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Milk is a mixture consisting of two different phases: a water phase – also called an aqueous phase -‐and a fat/oil phase (Table 16 1) When a mixture is

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[PDF] Milk - University of San Diego Home Pages

Milk is a mixture consisting of two different phases: a water phase – also called an aqueous phase -‐and a fat/oil phase (Table 16 1) When a mixture is

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C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page1Guided Inquiry Activity #16 MilkModel1.Milkisaliquid r ducedbyanimalscalledmammalst n urishtheirbabies.Animalsfr mg atst buffal ,shee andc w,evenhumans r ducemilk!Milkisarichandc m lexs urce fnutriti n.S whatexactlyismilk?Figure16.1.Amilk-fatgl buleisadr let ffatc atedwithamembrane f h s h li idsand r tein.Milkisamixturec nsisting ftw different hases:awater hase-als calledanaqueousphase-andafat/ il hase(Table16.1).Whenamixtureisc m sed ftw differentty es f hases,itiscalledheter gene us-where"heter "meansdifferent.Thewater haseandthem leculesdiss lvedinitarepolar rhydrophilic,whilethefat/ il haseandthem leculesdiss lvedinitarenon-polarandhydrophobic.Thewater/aque us haseis ftencalledtheserum-itc ntains r teinsandsugardissol-edinthewater.Milk r teinisc m rised flargelycaseinandwhey r teins,whilethem stabundantsugarinmilkislactose.Milkfatsaredis ersedasfatdr lets(als calledfatglobules)withintheaque us/water hase-thesefatdr letsareencasedinamembrane f h s h li idsand r teins.

C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page2Guided Inquiry Activity #16 N rmally,wew uldex ecttheret beadistinctb undarybetweenthesetw hases-since" ilandwaterd n'tmix,"butwheny ubuymilkfr mthegr ceryst re,y ud n'tseetw hases-thatisbecausethemixturehasbeenhomogenized,thatis-madeint anemulsion1.Table16.1.Thec m nents fmilkWater(Aqueous)Phase=SerumFat/OilPhaseWaterPr teinCasein,wheyLact seFatdr lets(gl bules)FatsolublevitaminsSelect r teinsMineralsWatersolubleVitaminsS mecellsTheenzymeli aseFigure16.2.Fatdr letsdis ersedinthewater/aque us hase fmilk.Rawmilkstraightfr mthedairyc wwilleventuallyse arateint tw hasesu nstanding-thewater hase ntheb tt m,andthecream( rfat hase) nt -hencetheex ressi n,"thecreamwillrisetothetop."Whenfats/ ilsandwaterareaggressivelymixeduntiltheyf rmastablemixture(i.e. nethatisn tse aratedint tw hases)itiscalledanemulsion.Aggressivemixing fthefatgl bulesduringhomogenizationshearsthegl bulemembranesmakingmanysmallerfatgl bules.Therearen'ten ugh h s h li idst c atthemany,smallerfatdr lets-s clum s fcasein r teinstickt theex sedareas fthefatdr let,andhel t emulsifythefatandwater hases.1SeeActivity12f raless n nemulsi ns

C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page3Guided Inquiry Activity #16 Figure16.3.Whatha enst amilk-fatgl buleduringh m genizati n.

C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page4Guided Inquiry Activity #16 Questi ns:1. Milkisaheter gene usmixture.Thew rdheter gene usc mesfr mtheLainheter-meaningdifferentandgenosmeaningkind-essentially,milkisn tunif rmthr ugh ut.Ex lainthechemicalreas ningbehindwhymilkisclassifiedasaheter gene usmixture.Usethew rdphasesiny uranswer.2. Wh lemilkc ntains3.5%fatwhileskimmilkc ntains0.5%fat,whileheavy/whi ingcreamsc ntain30-40%fat.Skimmilkandheavycreamareb thmadefr mwh lemilkwhilethemilkisstill"raw"(thatis,bef rehomogenization).a. Pr seameth df rmakingal wer-fatmilkuseraw,wh lemilkasthestarting int.b. Pr seameth df rmakingheavycreamusingraw,wh lemilkasthestarting int.c. Whymustthemilkbeun-h m genized?

C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page5Guided Inquiry Activity #16 3. Theresult fh m genizati nismanysmallermilk-fatgl buleswh sefatdr letsare nly artiallyc veredbymembranes.Theex sedli iddr letsquicklybec mec veredwithcasein r teinsfr mtheliquid hase fthemilk.These"casein-studded" articles reventthegl bulesfr mmergingt getherint asinglelayer ffat.Whyarethecasein-studdedfatgl buleslesslikelyt c mbinewith nean ther?Whatkee sthemse arate?(andkee syourmilkfr mse aratingint waterandcream!)

