[PDF] [PDF] Adobe suite CC – ID personnel - Distrilog - EPFL

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Doc. Version 33/2020-12

Adobe suite CC ʹ ID personnel


identification personnelle.

donnée transmise à Adobe sera votre adresse de courriel EPFL et vos nom et prénoms, de plus, toute donnée que

vous stockeriez sur leur Cloud sera automatiquement cryptée.

Lors de votre première commande de " Adobe Creative Suite ʹ CC ID personnel » sur Distrilog, vous serez

commande ultérieure sera simplement décomptée sur Distrilog, mais ne vous apportera pas de droits

adresse email EPFL). Selon les conditions générales, vous pouvez installer les logiciels de la suite sur autant de

machines que désiré, mais, à un moment donné, une seule pourra être active avec votre ID personnel.

à vous connecter. Notez que cette procédure prend entre une quinzaine de minutes et une heure environ.

" Gaspar ». Pour rappel, voici le graphisme de la page Tequila :

English version, see page 7


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Mais le plus sûr, en cas de doute, est de vérifier le certificat de la page web : Comment installer un logiciel de la suite Adobe CC ?

membre de leur communauté, sinon ouvrez un incident auprès du Service Desk en spécifiant " problème ID

personnel Adobe » 3

Doc. Version 33/2020-12

Dans la zone " Adobe pour les entreprises », cliquez sur " Afficher les détails de la formule » :

Cliquez ensuite sur le bouton " Télécharger » : 4

Doc. Version 33/2020-12

A ce niveau un message peut vous avertir qu'il sera nécessaire de connaître le mot de passe d'administration local de

la machine. Si vous ne le connaissez pas, consultez la documentation de votre système d'exploitation ou consultez

votre support de proximité de dialogue de connexion Adobe !

ATTENTION ! Adobe Stock est payant et vous demandera un abonnement supplémentaire non pris en charge par

ů' !!! Si vous avez besoin de photos, vous pouvez passer par Mediacom.


votre adresse email EPFL, soit vous connecter au FederatedID en indiquant " epfl.ch » en premier, comme expliqué

ci-dessus, et vous faire rediriger vers Tequila. 5

Doc. Version 33/2020-12

nouvelle(s) version(s). Désinstallation complète des anciennes versions sous Windows


2. Nettoyer votre profil de toutes scories Adobe dans tous les sous-répertoires de "

%USERPROFILE%\Appdata », ainsi que dans " %ProgramFiles% » et " %ProgramFiles(x86)% »

4. Contrôler l'heure de votre machine (GMT+1)

5. Vérifier que le wifi et le câble réseau ne soient pas branchés en même temps

6. Veiller à ce qu'aucune mise à jour tierce ne soit en train de s'exécuter (Java update, Windows update etc.) si

c'est le cas terminer toutes les mises à jour et redémarrer

8. Redémarrer votre ordinateur

9. Réinstaller les logiciels désirés

Désinstallation complète des anciennes versions sous MacOS

1. Désinstaller tous les programmes Adobe en utilisant le désinstalleur placé dans chaque répertoire idoine.

3. Purger les dernières scories avec AppCleaner


5. Réinstaller les logiciels désirés.

version précédente de la suite Adobe CC (i.e. CC 2018). Dans ce cas, suivre cette procédure :

A. Faire un backup complet de la machine, puis éteindre le mac.

C. Monter le volume racine : mount uw /

D. Rechercher tous les répertoires nommés ou qui contiennent le mot " adobe » : find / -name "*adobe*"

E. Supprimer chacun de ces répertoires : rm r ""

F. Une fois tous les répertoires supprimés, relancez la machine avec la commande : exit ou reboot

Il est encore possible que cela ne fonctionne toujours pas, dans ce cas, recherchez, en fonction des erreurs trouvées,


Doc. Version 33/2020-12

Acrobat DC Pro

machines étant encore équipée de cette version. Nous vous conseillons de la désinstaller AVANT toute

Si vous désirer absolument garder la version " Classic », vous pourrez utiliser tout logiciel de la suite Adobe

CC, excepté Acrobat DC Pro " Cloud »

Quelle différence entre la version " Classic » et la version " Cloud » ?

" Classic » pour la dernière fois en 2017, il faut donc considérer cette version comme obsolète.

