[PDF] [PDF] Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms

15 nov 1985 · codes, and acronyms within the Department of the Army c Governs the use of Office of United States Defense Representative, India ODRP

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[PDF] Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms

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Army Regulation 310±50

Military Publications

AuthorizedAbbreviations,Brevity Codes,and Acronyms


Department of the Army

Washington, DC

15 November 1985



05-21-98 07:23:12

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AR 310±50

Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms

This revision--

o Contains new and revised abbreviations, brevity codes , and acronyms. o Incorporates chapter 4, sections I and II of the previous regulation into chapters 2 and 3. o Redesignates chapter 5 of the previous regulation as chapter 4.


05-21-98 07:23:13

PN 2 FILE: r130.fil

HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC15 November 1985

Military Publications

Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms

Army Regulation 310±50

Effective 15 November 1985

History. This UPDATE printing publishes a

r e v i s i o n w h i c h i s e e c t i v e 1 5 N o v e m b e r

1 9 8 5 . B e c a u s e t h e s t r u c t u r e o f t h e e n t i r e

revised text has been reorganized, no attempthas been made to highlight changes from theearlier regulation dated 15February 1984.Summary. This regulation governs Depart-

m e n t o f t h e A r m y a b b r e v i a t i o n s , b r e v i t y codes, and acronyms.

Applicability. This regulation applies to el-

ements of the Active Army, Army National

Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve who manage,

prepare, and distribute Army correspondence. P r o p o n e n t a n d e x c e p t i o n a u t h o r i t y .

Not applicable.

Impact on New Manning System. This

regulation does not contains information that affects the New Manning System. A r m y m a n a g e m e n t c o n t r o l p r o c e s s .

This regulation is not subject to the require-

ments of AR 11±2. It does not contain inter- nal control provisions.

Supplementation. Supplementation of this

regulation and establishment of forms other

than DA forms are prohibited without priora p p r o v a l f r o m H Q D A ( D A A G ± A M S ± P ) ,

ALEX, VA 22331±0301.

Interim changes. Interim changes to this

regulation are not official unless they are au- thenticated by The Adjutant General. Users will destroy interim changes on their expira- tion dates unless sooner superseded or re- scinded. S u g g e s t e d I m p r o v e m e n t s . T h e p r o p o - nent of this regulation is The Adjutant Gener- al's Office. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms which are considered to have an

Army±wide impact will be submitted on DA

Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publi-

cations and Blank Forms), with justification, t o H Q D A ( D A A G ± A M S ± P ) , A L E X V A


D i s t r i b u t i o n . A c t i v e A r m y , B , C , D ;


Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1

General, page1

Purpose ·1±1, page1

References ·1±2, page1

Explanation of terms ·1±3, page1

Responsibilities. ·1±4, page1

Policy ·1±5, page1

General instructions when originating and using abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms ·1±6, page2

Chapter 2

Alphabetical Listing of Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity

Codes, and Acronyms, page2

ªAº Listings ·2±1, page3

ªBº listings ·2±2, page19

'C' listings ·2±3, page22

ªDº Listings ·2±4, page33

ªEº listings ·2±5, page41

ªFº listings ·2±6, page45

ªGº listings ·2±7, page50

ªHº listings ·2±8, page53

ªIº listings ·2±9, page55

ªJº listings ·2±10, page59

ªKº listings ·2±11, page61

ªLº listings ·2±12, page62

ªMº listings ·2±13, page66

ªNº listings ·2±14, page75ªOº listings ·2±15, page80

ªPº listings ·2±16, page83

ªQº listings ·2±17, page91

ªRº listings ·2±18, page92

ªSº listings ·2±19, page98

ªTº listings ·2±20, page109

ªUº listings ·2±21, page116

ªVº listings ·2±22, page126

ªWº listings ·2±23, page128

ªXº listings ·2±24, page129

ªYº listings ·2±25, page130

ªZº listings ·2±26, page130

Chapter 3

Alphabetical Explanation of Authorized Abbreviations,

Brevity Codes, and Acronyms, page130

ªAº listings Abbreviated Performance Characteristics (APC) ·3±1, page130

ªBº listings ·3±2, page140

ªCº listings ·3±3, page142

ªDº listings ·3±4, page150

ªEº listings ·3±5, page155

ªFº listings ·3±6, page158

ªGº listings ·3±7, page161

ªHº listings ·3±8, page163

ªIº listings ·3±9, page164

ªJº listings ·3±10, page166

ªKº listings ·3±11, page168

ªLº listings ·3±12, page168

ªMº listings ·3±13, page170

AR 310±50 · 15 November 1985 i



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ContentsÐContinuedªNº listings ·3±14, page176

ªOº listings ·3±15, page179

ªPº listings ·3±16, page181

ªQº listings ·3±17, page186

ªRº listings ·3±18, page187

ªSº listings ·3±19, page191

ªTº listings ·3±20, page198

ªUº listings ·3±21, page202

ªVº listings ·3±22, page210

ªWº listings ·3±23, page211

ªYº listings ·3±24, page212

ªZº listings ·3±25, page212

Chapter 4

Other Abbreviations, page213

National distinguishing letters for use by NATO Armed Forces

·4±1, page213

Quadripartite Standardization Agreement (QSTAG) Abbreviations

·4±2, page213

Appendix A, page214

ii AR 310±50 · 15 November 1985


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Chapter 1General

1±1. Purpose

This regulationÐ

a. Authorizes standardized abbreviations, brevity codes, and acro- nyms to be used throughout the Department of the Army. b. Prescribes procedures for the use of abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms within the Department of the Army. c. Governs the use of abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms in correspondence with other Department of Defense (DOD) Serv- ices, Armies of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and


d. Lists national distinguishing letters reserved for identifying

NATO Armed Forces.

