This lecture has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts related to Java Programming language

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Java is a high-level programming language originally TevelopeT by Sun ÓicroVyVWemV anT releaVeT in 1995. Java

runV on a varieWy of plaWformVH VucU aV PinTowVH Óac OSH anT WUe variouV verVionV of UNIX. TUiV WuWorial giveV a

compleWe unTerVWanTing of Java.

TUiV lecWure will Wake you WUrougU Vimple anT pracWical approacU wUile learning Java Programming language.


This lecWure UaV been prepareT for WUe beginnerV Wo Uelp WUem unTerVWanT WUe baVic Wo aTvanceT concepWV

relaWeT Wo Java Programming language.


Before you start doing practice with various types of examples given in this reference, I'm making an

aVVumpWion WUaW you are alreaTy aware abouW wUaW iV a compuWer program anT wUaW iV a compuWer programming language.


For most of the examples given in this tutorial you will find Try it option, so just make use of it and enjoy your


Try following example uVing Try it or Example opWion available aW WUe Wop rigUW corner of WUe below Vample coTe

boxJ public class MyFirstJavaProgram { public VWaWic voiT main(SWring []argV) {

SyVWem.ouW.prinWln("Hello PorlT");


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Java programming language was originally developed by Sun Microsystems which was initiated by James

GoVling anT releaVeT in 1995 aV core componenW of Sun ÓicroVyVWemVG Java plaWform (Java 1.0 [J2SN]).

AV of Mecember 2008H WUe laWeVW releaVe of WUe Java SWanTarT NTiWion iV 6 (J2SN). PiWU WUe aTvancemenW of Java

anT iWV wiTeVpreaT populariWyH mulWiple configuraWionV were builW Wo VuiWe variouV WypeV of plaWformV. NxJ J2NN

for NnWerpriVe ApplicaWionVH J2ÓN for Óobile ApplicaWionV.

Sun ÓicroVyVWemV UaV renameT WUe new J2 verVionV aV Java SNH Java NN anT Java ÓN reVpecWively. Java iV

guaranWeeT Wo be PriWe OnceH Run AnywUere.

Java is:


In JavaH everyWUing iV an ObjecW. Java can be eaVily exWenTeT Vince iW iV baVeT on WUe ObjecW moTel.


Unlike many oWUer programming languageV incluTing C anT C++H wUen Java iV compileTH iW iV noW compileT inWo

plaWform Vpecific macUineH raWUer inWo plaWform inTepenTenW byWe coTe. TUiV byWe coTe iV TiVWribuWeT over WUe

web anT inWerpreWeT by virWual ÓacUine (JVÓ) on wUicUever plaWform iW iV being run.


Java iV TeVigneT Wo be eaVy Wo learn. If you unTerVWanT WUe baVic concepW of OOP Java woulT be eaVy Wo maVWer.


PiWU JavaGV Vecure feaWure iW enableV Wo Tevelop viruV-freeH Wamper-free VyVWemV. AuWUenWicaWion WecUniqueV are

baVeT on public-key encrypWion.


Java compiler generaWeV an arcUiWecWure-neuWral objecW file formaW wUicU makeV WUe compileT coTe Wo be

execuWable on many proceVVorVH wiWU WUe preVence of Java runWime VyVWem.

porWable. Compiler in Java iV wriWWen in ANSI C wiWU a clean porWabiliWy bounTary wUicU iV a POSIX VubVeW.

Java makeV an efforW Wo eliminaWe error prone ViWuaWionV by empUaViYing mainly on compile Wime error cUecking

anT runWime cUecking.


PiWU JavaGV mulWiWUreaTeT feaWure iW iV poVVible Wo wriWe programV WUaW can To many WaVkV VimulWaneouVly. TUiV

TeVign feaWure allowV TeveloperV Wo conVWrucW VmooWUly running inWeracWive applicaWionV.


Java byWe coTe iV WranVlaWeT on WUe fly Wo naWive macUine inVWrucWionV anT iV noW VWoreT anywUere. TUe

TevelopmenW proceVV iV more rapiT anT analyWical Vince WUe linking iV an incremenWal anT ligUW weigUW proceVV.


PiWU WUe uVe of JuVW-In-Time compilerVH Java enableV UigU performance. Java iV TeVigneT for WUe TiVWribuWeT environmenW of WUe inWerneW.


Java iV conViTereT Wo be more Tynamic WUan C or C++ Vince iW iV TeVigneT Wo aTapW Wo an evolving environmenW.

