[PDF] [PDF] STATISTICS FOR 1918-1947 MIGRATIONS - the United Nations

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[PDF] STATISTICS FOR 1918-1947 MIGRATIONS - the United Nations

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United Nations

Department of Social Affairs

Population Division


1953 Nations Unies

Departement des questions sociales

Division de la population

The following reports have been prepared to date by the Population Division of the Department of Social Affairs:


Repurts 011 illielidaliull.lhips belweell pupllialiull growlh alld ecollomic and social change,1 No, 17, Determinants and consequences of population glOwth

RepUI/I 011 ferlilil), and morlalily

No. 13. Foetal, infant and early childhood 11100tality. Vol. I, The statistics (in press)

Reporl,1 all migralion

No.5. Problems of migration statistics

No, 11. Sex and age of international migrants: statistics fa! 1918-1947

Reporl.1 011 popllialioll eSlimales

NO.3. World population !lends. 1920-1947

No. 10. Methods of estimating population. Manual i: Methods of estimating total population for current dates Repm 1.1 011 melhods oj popilialion .llali.lliCl alld anafl'.lil

No, 4. Population census methods

No.6. Fertility data in population censuses

No.7. Methods of using census statistics fa! the calculation of life tables and other demographic measures, With application to the population of Brazil, by Gio!gio Mortara NO.8. Data on urban and rural population in recent censuses No.9. Application of international standards to census data on the economically active population No.

18. Training in techniques of demographic analysis

Reporl Oil Ihe popilialioll oj Tillsl TerrilOries

No. I, The population of Western Samoa

No, 2. The population of Tanganyika


14. Additional information on the population of Tanganyika

No. 15. The popUlation of Ruanda-Urundi


No. 1. December 1951

No.2. October 1952

No.3. (In press)

ST/SOA/Ser. A./No. II


Les rapports suivants ont etc prepares jusqu'f! present par la Division de la popUlation du Departement des questions sociales:


Rappotl.1 Sill I'illlerdepelldallce de /'el'Ollllioll de la popllialion el des /aclellr.1 d'ordl e ecollomiqlle el ,lOcial N" 17. Causes et consequences de i'evolution demog! aphique

Rapporls .IIII' la jiJculldile ella murlalile

N° 13. "Foetal, infant and early childhood mortality" (version anglaise wus pressel

RapporlS ,llIr les migraliolls

N° 5. Problemes de statistique des migrations

N° II, Migrations internationales selon Ie sexe et I 'age: statistiques pour les annees 1918-1947

Rapporl,1 Sill" le5 eslimalio/l.l de popilia/ion

N° 3. Tendances demographiques mondiales, 1920-1947 N° 10. Methodes d'estimation de la population, -Manuel I: Methodes d'estimation ele la population totale it une elate actuelle RapPolls .1111" le.1 melfzodel de la sla/i,lliqlle el de /'anal.ne delllOgraphiqlle

N" 4. Methodes de recensement ele la population

N° 6. Etude sur les donnees relatives it la fecondite dans les recen sements de population Nu 7. Utilisation des statistiques de recensement pour Ie calcul des tables de survie et autres donnees demographiques. Application il la population du Bresil, par Giorgio Morlara NU 8. Etude SUI les donnees relatives 'il la population urbaine et it la population rmale dans des recensements recents N° 9. Application des normes internationales aux donnees fournies par les recensements sur la population active (sous pressel N° 18. Formation en matiere de methodes d'analyse (sous pressel RapPOI'I.1 .1111' la pupliialion des lerliloires SOliS 11I1e/le

N° I. La population du Samoa-Occidental

N0 2. La population du Tanganyika

N° 14. Renseignements complementaires sur la population du Tan· ganyika

N° 15. La population du Ruanda·Ullll1eli


N° L Decembre 1951

N° 2. Octobre 1952

N° 3. (sous pressel


SALES No.: 1953. IV. 15

Price $(U.S.l 3.00; 22/6 stg.; Sw. francs 12.