C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page6Guided Inquiry Activity #16 Model2.MilkProteins-Whilethereareth usands findividual r teinsinmilk,theyare ftendividedint tw classes:casein r tein rwhey r tein.Ify uweret addacid2(suchasvinegar)t milky uw uldcreates ftwhiteclum ssurr undedbyayell wishwhiteliquid.Thewhiteclum saremade fdenatured,c agulated r teinandfat.Theadditi n facidunravelsthe r teinbyadding r t ns(H+)thatchangethecharges fs meamin acidresidues-likeglutamate,sh wnbel w(Figure16.4).Thedisru ti n fchargedisru tsthen n-c valentinteracti nsthath ldthe r teinstructuret gether-thisiscalled,denaturation.Thethree-dimensi nal r teinstructurehaswater-l ving(hydr hilic) arts nthe utsideandwater-hating(hydr h bic) art ntheinside fthef lded r tein.3Theaciddenatured r teincoagulateswith therunraveled r teinandfat(remember,fatishydr h bic)bystickingtheex sedhydr h bicareast gether.Thecoagulationmakess ftlum s fins luble r teinandtra edfat.Figure.16.4.Acidicc nditi nsprotonateglutamateanddisru titsn n-c valentinteracti ns.2F raless n nacids,seeactivity83Seeactivity6f raless n nhigher rder r teinstructure

C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page7Guided Inquiry Activity #16 The r teinincurdsismadeentirely fcasein.The r teincaseinis articularlyunstablet aciddenaturationbecauseithass manynegativecharges(assh wninthecart n,FigureX.X).Interestingly,whilethecasein r teinsdenatureandc agulateunderacidicc nditi ns,bothcaseinandwhey r teinsaresur risinglystablet heat.Thisiswhymilkcanbeaddedt h tc ffee rh tteawith ut r ducingclum s fdenaturedandc agulated r tein.Figure16.5.CurdsversusWheyFurtherm re,pasteurizationisthe r cess fquicklyheatingandthenc lingthemilkt tem eratureshighen ught killanyc ntaminatingbacteria r thermicr bes resentintherawmilkbutn ten ughheatt destr ythenutritive r erties fmilk.Theheatstable r teinsmakepasteurizationeffectiveinsterilizingmilkf rl ng-termst rage.Questions:4. InFigure16.4,thesidechain faglutamateresidueisprotonated.Circlethehydr genthatwasaddedt glutamate.5. Areci ef rmakingc ttagecheesebeginswiththef ll winginstructi ns:"Pourtheskimmilkintoalargesaucepanandplaceo-ermediumheat.Heatto120°F.Remo-efromtheheatandgentlypourinthe-inegar.Stirslowlyfor1to2minutes.Co-erandallowtositatroomtemperaturefor30minutes."a. Whatchemistryis ccurringherewiththeadditi n fvinegar?b. Whatsh uldthismixturel klikeaftersittingf r30minutes?

C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page8Guided Inquiry Activity #16 6. Analternativereci ef rcurdlingmilk(generatingcurdsandwhey)callsf raddinglem njuicet warmmilk.Whyd estheadditi n flem njuice r ducecurdsandwhey?7. Whenmilkhasg ne-erybad,bacteriainthemilkgeneratelacticacid.H wd esthisex lainthelum sins urmilk?8. Rawmilkis-bydefiniti n-milkthathasn tbeen asteurized rh m genized.Thesale frawmilkisregulatedbytheFDAbecauseitc ntainsbacteria(s mefr mthegut fthec w,buts metimesthemilkcanbec ntaminatedwithbacteriafr mthe...uh...tailarea...yuck).a. Whyd y uthinktheg vernmentrequires asteurizati n?b. Ish m genizati nnecessaryf rhealthreas ns?Whyh m genize?

C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page9Guided Inquiry Activity #16 Model3.Milksugar-Lact seisadimer( radisaccharide) fglucoseandgalactose-itisals acarbohydrate.Aswehaveseen,Gluc seisanim rtants urce fenergyf rtheb dy,whilegalact seisals anim rtantcellularbuildingbl ck.Galact seisn tbr kend wnasafuels urce-ratheritisusedt makethecellmembrane(thethinexteri rlayer fthecell)inanimalcells.F rtheb dyt beablet usethegluc seandgalact sefr mlact se,theb ndh ldingthetw sugarm leculest gethermustbebr ken.Anenzyme r ducedinthegutcalledlactasebindslact seandusesawaterm leculet breakthec valentb ndh ldingthetw iecest gether.Thisreacti n r ducesgluc seandgalact sef rtheb dyt abs rbanduse.S whatha ensifa ers nd esn't r ducelactaseandc ntinuest drinkmilkandeaticecream?Thelactoseisn tbr kend wninthegut;waterthenrushesint theintestinescreatingabl atedfeelingandwateryst l.Ifthiswasn'tbaden ugh,thenaturalbacteriaf undinhumanintestinesareablet digestthelact se, r ducingcarb ndi xide(CO2),methane(CH4)andhydr gen(H2)gases-resultinginflatulence,cram s,bl atinganddiarrhea.Thissyndr meiscalledlactoseintoleranceand ccursm st fteninadults.Figure16.6.Lact seisbr kenint gluc seandgalact sebytheenzymelactase.

C yright©2016Wiley,Inc.Page10Guided Inquiry Activity #16 Questi ns:9. Lactaidisa r ductthaty ucanaddt dairyf dsbef rec nsumingthemin rdert makethef d"lact se-free".Themanufacturer'swebsitec ntainsthef ll wingdescri ti n flactaid:"LACTAID®DietarySu lementsc ntainthenaturalenzymey uneedt digestdairy,s y ucanenj ydairywheneverandwherevery uch se."Based nthisex lanati n,ex lainthechemistrybehindh wLactaidhel sthelact seint lerantt digestdairy.10. Lact seint leranceisgenerallyac nditi n fgr wnadults( nlyinrarecasesd esitaffectchildren).Whydidnatureensurelact setoleranceinbabiesandchildren,whileadultscanbec melact seintolerant?