Java programV can carry exWenVive amounW of run-Wime informaWion WUaW can be uVeT Wo verify anT reVolve

acceVVeV Wo objecWV on run-Wime.


James Gosling initiated the Java language project in June 1991 for use in one of his many set-Wop box projecWV.

TUe languageH iniWially calleT Oak afWer an oak Wree WUaW VWooT ouWViTe GoVlingGV officeH alVo wenW by WUe name

Green anT enTeT up laWer being renameT aV JavaH from a liVW of ranTom worTV.

Sun releaVeT WUe firVW public implemenWaWion aV Java 1.0 in 1995. IW promiVeT PriWe OnceH Run AnywUere

(PORA)H proviTing no-coVW run-WimeV on popular plaWformV.

On 13 November 2006H Sun releaVeT mucU of Java aV free anT open Vource VofWware unTer WUe WermV of WUe

GNU General Public LicenVe (GPL).

On 8 Óay 2007H Sun finiVUeT WUe proceVVH making all of JavaGV core coTe free anT open-VourceH aViTe from a

Vmall porWion of coTe Wo wUicU Sun TiT noW UolT WUe copyrigUW.



For performing the examples discussed in this tutorial, you will need a Pentium 200-ÓHY compuWer wiWU a

PinTowV 95I98I2000IXP operaWing VyVWem.


Java JDK 5

Microsoft Notepad or any other text editor


For tutorials and for Excercises we will use NetBeans, version 7.4. AVVemblerH ŃorWranH PHP anT oWUer programming languageV.


In our laboratories like 404, you have JAVA environment preinstalled. Please, check your desktop, where you


You also can yse remote access to JAVA envirnnment. anT you will geW login winTow. PleaVe fill "RDS.FSID.CVUT.CZ͞ anT preVV "Pripojit͞. remember login).

Ńor loginH wriWe "AD\͞ followeT by your login name anT paVVworTH like in WUe following exampleJ


Unfortunately, installation of NetBeans is not simple. IW iV quiWe a Wime-conVumpWing job.

If you are still willing to set up your environment for Java programming languageH WUen WUiV VecWion guiTeV you

on Uow Wo TownloaT anT VeW up Java on your macUine. PleaVe follow WUe following VWepV Wo VeW up WUe environmenW.

Java SN iV freely available from WUiV link. So you TownloaT a verVion baVeT on your operaWing VyVWem.

Ńollow WUe inVWrucWionV Wo TownloaT Java anT run WUe .exe Wo inVWall Java on your macUine. Once you inVWalleT

Java on your macUineH you woulT neeT Wo VeW environmenW variableV Wo poinW Wo correcW inVWallaWion TirecWorieVJ

Assuming you have installed Java in c:\Program ŃileV\java\jTk TirecWoryH rigUW-click on GÓy CompuWerG

anT VelecW GProperWieVG. Click on the 'Environment variables' button under the 'Advanced' tab.

Now, alter the 'Path' variable so that it also contains the path to the Java executable. Example, if the

paWU iV currenWly VeW Wo GCJ\PINMOPS\SYSTNÓ32GH WUen cUange your paWU Wo reaT GCJ\PINMOPS\SYSTNÓ32;cJ\Program ŃileV\java\jTk\binG. .NXN file anT follow inVWrucWionV.



Click Ńile AE New ProjecW anT VelecW JavaH Java ApplicaWionJ


Do not try to select other options. These options are intended for advanced users only.


After clicking "Next͞, new openV a winTow.

It is important to fill an unique anT Velf-explanaWory name for your new applicaWion. AlVoH if neceVVaryH you can cUange folTerV wUere uour projecW will be VaveT. NormallyH iW iV in



Usually, in any programming langue, WeacUerV VUow WUe firVW program on an example calleT "Hello World͞. This

program ToeV noWUing more WUan iW wriWeV greeWing on Vcreen. inWo WUree main parWVJ

1. In the first part, we can select our projects, files and libraries. For beginners, it is better not to change

anyWUing in WUiV parW.

2. Second part is of much better use. Here we can check variables, their values, attributes of classes etc.

NowH you cannoW unTerVWanT iWH buW iW will cUange Voon.

3. The third part is of most importance for us. Into this part we will write our programs. Please make a

noWe WUaW WUere exiVW Vome pre-TefineT WexWV. TUeVe WexWV form a VWanTarT VkeleWon of any java program.


