[PDF] [PDF] Friendship guide for young people - The Childrens Society

young people about how they feel about friendship advice and ideas on how to look after drawings etc about what you think is important in a good friend

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Friendship guide

for young people

Young person's guide


The Children's Society

Advice, ideas and

tips from young people

The Children's Society has

been researching young people's well-being for more than 15 years and we have surveyed over 39,000 young people about how they feel about their lives.

By hearing directly from

young people like you, we can actually know whats going on, and work out how best to support young people who might be struggling.

Every year we publish what we

learn from young people in our

Good Childhood Report, which

you can find at childrenssociety. org.uk

Over a number of years, we

have learnt that friends can have a big impact on young people's well-being.To understand this better, during spring 2020 we asked young people aged 8-19 from across the country, in schools and in youth clubs, about friendship.

We asked them what advice they

would give to other young people, which is shared in this advice guide. There are two sections: friendship advice and ideas on how to look after yourself.

We also asked young people what

adults should know about how to support young people with their friendships. This advice from young people has been put into a separate guide for adults to read - you can find this on our website too. 54

The Children's Society

Refiection activity

Before you continue, you might like to ll in this

space with your own thoughts, ideas, drawings etc about what you think is important in a good friend. rsl 7

What young people told us.

From what young

people told us it is clear that friendships are complicated and unique. There is no magic formula to make sure that friendships work well.

Some young people

were very honest and said they didn't know what to say to be helpful.

Some young people

said that if they are finding a friendship di?cult they ask an adult for help.

‘ I stifi don't think that I've

manage? t? flgure out what makes some frien?ships reafiy g? an? what makes some reafiy ba?...it's like o case by case bass. Yo just have t? flgure it out as yo g? along, I don't think there s magical formul, it's just how your brains click.'

‘ I don't know, I can't

kp the myself.'

‘ Yo ca als? ask parent/

carer for help because they are more mature an? ca handle things properly.'

Lots of young people came up with some

very helpful advice about friendships and also how to look after yourself when figuring out friendships. rsl

1. Communication

is important 98

The Children's Society

Friendship advice

Friends might not

always agree or have the same opinion and that's OK.

Talk and listen to

each other.

Saying sorry helps.

Talk things through if

there's a fall out.

Be fair and deal with

things calmly.

Try to deal with

issues at the time. 'Be nice t? one an?ther an? ?f yo? b?t? d?sagr? o? something, it's n?t the en? ?f the worl?!' 'L?stening t? eac? ?ther ?s the key.

Spen? more time

together. Talk t? eac? ?ther.' ' Resolve ??ues quickly.

Make amen?s before

things g? to? far.

K?p i? touc? vi?

phone or playing online. Don't fa? out over li?le things.'' Don't k?p things fro? eac? ?ther that coul? en? up hurting someone. If yo? have a? argument, apolog?se, eve? ?f yo? think it's the ?ther person's fault - yo? probably ha? something t? d? wit? it to?.'

Friendship advice


2. How to treat

your friends

Don't put friends


Don't go behind

friends backs.

Stand up for them.

Be there for them.

Give time to them.

Accept and respect

each other.

Give each other


Compromise when

you can. 1110

The Children's Society

'K?p i? contact.

Be nice.

Have eac? ?ther's back.

An? be there for the?.'

'Treat ?thers how yo? woul? like t? be treate?.' ' Always be kin? t? people, that's how yo? make frien?s. Never make fu? or try t? put the? dow?, especia?y i? front ?f ?ther people. L?k out for signs that your frien? may be i? trouble or your frien? may n?? your help.'' L?ste? t? eac? ?ther's opinions an? come up wit? ? comprom?se as muc? as po?ible.

They coul? als? accept that they may have

d??erent frien?s or interests an? opinions.

They shoul? always trust eac? ?ther an? n?t

te? people their frien?s f?lings an? secrets an? g?ve eac? ?ther space ?fter a? argument.' ' Always be trut?ful. Treat the? a? the same. Always be ? g?? example an? never try an? preten? yo? are the leader. Every frien? ?s as important as eac? ?ther.'

