[PDF] [PDF] Thinking in Java Revision 10a - CIn UFPE

The basic philosophy of Java is that “badly-formed code will not be run ” As much as possible, the compiler catches problems, but sometimes the problems – 

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[PDF] Thinking in Java Revision 10a - CIn UFPE

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About "Thinking in C++":Best Book! Winner of the Software Development Magazine Jolt Award! "This book is a tremendous achievement. You owe it to yourself to have a copy on your shelf. The chapter on iostreams is the most comprehensive and understandable treatment of that subject I've seen to date."

Al Stevens

Contributing Editor, Doctor Dobbs Journal

"Eckel's book is the only one to so clearly explain how to rethink program construction for object orientation. That the book is also an excellent tutorial on the ins and outs of C++ is an added bonus."

Andrew Binstock

Editor, Unix Review

"Bruce continues to amaze me with his insight into C++, and Thinking in C++ is his best collection of ideas yet. If you want clear answers to difficult questions about C++, buy this outstanding book."

Gary Entsminger

Author, The Tao of Objects

"Thinking in C++ patiently and methodically explores the issues of when and how to use inlines, references, operator overloading, inheritance and dynamic objects, as well as advanced topics such as the proper use of templates, exceptions and multiple inheritance. The entire effort is woven in a fabric that includes Eckel's own philosophy of object and program design. A must for every C++ developer's bookshelf, Thinking in C++ is the one C++ book you must have if you're doing serious development with C++."

Richard Hale Shaw

Contributing Editor, PC Magazine


JavaBruce EckelPresident, MindView Inc.

©1997 All Rights ReservedRevision 10a, November 14, 1997 This file may be mirrored along with the site by obtaining permission from the author. The electronic version of the book is available free; you can get an updated copy along with source code at http://www.EckelObjects.com. Corrections are greatly appreciated;

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Hands-On Java Seminar

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Includes in-class programming exercises

· Also: Intermediate/Advanced seminars

Bruce Eckel's Hands-On Java Seminar

Multimedia CD

It22s like coming to the seminar!

Available at http://www.EckelObjects.com

(Available December 1997)Contains: · Overhead slides and Audio for all the lectures: just play it to see and hear the lectures! · Entire set of lectures is keyword indexed so you can rapidly locate the discussion of the subject you're interested in · Electronic version of "Thinking in Java" book on CD with automatic Internet update system

· Source code from the book


To the person who, even now,

is creating the next great computer language


What's Inside...11Preface171: Introduction to objects292: Everything is an object593: Controlling program flow79

4: Initialization & cleanup1195: Hiding the implementation1516: Reusing classes1697: Polymorphism1938: Holding your objects2459: Error handling with exceptions275

10: The Java IO system30111: Run-time type identification35912: Passing and returning objects379

13: Creating windows & applets413

14: Multiple threads515

15: Network programming571

16: Design patterns631

17: Projects669A: Using non-Java code699

B: Comparing C++ and Java701

C: Java programming guidelines709

D: A bit about garbage collection713

E: Recommended reading717


@What's Inside...


What22s Inside..11

Learning Java..........18




Source code............23

Coding standards.............24

Java versions............25

Seminars & Mentoring....25



1: Introduction to objects29The progress of abstraction.30

An object has an interface..31

The hidden implementation.32

Reusing the implementation33

Inheritance: reusing the interface


Overriding base-class functionality


Is-a vs. is-like-a relationships..35

Interchangeable objects with


Dynamic binding..............37

The abstract base class......37

Object landscapes and lifetimes

..........................38 Collections and iterators......39The singly-rooted hierarchy....40

Collection libraries and support for easy

collection use..................41

The housekeeping dilemma: who should

clean up?........................42

Exception handling: dealing with errors




Java and the Internet.......45

What is the Web?..............45

Client-side programming.....47

Server-side programming......51

A separate arena: applications.51

Online documentation......51

Analysis & Design..........52

Staying on course.............52

Phase 0: Let's make a plan...53

Phase 1: What are we making?53

Phase 2: How will we build it?54

Phase 3: Let's build it!..........55

Phase 4: Iteration..............55

Plans pay off....................56

Java vs. C++?.............56

2: Everything is an object59You manipulate objects through handles


You must create all the objects60

Where storage lives...........61

Special case: primitive types.....62

Arrays in Java...................63

You never have to destroy an object



Scope of objects.............64

Creating new data types: class65Fields and methods........65Methods, arguments and return values ................67The argument list........67

Building a Java program...68

Name visibility............68

Using other components....69

The static keyword.........69

Your first Java program....71

Comments & embedded documentation


Comment documentation...73


Embedded HTML..............74

@see: referring to other classes75

Class documentation tags.......75

Variable documentation tags...76

Method documentation tags...76

Documentation example.....77

Coding style..............77



3: Controlling program flow79

Using Java operators......79Precedence...................80


Mathematical operators........82

Auto increment and decrement84

Relational operators...........85

Logical operators...............86

Bitwise operators..............88

Shift operators..................89

Ternary if-else operator......92

The comma operator.........93

String operator +.............93

Common pitfalls when using operators


Casting operators..............94

Java has no "sizeof"...........96

Precedence revisited..........96

A compendium of operators.....97Execution control........105

True and false.................105




Break and continue..........108




4: Initialization & cleanup119Guaranteed initialization with the


Method overloading.........121

Distinguishing overloaded methods


Overloading with primitives..123

Overloading on return values127

Default constructors..............127

The this keyword...........128Cleanup: finalization & garbage collection...................130

