting Problem On input x then accept x = {〈M1,M2〉 L(M1) = L(M2)} is not r e

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[PDF] BBM402-Lecture 9: Reducibility

The Halting Problem Proposition The language HALT = {〈M,w〉 M halts on input w} is undecidable Proof We will reduce Atm to HALT Based on a machine  

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The Halting problem HALTTM = {M,w M is a DTM and M halts on w} The reduction machine outputs a DTM that loops whenever M reaches the rejecting state

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Lecturer: Lale Özkahya


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesReductions

A reduction is a w ayof converting one p robleminto another problem such that a solution to the second problem can be used to solve the first problem. We say the first problem reduces to the second problem.Informal Examples:Measuring the a reaof rectangle reduces to measuring the length of the sides; Solving a system of linear equations reduces to inverting a matrixThe problemLdreduces to the problemAtmas follows: "To see ifw2Ldcheck ifhw,wi 2Atm."Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesReductions

A reduction is a w ayof converting one p robleminto another problem such that a solution to the second problem can be used to solve the first problem. We say the first problem reduces to the second problem.Informal Examples:Measuring the a reaof rectangle reduces to measuring the length of the sides; Solving a system of linear equations reduces to inverting a matrixThe problemLdreduces to the problemAtmas follows: "To see ifw2Ldcheck ifhw,wi 2Atm."Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesReductions

A reduction is a w ayof converting one p robleminto another problem such that a solution to the second problem can be used to solve the first problem. We say the first problem reduces to the second problem.Informal Examples:Measuring the a reaof rectangle reduces to measuring the length of the sides; Solving a system of linear equations reduces to inverting a matrixThe problemLdreduces to the problemAtmas follows: "To see ifw2Ldcheck ifhw,wi 2Atm."Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesReductions

A reduction is a w ayof converting one p robleminto another problem such that a solution to the second problem can be used to solve the first problem. We say the first problem reduces to the second problem.Informal Examples:Measuring the a reaof rectangle reduces to measuring the length of the sides; Solving a system of linear equations reduces to inverting a matrixThe problemLdreduces to the problemAtmas follows: "To see ifw2Ldcheck ifhw,wi 2Atm."Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesUndecidability using Reductions


Suppose L

1reduces to L2and L1is undecidable. Then L2is

undecidable.Proof Sketch. Suppose for contradictionL2is decidable. Then there is aMthat always halts and decidesL2. Then the following algorithm decides L

1On inputw, apply reduction to transformwinto an inputw?

for problem 2RunMonw?, and use its answer.Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesUndecidability using Reductions


Suppose L

1reduces to L2and L1is undecidable. Then L2is

undecidable.Proof Sketch. Suppose for contradictionL2is decidable. Then there is aMthat always halts and decidesL2. Then the following algorithm decides L

1On inputw, apply reduction to transformwinto an inputw?

for problem 2RunMonw?, and use its answer.Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesUndecidability using Reductions


Suppose L

1reduces to L2and L1is undecidable. Then L2is

undecidable.Proof Sketch. Suppose for contradictionL2is decidable. Then there is aMthat always halts and decidesL2. Then the following algorithm decides L

1On inputw, apply reduction to transformwinto an inputw?

for problem 2RunMonw?, and use its answer.Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesSchematic View

Algorithm for Problem 1

ReductionfAlgorithm for

Problem 2wf(w)yes


Reductions schematically



ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesSchematic View

Algorithm for Problem 1

ReductionfAlgorithm for

Problem 2wf(w)yes


Reductions schematically



ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesSchematic View

Algorithm for Problem 1

ReductionfAlgorithm for

Problem 2wf(w)yes


Reductions schematically



ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesSchematic View

Algorithm for Problem 1

ReductionfAlgorithm for

Problem 2wf(w)yes


Reductions schematically



ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesThe Halting Problem


The language HALT=fhM,wi jM halts on input wgis

undecidable.Proof. We will reduceAtmto HALT. Based on a machineM, let us consider a new machinef(M) as follows:On inputx


IfMaccepts then halt and accept

IfMrejects then go into an infinite loopObserve thatf(M) halts on inputwif and only ifMaccepts w!Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesThe Halting Problem


The language HALT=fhM,wi jM halts on input wgis

undecidable.Proof. We will reduceAtmto HALT. Based on a machineM, let us consider a new machinef(M) as follows:On inputx


IfMaccepts then halt and accept

IfMrejects then go into an infinite loopObserve thatf(M) halts on inputwif and only ifMaccepts w!Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesThe Halting Problem


The language HALT=fhM,wi jM halts on input wgis

undecidable.Proof. We will reduceAtmto HALT. Based on a machineM, let us consider a new machinef(M) as follows:On inputx


IfMaccepts then halt and accept

IfMrejects then go into an infinite loopObserve thatf(M) halts on inputwif and only ifMaccepts w!Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesThe Halting Problem


The language HALT=fhM,wi jM halts on input wgis

undecidable.Proof. We will reduceAtmto HALT. Based on a machineM, let us consider a new machinef(M) as follows:On inputx


IfMaccepts then halt and accept

IfMrejects then go into an infinite loopObserve thatf(M) halts on inputwif and only ifMaccepts w!Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesThe Halting Problem

Completing the proofProof (contd).

Suppose HALT is decidable. Then there is a Turing machineH that always halts andL(H) = HALT.Consider the following programT

On inputhM,wi

Construct programf(M)


Accept ifHaccepts and reject ifHrejectsTdecidesAtm.But,Atmis undecidable, which gives us the contradiction.?Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesThe Halting Problem

Completing the proofProof (contd).

Suppose HALT is decidable. Then there is a Turing machineH that always halts andL(H) = HALT.Consider the following programT

On inputhM,wi

Construct programf(M)


Accept ifHaccepts and reject ifHrejectsTdecidesAtm.But,Atmis undecidable, which gives us the contradiction.?Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesThe Halting Problem

Completing the proofProof (contd).

Suppose HALT is decidable. Then there is a Turing machineH that always halts andL(H) = HALT.Consider the following programT

On inputhM,wi

Construct programf(M)


Accept ifHaccepts and reject ifHrejectsTdecidesAtm.But,Atmis undecidable, which gives us the contradiction.?Agha-ViswanathanCS373


ReductionsInformal Overview

Definition and PropertiesThe Halting Problem