Friendship advice

rsl 1312

The Children's Society

3. Being a

good friend

A good friend is made up of a mix of good

qualities, like:



Being kind

and caring.



Having fun.

A sense of humour.

Being yourself.

' Honesty ?s key. 'I think a? the g?? frien?ships

I have, I try t? sustai? by balancing

out caring for the? an? the? caring for me...s? I think it's ? li?le bit about g?ve an? take.''Don't be fake.

Be honest. Don't lie.

Always help eac?

?ther. Always make a? e?ort.' ' Important t? be yourself.' ' Be ki n?.''Only be frien? wit? people yo? ca? trust.'

Friendship advice


Look after yourself!

As you can see, from the friendship advice young

people have given:

Figuring out friendships can be complicated and

sometimes pretty dicult.

Things can and often do go wrong along the way.

There's a lot to learn when it comes to friendships.

Some young people also advise that it's important

to look after yourself when it comes to your friends.

Next are some ideas from young people on how to

do that. ffls

1. You have

choice about friendships 1716

The Children's Society

Look after yourself

It's OK not to be

friends with everyone.

Be aware of how

you feel about your friendships. You can choose to end a friendship if you want to.

Making fri ends

outside of school increases your choice. ' I woul? only be ? frien? wit? someone yo? actua?y like n?t someone wh? ?s the most popular because the? b?t? people wi? like eac? ?ther.' 'If yo? don't like the?, leave the?.' ' It t?k me ? long time t? real?se that yo? ca? d?slike someone an? sti? be aroun? the?. Sometimes yo? m?t someone, an? yo? don't like the? an? that's fine.

I didn't real?se as ? ki? that

I was a?owe? t? n?t like people

an? just move o? fro? that.' ' Be frien?s wit? someone wh? yo? care about an? wh? cares about yo?. Make sure yo? ch?se the right frien?s because they ca? ??ect ? l?t ?f your l?fe.'

Look after yourself!


2. Friendships

are about respecting each other

Friendships should

be equal.

Friendships need

time and e?ort on both sides. Friendships need respect and understanding on both sides.

Don't change who

you are to fit in or be accepted. 1918

The Children's Society

' Respect eac? ?ther an? that ?f yo? f?l like yo? have t? constantly make ? frien?ship last, it's n?t the one for yo?.' 'True frien?ship ma?ers.

Anyone t?xic? Don't be frien?s

wit? the?, k?p your frien?s limite? t? people wh? s?? nice.'

Yo? n?? t? remember

that yo? have t? put time an? e?ort int? your frien?ship, but remember ?f they start saying negat?ve things t? yo?, or anyone else, t? try t? d?stance yourself or help the? s? what they are doing ?s wrong.'' Teac? ki?s what manipulat?ve an? ho?ible behaviour ?s because a? you're taught as ? ki? ?s ?f yo? hit somebody an? yo? say ? ba? wor? t? somebody that's ba? an? that's going t? hurt the?. But they aren't taught about the rea?y subtle things that are als? rea?y ba?.'

Look after yourself!

Toxic friendships!

Be aware of friendships

that are damaging for you. rsl 2120

The Children's Society

3. Friendships

change and sometimes end

Not all friendships

last. They can change and sometimes end, that's normal. It's OK to end friendships without feeling guilty about it, even though it's not always easy to do. ' N?t a? frien?ships wi? last s? just l?ve l?fe for yourself. Don't wo?y about anyone else.' 'Yo? don't have t? always co?unicate wit? someone t? stay frien?s. Sometimes they come an? g? but yo? are sti? close wit? the?.'

Look after yourself!

'Yo? ca? just cut someone ?? an? that doesn't make yo? ba?. Because people think ?f I cut someone ??, I'? causing dram?, I'? being the dramatic one. I'? like n?, yo? are fr?ing yourself fro? s? muc? future ??ues, future dram? by just ending relationships as s?? as it gets t?xic. Ask yourself ?f I was dating th?squotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23