[PDF] [PDF] 1 Reducability

ETM = {〈M〉 M is a TM such that L(M) = {}} is undecidable Let R be a TM that decides ETM If A ≤m B and B is recognizable, then A is recognizable

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[PDF] Homework 10 Solutions

However, ETM is Turing-recognizable (HW 8, problem 4) and ATM is not Turing- recognizable (Corollary 4 23), contradicting Theorem 5 22 3 Consider the 

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Consider the emptiness problem for Turing machines: ETM = { 〈M〉 M is a Turing machine with L(M) = ∅} Show that ETM is co-Turing-recognizable (A 

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If both L and L are recognizable then L is decidable As we know that ATM , HALTTM , ETM are recognizable, their complements cannot be rec- ognizable, 

[PDF] 10 Reducibility

HALTTM is Turing-recognizable since it can be recognized by TM U ETM = {< M > M is a TM and L(M) = /0} is undecidable Proof: Reduce ATM to ETM

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But, ¬ETM is Turing recognizable and ¬ATM is not, which contradicts Theorem 5 22 This is a contradiction Therefore, ATM is not mapping reducible to ETM 5 7 A 

[PDF] 1 Reducability

ETM = {〈M〉 M is a TM such that L(M) = {}} is undecidable Let R be a TM that decides ETM If A ≤m B and B is recognizable, then A is recognizable


ETM = { M is TM, L(M) is empty} A Decidable B Undecidable, recognizable, with recognizable complement C Undecidable, recognizable, with  

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28 nov 2006 · The emptiness problem, ETM = {(M )M is a TM and L(M) = ∅}, is undecidable How to prove a language is Turing-recognizable or

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CSCC63 Worksheet { Reducability

For your reference,ATMis dened to be the languagefhM;wi jMacceptswg.

1 ReducabilityTheorem 5.1

HALT TM=fhM;wi jMis aTMthat halts on inputwgis undecidable.Proof. Assume thatTM RdecidesHALTTMand we will constructTM Sto decide the acceptance prob- lem.

S= \On inputhM;wi,


Run TM Ron inputhM;wi


If Rrejects,reject.


If Raccepts, simulateMonwuntil it halts.

4. If Mhas accepted,accept; ifMhas rejected,reject.Theorem 5.2 E TM=fhMi jMis a TM such thatL(M) =fggis undecidable.Proof Idea.

LetRbe a TM that decidesETM.

ConstructSthat decidesATMusingR.

Construct anotherTM M1which behaves likeMon inputw, but rejects all other inputs. PassM1toR. IfL(M1) is empty, thenRaccepts (i.e.,M1does not acceptw.) IfM1acceptsw, thenL(M1)6=fg, soRrejects andSaccepts. 1 Proof.AssumeRdecidesETM, and constructSas follows:

S= \On inputhM;wi:


Construct hM1i, fromMandw:


1= \On inputx:


Else accept ifMacceptsw."

2. Run Ron inputhM1iand do the opposite (ifRaccepts, reject; ifRrejects, accept)."

Hence,SdecidesATM, a contradiction!Theorem 5.4

EQ TM=fhM1;M2ijM1andM2areTMs such thatL(M1) =L(M2)gis undecidable.Proof Idea. Q.Which undecidable language should we use to show thatEQTMis undecidable? E TM

Q.How does the reduction work?


ConstructME, a TM that doesn't accept anything.

To determine ifL(M) is empty, passMandMEtoEQTM


AssumeRdecidesEQTMand constructSto decideETM.

S= \On inputhMi:


Compute hMEi, the description of the followingTM:

2.ME= \On inputx: reject."


Run Ron inputhM;M0i.


If Raccepts,accept, ifRrejects,reject."

ThenSdecidesETM, contradiction.


Theorem 5.3


TM=fhMi jMis aTMsuch thatL(M)is regulargis undecidable.Exercise: Try this one (useATMas the other language). The solution is in the textbook and

we'll discuss in tutorial.

2 Mapping Reducibility and Formalizing Reduction Proofs

General structure ofproof of undecidabilityof some languageA:


S= \On inputx:

Computeysuch thaty2A()x2B.

RunRonyandacceptifRaccepts andrejectifRrejects."


Since the structure is always the same, concentrate on \core" part: construction ofyfromxsuch thaty2A()x2B.Denition 5.20Mapping Reducibility (a.k.a reduction).

LanguageAismapping reducibleto languageB, written

AmB if there is acomputable functionf:!, where for everyw, w2A,f(w)2B: The functionfis called thereductionofAtoB.Example 5.26.ETMmEQTM.

