[PDF] [PDF] An Android Studio SQLite Database Tutorial

integrating relational database storage into Android applications using the purposes of this example we will simply remove the old database and create a new 

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[PDF] An Android Studio SQLite Database Tutorial

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[PDF] An Android Studio SQLite Database Tutorial $Q $QGURLG 6PXGLR 64ILPH GMPMNMVH 7XPRULMO

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eBookFrenzy.com Purchase the fully updated Android 6 Edition of this Android Studio Development Essentials publication in eBook ($9.99) or Print ($38.99) format Android Studio Development Essentials - Android 6 Edition Print and eBook (ePub/PDF/Kindle) editions contain 65 chapters.

TUe cUapWer enWiWleT An Overview of AnTroiT SQLiWe MaWabaVeV in AnTroiT SWuTio covereT WUe baVic principleV of

inWegraWing relaWional TaWabaVe VWorage inWo AnTroiT applicaWionV uVing WUe SQLiWe TaWabaVe managemenW VyVWem.

TUe previouV cUapWer Wook a minor TeWour inWo WUe WerriWory of TeVigning TableLayouWV wiWUin WUe AnTroiT SWuTio

MeVigner WoolH in WUe courVe of wUicUH WUe uVer inWerface for an example TaWabaVe applicaWion waV creaWeT. In WUiV

chapter, work on the Database application project will be continued with the ultimate objective of completing the

TaWabaVe example.



1 About the Android Studio Database Example

2 Creating the Data Model

3 Implementing the Data Handler

o 3.1 The Add Handler Method o 3.2 The Query Handler Method o 3.3 The Delete Handler Method

4 Implementing the Activity Event Methods

5 Testing the Application

6 Summary

About the Android Studio Database Example

As is probably evident from the user interface layout designed in the preceding chapter, the example project is a

Vimple TaWa enWry anT reWrieval applicaWion TeVigneT Wo allow WUe uVer Wo aTTH query anT TeleWe TaWabaVe enWrieV.

TUe iTea beUinT WUiV applicaWion iV Wo allow WUe Wracking of proTucW invenWory.

TUe name of WUe TaWabaVe will be proTucWIM.Tb wUicUH in WurnH will conWain a Vingle Wable nameT proTucWV. NacU

recorT in WUe TaWabaVe Wable will conWain a unique proTucW IMH a proTucW TeVcripWion anT WUe quanWiWy of WUaW proTucW

respectively. The productid column will act as the primary key and will be automatically assigned and incremented

by WUe TaWabaVe managemenW VyVWem. TUe TaWabaVe VcUema for WUe proTucWV Wable iV ouWlineT in Table 42-1J

Column Data Type

productid Integer / Primary Key/ Auto Increment productname Text productquantity Integer

Table 42-1

Creating the Data Model

Once completed, the application will consist of an activity and a database handler class. The database handler will

be a VubclaVV of SQLiWeOpenHelper anT will proviTe an abVWracW layer beWween WUe unTerlying SQLiWe TaWabaVe anT

WUe acWiviWy claVVH wiWU WUe acWiviWy calling on WUe TaWabaVe UanTler Wo inWeracW wiWU WUe TaWabaVe (aTTingH removing

anT querying TaWabaVe enWrieV). In orTer Wo implemenW WUiV inWeracWion in a VWrucWureT wayH a WUirT claVV will neeT Wo

be implemenWeT Wo UolT WUe TaWabaVe enWry TaWa aV iW iV paVVeT beWween WUe acWiviWy anT WUe UanTler. TUiV iV acWually

a very Vimple claVV capable of UolTing proTucW IMH proTucW name anT proTucW quanWiWy valueVH WogeWUer wiWU geWWer

anT VeWWer meWUoTV for acceVVing WUeVe valueV. InVWanceV of WUiV claVV can WUen be creaWeT wiWUin WUe acWiviWy anT

TaWabaVe UanTler anT paVVeT back anT forWU aV neeTeT. NVVenWiallyH WUiV claVV can be WUougUW of aV repreVenWing

WUe TaWabaVe moTel.