(or equivalent in other currencies)


The present volume contains statistics on sex and age of international migrants for 74 countries or terri

tories, covering the period 1918-1947. For later years, statistical series of this kind will be found in the issues of the Ullited Natiolls Demographic Yearbook.

This publication is intended to provide in a convenient form some of the more important data required

for the economic, demographic and social analyses of international migration during this period. The present

volume will contribute to the implementation of resolution 156 (VIl) adopted by the Economic and Social


on 10 August 1948, expressing the wish that attention be given to the improvement of statistics on

international migration. This resolution followed recommendations made by the Population Commission at

its third session to the effect that .. consideration should be given to the provision of statistics most relevant to

the study of demographic trends and their relation to economic and social factors, including statistics on the

age, sex, marital condition, family size, occupation and wages of migrants ". The introductory text has been prepared by Dr. Leon E. Truesdell, of Washington, D.C, formerly chief

of the Population Division at the United States Bureau or the Census, who also edited and completed the tables

which form the major part of the volume. A considerable part of the work on these tables was done by Mr. Jerry

W. Combs, .ir., now of Emory University, Georgia, U.S.A, The detailed planning for the text and tables, and

the final editing, of this publication were the responsibility of the Population Division of the United Nations

Department of Social AiTairs, undertaken in consultation with the Statistical Office of the United Nations and

the Statistical Division of the International Labour Office.

Special mention should be made of the assistance received in the preparation of this volume from the City

of New York Public Library and the courtesy of the National Bureau of Economic Research of New York in

granting permission to quote certain figures from its publication llltemationallvfigratiolls (W. F. Willcox, editor),

Vol. T, Statistics, by Imre Ferenczi.

The Secretary-General wishes to acknowledge the co-operation extended ror the preparation of this volume by

the statistical departments of more than forty-five countries or territories, in ascertaining the existence

or absence of data and, in several instances, making series of data available for inclusion in this publication.


Le present ouvrage contient des statistiques des migrations internationales selon Ie sexe et I 'age en ce qui

concerne 74 pays ou tell itoires pour la periode allant de 1918 ,\ 1947. Pour les annees ulterieures, on trouvera

des series statistiques de cette nature dans les editions successives de I' Allnuaire demographique des Nations Unies.

La presente publication est elestinee a fournil sous une forme pratique quelques-unes des plus importantes

donnees necessaires a I 'analyse economique, demographique et sociale des migrations internationales durant

la peri ode mentionnee. Elle contribuera a la mise en de la resolution 156 (VII) adoptee Ie 10 aofIt 1948

par Ie Conseil economique et social, qui a exprime Ie qu 'on s 'attache a ameliorer les statistiques des migra


internationales. Cette resolution suivit les recommandations formulees par la Commission de la popula

tion a sa troisieme session et aux termes desquelles " il convienelrait d 'envisager l'Ctablissement de statistiques

appropriees pour I'Ctude des tendances demographiques et de leurs rapports avec les facteurs economiques et

sociaux, et notamment de statistiques sur l'age, Ie sexe, 1'etat matrimonial, I 'importance numerique de la famille,

la profession et Ie salaire des migrants ».

Le texte d'introduction est dO a M. Leon E. Truesdell, ele Washington (D.C.), ancien Chief" of the Popula

tion Division (Chef de la Division de la population) au Bureau of the Census (Bureau elu recensement) des Etats

Unis, qui a d'autre part levu et complete les tableaux qui constituent la majeure partie de I'ollvrage. M. Jerry

W. Combs Jr., de l'Emory University (Georgie), a pris nne part considerable a l'etablissement de ces tableaux.

La Division de la population du Departement des questions sociales des Nations Unies, en consultation avec

Ie Bureau de statistique des Nations Unies et la Division statistique du Bureau international du Travail, a etabli

les plans detailles du texte et des tableaux et redige Ie texte definitif de cette publication.