GivenhMi, constructhM1;M2ias follows:


M2= a xedTMthat rejects all inputs

This is computable (copy string, append constant string). 3

SinceL(M1) =L(M) andL(M2) =fg

hMi 2ETM()L(M) =fg ()L(M1) =L(M2) () hM1;M2i 2EQTM:Theorem 5.22

IfAmBandBis decidable, thenAis decidable.

Theorem 5.28

IfAmBandBis recognizable, thenAis recognizable.Corollary 5.23

IfAmBandAis undecidable, thenBis undecidable.

Corollary 5.29:

IfAmBandAis unrecognizable, thenBis unrecognizable.Properties.



(Straight from denition, since statement \w2A()f(w)2B" is equivalent to \w62A() f(w)62B" and \w62A" = \w2AC".)



(Easy exercise, based on function composition: if f,g computable, then g(f()) computable.)

3 Let's Practice.

We showed thatETMis undecidable by showing a reduction fromATMtoETM. The proof was: Proof.AssumeRdecidesETM, and constructSas follows:

S= \On inputhM;wi:


Construct hM1i, fromMandw:


1= \On inputx:



Else accept ifMacceptsw."

2. Run Ron inputhM1iand do the opposite (ifRaccepts, reject; ifRrejects, accept)."

Hence,SdecidesATM, a contradiction!

This is actually a proof thatATMmECTM.Why??.

In fact one can prove thatATM6mETM. (done in tutorial)

3.1 Prove thatHALTTMisundecidable.

Q.What is thereduction?



GivenhM;wi, constructhM0;w0isuch that

Macceptsw()M0halts onw0

or equivalently (hM;wiinATM)()(hM0;w0iinHALTTM) . Dene M0=Mexcept replace all transitions toqrejectwith transition to stateqnew, then add transitions fromqnewtoqnewfor each input symbol (qnewis deliberate innite loop) w' =w


IfMacceptsw, thenM0acceptsw0;

ifMrejectsw, thenM0loops onw0; ifMloops onw, thenM0loops onw0, i.e.,Macceptsw()M0halts onw0, as desired. 5

4 Mapping Reducibility Examples cont'd

A TMmREGULARTM:Goal.GivenhM;wi, constructhM0isuch that

Macceptsw()L(M0) is regular

of equivalently (hM;wiinATM)()(hM0iinREGULARTM) M

0= \On input x:


Accept if x= 0n1nfor somen0.


Else, run Monwand do the same."


IfMacceptsw, thenM0accepts everything, i.e.,L(M0) = isregular; ifMdoes not acceptw, thenM0accepts only 0n1n, i.e.,L(M0) =f0n1n:n0gis not regular.

5 Examples cont...EQ

TMis neitherrecognizablenorco-recognizable.Recall a language isco-recognizableif its complement is recognizable.

Similar denition for decidability unnecessary { do you see why? Q.What is thereductionto show thatEQTMis notco-recognizable? A


Q.Why does this work?

Because it is equiv. toAcTMmEQcTMandAcTMis not recognizable.

On inputhM;wi, constructhM1;M2ias follows:

1.M1= \On inputx: runMonw(ignorex) and do the same."

2.M2= \On inputx: accept."



hM;wi 2ATM()Macceptsw ()M1accepts every string ()L(M1) =L(M2) () hM1;M2i 2EQTM:

This proves thatEQTMis notco-recognizable.

Q.How can we show thatEQTMisnot recognizable?

ShowATMmEQcTM(equiv. toAcTMmEQTM):

On inputhM;wi, constructhM1;M2ias follows:

1.M1= \On inputx: runMonw(ignorex) and do the same."

2.M2= \On inputx: reject."


hM;wi 2ATM()Macceptsw ()M1accepts every string ()L(M1)6=L(M2) () hM1;M2i 62EQTM () hM1;M2i 2EQcTM:

This proves thatEQTMisnot recognizable.

6 Examples cont...INF=fhMi:L(M) contains innitely many stringsgis neitherrecognizablenorco-recognizable.Q.What should thereductionbe to proveINFis notco-recognizable?




SinceHALTTMis not decidable, but is recognizable (easy to report ifMhalts onw), it must be thatHALTCTMisnotrecognizable. 7

On inputhM;wi, constructhM0ias follows:

M'= \On inputx:


Run Monw.


Accept if Mhalts."


IfMhaltsonw, thenM0accepts all strings soL(M')isinnite. IfMloopsonw, thenM0accepts no string soL(M0) isnite.

This showsINFcisunrecognizable.

Q.How can we show thatINFis notrecognizable?

We can show thatHALTTMmINFc.

On inputhM;wi, constructhM0ias follows:


0= \On inputx:


Run Monwforjxjsteps.


Accept if Mhas not halted."


IfMhalts onw, thenM0accepts only the strings up to a certain length, soL(M0) is nite. IfMloops onw, thenM0accepts all strings soL(M0) is innite.

This showsINFisunrecognizable.