PiWUin AnTroiT SWuTioH navigaWe wiWUin WUe ProjecW Wool winTow Wo app -L java anT rigUW-click on WUe package name.

Ńrom WUe popup menuH cUooVe WUe New -L Java ClaVV opWion anTH in WUe CreaWe New ClaVV TialogH name WUe claVV

ProTucW before clicking on WUe OO buWWon.

Once creaWeT WUe ProTucW.java Vource file will auWomaWically loaT inWo WUe AnTroiT SWuTio eTiWor. Once loaTeTH moTify

WUe coTe Wo aTT WUe appropriaWe TaWa memberV anT meWUoTVJ package com.ebookfrenzy.database; public claVV ProTucW { public ProTucW() { public ProTucW(inW iTH SWring proTucWnameH inW quanWiWy) { public ProTucW(SWring proTucWnameH inW quanWiWy) { public voiT VeWIM(inW iT) { public inW geWIM() { public voiT VeWProTucWName(SWring proTucWname) { public SWring geWProTucWName() { public voiT VeWQuanWiWy(inW quanWiWy) { public inW geWQuanWiWy() {

The completed class contains private data members for the internal storage of data columns from database entries

anT a VeW of meWUoTV Wo geW anT VeW WUoVe valueV.

Implementing the Data Handler

The data handler will be implemented by subclassing from the Android SQLiteOpenHelper class and, as outlined

in An Overview of AnTroiT SQLiWe MaWabaVeV in AnTroiT SWuTioH aTTing WUe conVWrucWorH onCreaWe() anT

onUpgraTe() meWUoTV. Since WUe UanTler will be requireT Wo aTTH query anT TeleWe TaWa on beUalf of WUe acWiviWy

componenWH correVponTing meWUoTV will alVo neeT Wo be aTTeT Wo WUe claVV. new claVV UaV been creaWeTH moTify iW Vo WUaW iW reaTV aV followVJ package com.ebookfrenzy.database; imporW anTroiT.TaWabaVe.VqliWe.SQLiWeMaWabaVe; imporW anTroiT.TaWabaVe.VqliWe.SQLiWeOpenHelper; @OverriTe public voiT onCreaWe(SQLiWeMaWabaVe Tb) { @OverriTe public voiT onUpgraTe(SQLiWeMaWabaVe TbH inW olTVerVionH inW newVerVion) {

Having now pre-populaWeT WUe Vource file wiWU WemplaWe onCreaWe() anT onUpgraTe() meWUoTV WUe nexW WaVk iV Wo

aTT a conVWrucWor meWUoT. ÓoTify WUe coTe Wo Teclare conVWanWV for WUe TaWabaVe nameH Wable nameH Wable columnV

anT TaWabaVe verVion anT Wo aTT WUe conVWrucWor meWUoT aV followVJ package com.ebookfrenzy.database; imporW anTroiT.TaWabaVe.VqliWe.SQLiWeMaWabaVe; imporW anTroiT.TaWabaVe.VqliWe.SQLiWeOpenHelper; imporW anTroiT.conWenW.ConWexW; imporW anTroiT.conWenW.ConWenWValueV; imporW anTroiT.TaWabaVe.CurVor; SQLiWeMaWabaVe.CurVorŃacWory facWoryH inW verVion) { @OverriTe public voiT onCreaWe(SQLiWeMaWabaVe Tb) { @OverriTe public voiT onUpgraTe(SQLiWeMaWabaVe TbH inW olTVerVionH inW newVerVion) {

Next, the onCreate() method needs to be implemented so that the products table is created when the database is

firVW iniWialiYeT. TUiV involveV conVWrucWing a SQL CRNATN VWaWemenW conWaining inVWrucWionV Wo creaWe a new Wable

wiWU WUe appropriaWe columnV anT WUen paVVing WUaW WUrougU Wo WUe execSQL() meWUoT of WUe SQLiWeMaWabaVe objecW

paVVeT aV an argumenW Wo onCreaWe()J @Override public voiT onCreaWe(SQLiWeMaWabaVe Tb) {