La version " Cloud » est mise à jour continuellement et toute nouvelle fonctionnalité, correctif, (ou bug) est

immédiatement disponible.

bureautiques les plus connues incluent, dans leurs dernières versions, tous les outils nécessaires pour créer et



Le système de gestion de groups.epfl.ch est en

panne Vous avez résilié votre commande sur Distrilog

Appeler le 1234 ou écrire au 1234@epfl.ch

" Access Denied » vous ne recevez toujours pas de message de bienvenue Je ne vois pas la liste des programmes installés dans adobe.com ou https://www.adobe.com/ch_fr Le système me demande souvent confirmation de mon Ceci fait partie du processus normal de validation par la vous pouvez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter avec votre identifiant personnel Tous les programmes installés sont en mode " trial » ou désactivés Vous devez vous connecter avec la FederatedID et non paramètre sur le login Adobe, puis entrez votre un login effectué avec succès. Vous avez probablement oublié de vous déconnecter sur une précédente machine (très sensible sur macOS, car la mise en veille ne coupe pas la connexion). Allez sur le site web Adobe et effectuez votre login


Entrer https://account.adobe.com/sessions puis cliquer sur " Terminer toutes les sessions » Fermez ensuite toutes les applications Adobe encore 7

Doc. Version 33/2020-12

Adobe suite CC - Personal ID


Until now, we offered licenses for Adobe software that were related to machines. Unfortunately, since the Adobe CC

2019 versions, this is no longer possible! You must now use a license related to personal identification.

In compliance with Swiss data protection, we opted for a federated authentication solution (Adobe FederatedID)

between Adobe and the EPFL via our authentication server "Tequila". The only data sent to Adobe will be your EPFL

email address and your first and last names. In addition, any data you store on their Cloud will be automatically


If you do not agree with the above point, please terminate your order on Distrilog and use software from another

source (see https://alternativeto.net).

When you place your first order of "Adobe Creative Suite - Personal ID CC" on Distrilog, you will be automatically

registered with Adobe as a user of the software of the EPFL Adobe CC Suite. Any subsequent order will simply be

credited to Distrilog, but will not give you additional rights to use the suite software (you may only have one Adobe

FederatedID linked to your EPFL email address). Depending on the terms and conditions, you can install the software

suite on as many machines as you want, but at any given time, only one can be active with your personal ID.

Once your Adobe FederatedID is created and verified, you will receive a welcome email from Adobe inviting you to

sign in. Note that this procedure takes about 15 minutes to an hour or so.

As usual, on the Tequila login page (and only this one!); you will have to enter your "Gaspar" login.

As a reminder, here is the graphics of the Tequila page: 8

Doc. Version 33/2020-12

However, the safest, if in doubt, is to check the certificate of the web page:

How to install Adobe CC suite software?

First, make sure that you have received Adobe's message indicating that you are now a happy member of their

community. If not, open an incident with the Service Desk specifying "Adobe personal ID problem"

To install Adobe software, check that you have enough disk space and that your machine is stable and not waiting /

installing a security update from the OS or other software. To get started, go to the Adobe website: https://accounts.adobe.com

On the Adobe sign in page, on the first line, simply enter "epfl.ch", then confirm with [ENTER], you will be

automatically redirected to Tequila ... 9

Doc. Version 33/2020-12

Once you have logged in, you will be taken to your personal Adobe CC Cloud page. In the "Adobe for Enterprise" area, click "View plan details":

Next, click on ͞Download͟ button:


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And finally, click on the "Download" button of the desired application ... Then follow the instructions displayed ... (patience! The volume to download may be significant)

At this level, a message may warn you that it will be necessary to know the local machine administration password. If

And, after a little patience, everything is ready ...

In addition to any Adobe CC application, the installation module will provide you with the "Adobe Creative Cloud"

application. It will manage your identification in correlation with Adobe's servers (however, the identification will

always have to pass by Tequila by mentioning it with an "epfl.ch" on the first line of an Adobe login dialog!

EPFL!!! If you need photos, you can go through Mediacom.


If you have, personally or under the old procedure, created an AdobeID ending with "@epfl.ch", no problem, there

will be no conflict and you can either connect with your AdobeID with your EPFL email address, or log in to

FederatedID with "epfl.ch" first, as explained above, and get redirected to Tequila.

It is obvious that the licenses provided for the EPFL can only be visible / used from the Federated ID.