What is finalize( ) for?..........131

You must perform cleanup.....132Member initialization........135Specifying initialization.....136 Constructor initialization..137Array initialization.......142 Mulitdimensional arrays...146Summary..................148


5: Hiding the implementation151

Package: the library unit..152Creating unique package names154

A custom tool library.........156

Package caveat.................158

Java access specifiers....159

"Friendly"........................159 public: interface access.....159 private: you can't touch that!161 protected: "sort of friendly".162

Interface & implementation163

Class access...............164



6: Reusing classes169Composition syntax.....169

Inheritance syntax.......172

Initializing the base class...174Combining composition & inheritance ............................176

Guaranteeing proper cleanup.177

Name hiding....................180

Choosing composition vs. inheritance

...............................181 protected.............182

Incremental development...182


Why "upcasting"?........184

The final keyword.......185

Final data..................185

Final methods.............188

Final classes................188

Final caution................189

Initialization & class loading190

Initialization with inheritance190



7: Polymorphism193Upcasting.............193

Why upcast?..........194

The twist..........196

Method call binding.......196

Producing the right behavior.197


Overriding vs. overloading.202

Abstract classes & methods203


"Multiple inheritance" in Java209

Extending an interface with inheritance


Grouping constants.......212

Initializing fields in interfaces212

Inner classes............213

Inner classes and upcasting...214

Inner classes in methods & scopes216

The link to the outer class.....220

Inheriting from inner classes.224

Can inner classes be overridden?225

Inner class identifiers.....226

Why inner classes: control frameworks


Constructors & polymorphism232

Order of constructor calls...233

Inheritance and finalize( )....234

Behavior of polymorphic methods inside


Designing with inheritance239

Pure inheritance vs. extension240

Downcasting & run-time type identification




8: Holding your objects245Arrays................245

Arrays are first-class objects.246

Returning an array..........249


Disadvantage: unknown type251

Enumerators (iterators)...255

Types of collections....258





Enumerators revisited...........267


The generic collection library272



9: Error handling with

exceptions275Basic exceptions.......276 Exception arguments......277Catching an exception...277

The try block..................278

Exception handlers.........278

The exception specification..279

Catching any exception....280

Rethrowing an exception...281

Standard java exceptions...284

The special case of RuntimeException


Creating your own exceptions285

Exception restrictions....288

Performing cleanup with finally


What's finally for?........292

Pitfall: the lost exception....294


Exception matching.....298

Exception guidelines........299Summary..................300


10: The Java IO system301Input and output.......302

Types of InputStream.......302

Types of OutputStream......303

Adding attributes & useful interfaces


Reading from an InputStream with


Writing to an OutputStream with


Off by itself: RandomAccessFile


The File class............308

A directory lister............308

Checking for and creating directories

..................................312Typical uses of IO streams.314

Input streams.................316

Output streams..............318

Shorthand for file manipulation319

Reading from standard input.320

Piped streams.............321



Java 1.1 IO streams.....326

Sources & sinks of data.....327

Modifying stream behavior..327

Unchanged classes........328

An example................329

Redirecting standard IO....332


Simple compression with GZIP334

Multi-file storage with zip....335

The Java archive (jar) utility..337

Object serialization......338

Finding the class............342

Controlling serialization.....343

Using persistence...........350



11: Run-time

type identification359The need for RTTI.....359

The Class object........362

Checking before a cast.....364

RTTI syntax.........369

Reflection: run-time class information


A class method extractor.....372



12: Passing and

returning objects379Passing handles around...380


Making local copies....382

Pass by value..............382

Cloning objects..............383

Adding cloneability to a class.384

Successful cloning...........385

The effect of Object.clone( )..387

Cloning a composed object...388

A deep copy with Vector..390

Deep copy via serialization....392

Adding cloneability further down a hierarchy


Why this strange design?..394

Controlling cloneability....395

The copy-constructor........399

Read-only classes.......402

Creating read-only classes.....403

The drawback to immutability404

Immutable Strings.........406

The String and StringBuffer classes


Strings are special..........411



13: Creating windows

& applets413Why use the AWT?......414

The basic applet.........415

Testing applets................417

A more graphical example..418

Demonstrating the framework methods


Making a button........419

Capturing an event.....420

Text fields..................422

Text areas..................423


Check boxes..............426Radio buttons............427

Drop-down lists.........428

List boxes..................429

handleEvent( )...............430

Controlling layout......432






Alternatives to action().....436

Applet restrictions.........440

Applet advantages...........441

Windowed applications......442


Dialog boxes.....................445

The new AWT............450

The new event model.........451

Event and listener types.....452

Making windows and applets with the Java

1.1 AWT..........................457

Revisiting the earlier examples459

Binding events dynamically...475

Separating business logic from ui logic


Recommended coding approaches478

New Java 1.1 UI APIs.........492

Desktop colors.................492