II convient de mentionner specialement l'aide apportee aux travaux de preparation dl! present ouvrage

par la Public Library (Bibliotheque publique) de la ville de New-York, et de remercier Ie National BII/WIlI of"

Economic Research (Bureau national de recherches economiques) de New-York, qui a bien voulu donner

l'autorisation de citeI' certains chiffl"es extraits de I'ollvrage publie par ses soins: International Migration (edite

par W. F. Willcox), vol. T, Statistics, par M. fmre Ferenczi.

Le Secretaire

general desire rendre hommage a I 'esprit de cooperation manifeste par les services statistiques de plus de

quarante-cinq pays ou territoires qui ont contribue a la mise au point du present ouvrage, en verifiam

s'il existait ou non des donnees utilisables et en communiquant dans plusieurs cas des series de donnees statis

tiques aux fins de reproduction dans la presente publication. 1Il





A. Importance of migration statistics by sex

and age

B. Difficulty of access to migration statistics

by sex and age

C. Earlier international compilations.

D. Collection of the materials .

1. Principal categories of sources .

2. Process of collection .

3. Publication of current data

E. Content of this volume



A. Nature of the data available

B. Selection of the data

C. Possible standardization

D. Coverage of the data

1. Time coverage

2. Geographic coverage

3. Characteristics of migrants shown by

the data


A. The elernents of quality

B. Problems of definition .

C. Errors in the count of migrants.

D. Errors in sex and age classifications

E. Changes in definitions, methods of collec

tion, and classification of the data from year to year F.

International comparability of the data

G. Evaluation of the material



A. General characteristics of migration

B. Interrelations between emigrants and immi-

Page iii 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 10 grants. 10

C. Illustrative material in graphic form

(figures 3-8) 10 IV






A. Importance des statistiques des migrations


Ie sexe et I'age 19

B. Difficulte d 'acces aux statistiques des mi-

grations selon

Ie sexe et J'age . 20


RecueiIs anterieurs de statistiques etablis

sur Ie plan international 20

D. Rassemblement des donnees

1. Principales categories de sources


Processus du rassemblement .

3. Publication de donnees recentes


Matiere du present ouvrage



A. Nature des donnees dont on dispose

B. Choix des donnees

C. Possibilites de normalisation

D. Portee des donnees

1. POI"tee chronologique

2. Portee geographique

3. Caracteristiques des migrants indiquees

20 20 21
dans les donnees . 25 III.


A. Les facteurs qui constituent la qualite des

donnees 27

B. Problemes de definition 27

C. Erreurs dans Ie denombrement des mi-

grants. 28

D. Erreurs dans Ie classement selon Ie sexe et

l'age 28

E. Modification des definitions, des methodes

de rassemblement et de classement des donnees 28

F. Comparabilite internationale des donnees 28

G. Appreciation des donnees 28


A. Caracteristiques generales des migrations 30

B. Comparaisons entre emigrants et immi-

grants. 30

C. Representation graphique de quelques

donnees (figures 3 a 8) 30 Page D. Illustrative tables . . . . . . . . . .. 11 i.-Italy. Age distribution of emigrants and immigrants, intercontinental and conti- nental:

1930 . . . . . . . . . . .. II

ii.-Australia. Percentage distribution by age of male population,

1947, and of male


1947, 1946, 1945, 1937 and

1927 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11

iii.-Australia. Sex distribution of immi grants by age, 1927, with per cent male and sex ratio; and sex ratio of population,

1933 and 1921 ..... 12

iv.-Belgium and the United Kingdom.

Emigrants by sex, with

sex ratio and per cent male: 1925-1938. . . . .. 12


I. Map of the world showing the countries for

which data are available in this volume VI

2. Map of the world showing the countries for

which population statistics by sex and age are published in the United Nations Demographic

Yearbook 1948 . .

.. . . . . . vii

3. Italy-Intercontinental emigrants, 1928, 1936,

and 1947 .......... . 4.

Italy-Continental emigrants, 1928, 19.36

5. Italy-Intercontinental and continental ITmTIl-

13 14 grants, 1936 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6. Bulgaria-Emigrants, 1936; and United King-