Doc. Version 33/2020-12

Issue(s) about reinstalling Adobe software

When installing new software in the Adobe Suite, an existing installation on the machine may be a problem and

cause conflicts resulting in a failure of the new version.

There is unfortunately no magical solution, and the only really effective one is to purge the previous installation(s)

before installing the new version(s). Complete uninstallation of old versions on Windows:

1. Uninstall all Adobe versions cleanly with Windows "Add / Remove Programs".

2. Clean up your profile of all Adobe slags in all subdirectories of "%USERPROFILE%\Appdata", as well as in

"%ProgramFiles%" and "%ProgramFiles (x86)%"

3. Purge Adobe registry keys (if necessary) with regedit.exe or a specialized tool (i.e.

4. Check the time of your machine (GMT + 1)

5. Check that the wifi and the network cable are not connected at the same time

6. Ensure that no third-party update is running (Java update, Windows update etc.). If this is the case, complete

all updates and restart

7. Run the Adobe Cleanup Tool (https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-cleaner-tool-installation-


8. Restart your computer

9. Reinstall the desired software

Complete uninstallation of old versions under MacOS

1. Uninstall all Adobe programs using the uninstaller located in each appropriate directory.

2. Clean up remnants of previous installations with the Adobe tool (https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-

3. Purge the last slags with AppCleaner (http://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/)

5. Reinstall the desired software.

The above procedure may not work if you have updated/upgraded your macOS after installing a previous version of

the Adobe CC suite (i.e. CC 2018). In this case, follow this procedure: A. Make a full backup of the machine and then turn off the mac. B. Switch it on and press continuously the CMD + S key (start in single-user mode)

C. Mount the root volume : mount uw /

E. Delete each of these directories, type: rm r "" F. Once all directories are deleted, restart the machine with the command: exit or reboot

Unfortunately, there is still a possibility that it does not work, in this case, search based on the errors found, on

https://community.adobe.com (note: this is not a Distrilog but a macOS issue, thanks!) 12

Doc. Version 33/2020-12

Acrobat DC Pro

The so-called "Classic" version is no longer available and is no longer updated (v.17.0). However, there are

still many machines equipped with this version. We advise you to uninstall it BEFORE attempting to install

other software from the Adobe suite

If you absolutely want to keep the "Classic" version, you will be able to use any software from the Adobe CC

suite, except Acrobat DC Pro "Cloud" It is not possible to return from the "Cloud" version to the "Classic" version What is the difference between the "Classic" version and the "Cloud" version?

The "Classic" version is only updated by reinstalling the new version. Adobe updated the "Classic" version for the last

time in 2017, so this version should be considered obsolete.

The "Cloud" version is continuously updated and any new feature, patch, (or bug) is immediately available.

It should be noted that the use of the full version "Acrobat DC Pro" is less and less justified; the most well-known

office suites include, in their latest versions, all the tools necessary to create and manipulate PDFs. However, for

some specific cases (ex. producing a PDF for prepress with print profiles and color settings), Acrobat Pro remains the

only software that can be used.


Effect Probable cause(s) / Action(s) to be undertaken Tequila displays an error message "unauthorized access to document ...".

You did not order a personal ID on Distrilog.

The management system of groups.epfl.ch has


You have cancelled your order on Distrilog.

You are no longer accredited ...

Call 1234 or write a mail to 1234@epfl.ch

The Adobe server displays an error message like

"Access Denied". The process of assigning personal ID is not over yet ... wait at least an hour. If you still do not receive a welcome message from Adobe, contact the 1234 ... I cannot see the list of programs installed in the "Adobe

Creative Cloud" application.

You must use the web interface https://www.

adobe.com or https://www.adobe.com/ch_fr

The system often asks me for confirmation of my

identity (i.e. m......s@epfl.ch). This is part of the normal process of validation by the person. If the email address displayed does not match, you can log out and log in again with your personal ID.

All installed programs are in trial mode or disabled. You must log in with FederatedID and not AdobeID.

Enter "epfl.ch" as the first parameter on the Adobe login, then enter your Gaspar username and password in the Tequila window ... You cannot install / modify an application despite a successful login. You probably forgot to logout on a previous machine (very sensitive on macOS, because the standby does not cut the connection).

Go to the Adobe website and make your FederatedID


Go to https://account.adobe.com/sessions and then

Then close all open Adobe applications if necessary (including Creative Cloud Desktop and Acrobat) then reconnect and try again ...quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23