PleaVe copy WUe following WexW

public class MyFirstJavaProgram { public VWaWic voiT main(SWring []argV) {

SyVWem.ouW.prinWln("Hello PorlT");

// TODO code application logic here

You can use standard CWrl+C anT CWrl+V VUorWcuWV. NaWurallyH you cannoW unTerVWanTH wUaW WUiV WexW meanV.

HoweverH you can wriWe iW properly "as is͞ Wo WeVW our java compiler anT programming environmenW.

Your Vcreen cUangeV aV followVJ

You can Vee WUaW in WUe lefWH reT poinWV wiWU exclamaWion maWkV appiereT. TUeVe reT poinWV mean WUaW WUere iV

an error in WUiV line. (IW iV beWWer Wo Vay WUaW there is an error somewhere around this line, or exactly, that this is

WUe place wUere an error waV TeWecWeT).

In our coTeH we inWenWionally maTe Vome errorV Wo VUowH wUaW UappeneT. AfWer you TeleWe all errorneouV lineVH

our coTe becomeV cleanJ


You can find a valiT Vouce coTe Uere.

In WUe menuH you can eiWUer VelecW greem arrowH or preVV Run AE Run ProjecWH or preVV Ń6. In eiWUer caVeH beginV

a proceVV of compiling anT running of our program.

In the lower part of screen, new window appears. Green colour anT "Build Successful͞ VUow WUaW compilaWion

waV VucceVVful anT our firVW program runV properly.

JuVW afWer line "run:͞, i.e. before green "BUILD SUCCNSSŃUL͞ you can Vee reVulWV of our program. AV iW waV

expecWeTH program wroWe "Hello World͞ Wo WUe ouWpuW.


Uave in our program a VemanWic errorH wUicU iV TifficculW Wo finT. In VucU caVeH iW iV uVeful Wo uVe breakpoints,

stepping anT variable watching.

LeW's wriWe a program Vimilar Wo Hello PorlTH buW a biW more comlicaWeT. TUe inner parW of coTe will be aV

followVJ public VWaWic voiT main(SWring[] argV) {

SyVWem.ouW.prinWln("Program beginV");

inW x = 123;

SyVWem.ouW.prinWln("Value x=");



SyVWem.ouW.prinWln("NowH value x=");


SyVWem.ouW.prinWln("Program WerminaWeV");

As you can see, we have several lines like SyVWem.ouW.prinWln( ); WUaWH aV we Vaw earlierH prinWV

VomeWUing Wo WUe ouWpuW. AlVoH we Uave a line int x = 123; TUiV creaWeV a variable wUoVe name iV x anT

wUoVe value iV 123. NowH leW's finT wUaW UappenV in line 21H wUere iV commanT x++;

ŃirVW of allH we will set a breakpoint Wo line 21. TUiV meanVH WUaW WUe program will run unWil iW reacUeV line 21. JuVW

before execuWing line 21H iW VWopV. Pe can VeW breakpoinW by clicking on number 21 lefW Wo WUe program lineH or

by rigUW mouVe AEToggle Breakpoint, or by Ctrl+F8. In either case, a red square appears instead of line number:

NowH if we run WUe program (Ń6)H iW normally runV anT WerminaWeV. alVo can Vee WUaW variable x UaV value 123 aW WUiV momenW.

Now, we can continue running of program (Ń5)H buW WUiV iV of no uVe for Tebugging anT WroubleVUooWing. ÓucU

beWWer iV Wo VWep WUe programH i.e. Wo go line-by-line. In Tebug menu we Uave Veveral opWionVJ

Step over - proceVVeV one line

Step into - proceVVeV one lineH buW if WUiV line iV a proceTure callH iW VWepV on firVW line of WUe proceTure

Step out - runV unWil iW leaveV proceTure

Run to cursor - runV Wo curVor

In WUiV ViWuaWionH we uVe Ń8 = SWep over. Program VWopV juVW before line 22. AV you can Vee on Tebug winTowH

value of x cUangeT Wo 124. In WUe oWUer worTVH commanT x++; on line 21 increaVeT value in x by 1.

Ńrom WUiV poinW we can VWep again anT againH or conWinue (Ń5) Wo finiVU WUe program. ReVulWing ouWpuW followVJ


Though it is possible to use spaces in applicaWion nameVH iW iV beWWer uVe nameV wiWUouW VpaceV. AV you can Vee