The onUpgrade() method is called when the handler is invoked with a greater database version number from the

one previouVly uVeT. TUe exacW VWepV Wo be performeT in WUiV inVWance will be applicaWion VpecificH Vo for WUe

purpoVeV of WUiV example we will Vimply remove WUe olT TaWabaVe anT creaWe a new oneJ @Override public voiT onUpgraTe(SQLiWeMaWabaVe TbH inW olTVerVionH inW newVerVion) { onCreaWe(Tb); remove TaWabaVe Wable enWrieV.

The Add Handler Method

The method to insert database records will be named addProduct() and will take as an argument an instance of our

ProTucW TaWa moTel claVV. A ConWenWValueV objecW will be creaWeT in WUe boTy of WUe meWUoT anT primeT wiWU key-

value pairV for WUe TaWa columnV exWracWeT from WUe ProTucW objecW. NexWH a reference Wo WUe TaWabaVe will be

obtained via a call to getWritableDatabase() followed by a call to the insert() method of the returned database

objecW. ŃinallyH once WUe inVerWion UaV been performeTH WUe TaWabaVe neeTV Wo be cloVeTJ public void addProduct(Product product) {

ConWenWValueV valueV = new ConWenWValueV();

SQLiWeMaWabaVe Tb = WUiV.geWPriWableMaWabaVe();


eBookFrenzy.com Purchase the fully updated Android 6 Edition of this Android Studio Development Essentials publication in eBook ($9.99) or Print ($38.99) format Android Studio Development Essentials - Android 6 Edition Print and eBook (ePub/PDF/Kindle) editions contain 65 chapters.

The Query Handler Method

The method to query the database will be named findProduct() and will take as an argument a String object

conWaining WUe name of WUe proTucW Wo be locaWeT. UVing WUiV VWringH a SQL SNLNCT VWaWemenW will be conVWrucWeT Wo

finT all maWcUing recorTV in WUe Wable. Ńor WUe purpoVeV of WUiV exampleH only WUe firVW maWcU will WUen be reWurneTH

conWaineT wiWUin a new inVWance of our ProTucW TaWa moTel claVVJ public Product findProduct(String productname) { + " = \"" + proTucWname + "\"";

SQLiWeMaWabaVe Tb = WUiV.geWPriWableMaWabaVe();

CurVor curVor = Tb.rawQuery(queryH null);

ProTucW proTucW = new ProTucW();

if (curVor.moveToŃirVW()) { curVor.moveToŃirVW(); curVor.cloVe(); } elVe { proTucW = null;


reWurn proTucW;

The Delete Handler Method

The deletion method will be named deleteProduct() and will accept as an argument the entry to be deleted in the

form of a ProTucW objecW. TUe meWUoT will uVe a SQL SNLNCT VWaWemenW Wo VearcU for WUe enWry baVeT on WUe

proTucW name anTH if locaWeTH TeleWe iW from WUe Wable. TUe VucceVV or oWUerwiVe of WUe TeleWion will be reflecWeT in a

public boolean deleteProduct(String productname) { boolean reVulW = falVe; + " = \"" + proTucWname + "\"";

SQLiWeMaWabaVe Tb = WUiV.geWPriWableMaWabaVe();

CurVor curVor = Tb.rawQuery(queryH null);

ProTucW proTucW = new ProTucW();

if (curVor.moveToŃirVW()) { new SWring[] { SWring.valueOf(proTucW.geWIM()) }); curVor.cloVe(); reVulW = Wrue;


reWurn reVulW;

Implementing the ActiviWy NvenW ÓeWUoTV

The final task prior to testing the application is to wire up onClick event handlers on the three buttons in the user

inWo WUe MeVigner WoolH VwiWcU Wo TexW moTe anT locaWe anT moTify WUe WUree buWWon elemenWV Wo aTT onClick