1±2. References

a. Related publications are listed in appendix A. b. In addition to those listed in chapters 2 and 3, abbreviations in the following publications are authorized for Army use: (1) FM 21±30. This FM authorizes abbreviations used in opera- tional plans and orders to form military symbols. This includes reports, records, overlays, and charts. (2) FM 21±31. This FM authorizes abbreviations used in maps, overlays, and related activities to form topographic symbols. ( 3 ) D O D ± S T D ± 1 2 D . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n s u p e r s e d e s


(4) MIL±STD±129F. This publication contains markings for ship- ment and storage. (5) SB 708±6C. This supply bulletin lists abbreviations and sym- bols approved forÐ (a) Preparing some Federal Catalog System item identifications. (b) Listing Federal Catalog data in supply manuals and the parts lists appendixes of technical manuals. (6) AR 105±32. This regulation lists authorized addresses for electrically transmitted messages. (7) AR 680±29. This regulation contains the two±letter abbrevia- tion for Army branch designations.

1±3. Explanation of terms

a. Abbreviation. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word. For example, apptÐappoint, asgdÐassigned, or PAÐPennsylvania. b. Brevity Code. A brevity code is the shortened form of a frequ- ently used unclassified phrase, sentence, or group of sentences. For example, COMSEC means communications security, SQT means skill qualification test, and MOS means military occupational spe- cialty. When originating brevity codesÐ (1) Use letters that convey the meaning of the language they represent. (2) Do not represent the same word with more than one brevity code. (3) The first letter of the brevity code and the first letter of the phrase should be the same. c. Acronyms. An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of a name or parts of a series of words. For example, TAFFS means The Army Functional File System, MARKS means Modern

A r m y R e c o r d ± K e e p i n g S y s t e m , a n d A S A P m e a n s a s s o o n a s


1±4. Responsibilities.

Heads of HQDA agencies and major Army commands will submit to HQDA(DAAG±AMS±P), ALEX VA 22331±0301, recommended changes, corrections, additions, and deletions to AR 310±50 on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes To Publications and Blank

Forms). Required documentation will includeÐ

a. A reference as to where and how the term is used. b. An explanation of the term if it is not defined in AR 310±25. c. The extent of usage within DA. d. Justification.1±5. Policy a. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms in this regulation may be used when preparing military records, publications, corre- spondence, messages, operation plans, orders, and reports within

DA, except as qualified in h below.

b. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms that conflict with this regulation will not be used in official correspondence or Army publications. c. Do not use an abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym unlessÐ (1) Usage saves time. (2) The lack of space in a table or form makes it necessary. (3) It is readily understood and can be identified by the recipient. d. Except as indicated below, abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms used in correspondence with the other DOD Services,

A r m i e s o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , U n i t e d K i n g d o m , C a n a d a , a n d

Australia±will be spelled out the first time used, followed by the abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym in parentheses. (1) Customary or assigned short titles of official publications. (2) Abbreviations for points of the compass. (3) Model designations and symbols assigned to aircraft, missiles, vessels, and vehicles. (4) Abbreviations for titles, ranks, and grades. (5) Standard abbreviations for geographical locations. (6) Standard dictionary abbreviations.

( 7 ) A b b r e v i a t i o n s f o r t y p e s o f w e a t h e r p h e n o m e n a u s e d b y

aerologists and meteorologists. (8) Flight plan abbreviations set by the Federal Aviation Admin- istration or the International Civil Aviation Organization. (9) Abbreviations used by specialists and technicians when com- municating with colleagues only. e. Under the terms of Standardization Agreement (STANAG)

2066 (AR 340±10), abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms nor-

m a l l y a r e n o t u s e d i n m i l i t a r y c o r r e s p o n d e n c e b e t w e e n A l l i e d

Forces. When used, they will be spelled out and followed by the authorized abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym in parentheses. Commonly used international metric terms are authorized.

f . A s g o v e r n e d b y Q u a d r i p a r t i t e S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n A g r e e m e n t

(QSTAG) 163, the following abbreviations may be used in military communications among United States, United Kingdom, Canadian, and Australia Armies: (1) Those printed in italics in chapters 2 and 3, and those listed in chapter 4. (2) Those common to technical areas are used among similar offices. g. The short form for abbreviating the grade of rank titles of colonel and below may be used when abbreviation is desire for official correspondence, literature, personal correspondence. auto- matic data processing (ADP) applications, and the areas where space is limited. The full grade of rank title will be used when correspond- ing with the general public and non±DOD agencies. The full general officer title will be used on official correspondence. The short form of abbreviating general officer grade of rank (LTG, MG, BG), may be used on informal correspondence and personal correspondence as desired. Short form abbreviations for military grade of rank are shown in chapters 2 and 3. h. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms not contained in

t h i s r e g u l a t i o n m a y b e u s e d w i t h i n D A u n d e r t h e f o l l o w i n g


( 1 ) W h e n n e e d e d t o m e e t e l e c t r i c a c c o u n t i n g m a c h i n e

requirements. (2) When published as part of a DOD or DA standard data element. Questions on the suitability of abbreviations in the standard data elements are resolved by the Commander, U.S. Army Informa- tion Systems Software Support Command, ATTN ASB±TE, Fort

Belvoir, VA 22060±5456.

(3) In correspondence between office and activities in the same scientific or technical field where specialized abbreviations havequotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20