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Chapter 7

Linear TransformationsPo-Ning Chen, Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering

National Chiao Tung University

Hsin Chu, Taiwan 30050, R.O.C.

7.1 The idea of a linear transformation


•AtransformationTis simply a mapping fromVtoW.

•It is sometimes denoted asT:V?→W.

•A transformation is linear if

1.T(v 1 W T(v 2 )=T(v 1 V v 2


V v)=c· W T(v) where "+ W V "and"· W V " denote some general "additions" and "mul- tiplications" defined overWandV, respectively.

VandWare usually vector spacesVandW.

For simplicity, we will drop the subscripts in "+" and "." (in case there is no ambiguity in these operations).

7.1 The idea of a linear transformation


Important notes on linear transformation

•A line segment will be transformed to a line segment. T(a 1 v 1 +(1-a 1 )v 2 )=a 1 T(v 1 )+(1-a 1 )T(v 2 )=a 1 w 1 +(1-a 1 )w 2 •Hence, a triangle will be transformed into a triangle.

•0inVwill be transformed to0inW.


Note again that the0inVand the0inWmay be different. For example, T ?0 0 0? =?0 0?

7.1 Kernel

7-3 Definition (Kernel):Thekernelof a transformationTis the set of allvsuch that


•The concept of "kernel" becomes more evidently important when the transfor- mationTis linear. •For a linear transformation, the number of elements in the set


is a constant, independent ofw.


-Suppose distinctv 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 ,...,v k satisfyingT(v i k,wherek=|K(w)|is the size of the setK(w). Then, either|K(˜w)|≥k or|K(˜w)|= 0 because for a given˜vsatisfyingT(˜v)=˜w,wehave


i -v 1 )=T(˜v)+T(v i )-T(v 1 -Since we can interchange the role ofwand˜w, we conclude that|K(w)|= |K(˜w)|if they are positive.?

7.1 Kernel

7-4 •Note that sinceT(0)=0for a linear transformation,K(0) cannot be empty. So|V| |K(0)| will give the number of elementswinWsuch thatT(v)=wfor somev. Definition (Range):Therangeof a transformationTis the set of allwsuch that

T(v)=wfor somev.

I.e., {w?W:?vsuch thatT(v)=w}.

Important fact about linear transformation

•A linear transformation from a vector spaceVto a vector spaceWcan always be represented as Av=w by properly selecting the matrixA.


Kernel=Null spaceofA

Range=Column spaceofA

7.1 Problem discussion

7-5 (Problem 16, Section 7.1) SupposeTtransposes every matrixM. Try to find a matrixAwhich givesAM=M T for everyM. Show that no matrixAwill do it. To professors:Is this a linear transformation that doesn"t come from a matrix. Thinking over Problem 16:Define a transformation that maps a matrixM


to its transposeM T . Is this a linear transformation?



1 +M 2 )=(M 1 +M 2 T =M T1 +M T2 =T(M 1 )+T(M 2


T =cM T =c·T(M) hence, it is a linear transformation.?

7.1 Problem discussion


•There does not exist any matrixA


satisfyingAM=M T

•But there does exist a matrixA


satisfying A? ??m 1,1 m 1,2 m 2,1 m 2,2 ??m 1,1 m 2,1 m 1,2 m 2,2 So a linear transformation can always be represented asAv




(since the dimension ofMisfour).

7.2 The matrix of a linear transformation


For a linear transformation


how to find its equivalent matrix representation A m×n v n×1 =w m×1


•Denote the standard basis for vector spaceVby

e 1 ??1 0... 0? ??,e 2 ??0 1... 0? ??,...,e n ??0 0... 1?


i )=Ae i gives ?T(e 1 )T(e 2 )···T(e n )?=A?e 1 e 2


n ?=A.

7.2 The matrix of a linear transformation

7-8 Example.v(x) = a polynomial ofxof order 3, andT(v)=∂v(x) ∂x.

•The bases forv(x)are1,x,x

2 ,x 3 . Or in vector forms,? ??1 0 0 0? ??0 1 0 0? ??0 0 1 0? ??0 0 0 1?


2 )T(x 3 )?=?012x3x 2

Or in matrix form,A=?

?0100 0020 0003?

7.2 The matrix of a linear transformation


•Hence, ifv(x)=1+2x+x

3 ??1 2 0 1? ??,then ∂v(x) ∂x=A? ??1 2 0 1? ?2 0 3? =2+3x 2

7.2 The matrix of a linear transformation


For a linear transformation


how to find its equivalent matrix representation A m×n v n×1 =w m×1 (by the bases other thane 1 ,e 2 ,...,e n


•Denote a basis for vector spaceVbyv

1 ,v 2 ,...,v n

•Denote a basis for vector spaceWbyw

1 ,w 2 ,...,w m

•Suppose that

T(v i )=b 1,i w 1 +b 2,i w 2 +···+b m,i w m


i )=Av i gives A ?v 1 v 2


n ?=?T(v 1 )T(v 2 )···T(v n )?=?w 1


m ???b 1,1 b 1,2


1,m b 2,1 b 2,2


2,m b m,1 b m,2



7.2 The matrix of a linear transformation




1 )T(v 2 )···T(v n )??v 1 v 2


n -1 =?w 1


m ??b 1,1 b 1,2


1,m b 2,1 b 2,2


2,m b m,1 b m,2


m,m ???v 1 v 2


n -1 Example (Example 6 in the textbook):Tprojects a vector in? 2 onto the line passing via (0,0) and (1,1). Find the projection matrixA.

Solution 1:


T??1 0?? T??0 1??? 121

7.2 The matrix of a linear transformation


Solution 2:


1 1 21
2 andv 2 1 21

